/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /// @file /// @brief Test for mavlink log collection /// /// @author Don Gagne #include "MavlinkLogTest.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "MockLink.h" #include "QGCTemporaryFile.h" UT_REGISTER_TEST(MavlinkLogTest) const char* MavlinkLogTest::_tempLogFileTemplate = "FlightDataXXXXXX"; ///< Template for temporary log file const char* MavlinkLogTest::_logFileExtension = "mavlink"; ///< Extension for log files const char* MavlinkLogTest::_saveLogFilename = "qgroundcontrol.mavlink.ut"; ///< Filename to save log files to MavlinkLogTest::MavlinkLogTest(void) { } void MavlinkLogTest::init(void) { UnitTest::init(); // Make sure temp directory is clear of mavlink logs QDir tmpDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation)); QStringList logFiles(tmpDir.entryList(QStringList(QString("*.%1").arg(_logFileExtension)), QDir::Files)); foreach(QString logFile, logFiles) { bool success = tmpDir.remove(logFile); Q_UNUSED(success); Q_ASSERT(success); } } void MavlinkLogTest::cleanup(void) { UnitTest::cleanup(); // Make sure no left over logs in temp directory QDir tmpDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation)); QStringList logFiles(tmpDir.entryList(QStringList(QString("*.%1").arg(_logFileExtension)), QDir::Files)); QCOMPARE(logFiles.count(), 0); } void MavlinkLogTest::_createTempLogFile(bool zeroLength) { QGCTemporaryFile tempLogFile(QString("%1.%2").arg(_tempLogFileTemplate).arg(_logFileExtension)); tempLogFile.open(); if (!zeroLength) { tempLogFile.write("foo"); } tempLogFile.close(); } void MavlinkLogTest::_bootLogDetectionCancel_test(void) { // Create a fake mavlink log _createTempLogFile(false); // We should get a message box, followed by a getSaveFileName dialog. setExpectedMessageBox(QMessageBox::Ok); setExpectedFileDialog(getSaveFileName, QStringList()); MainWindow* mainWindow = MainWindow::_create(NULL, MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE_PX4); Q_CHECK_PTR(mainWindow); checkExpectedMessageBox(); checkExpectedFileDialog(); mainWindow->close(); delete mainWindow; } void MavlinkLogTest::_bootLogDetectionSave_test(void) { // Create a fake mavlink log _createTempLogFile(false); // We should get a message box, followed by a getSaveFileName dialog. setExpectedMessageBox(QMessageBox::Ok); QDir logSaveDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation)); QString logSaveFile(logSaveDir.filePath(_saveLogFilename)); setExpectedFileDialog(getSaveFileName, QStringList(logSaveFile)); MainWindow* mainWindow = MainWindow::_create(NULL, MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE_PX4); Q_CHECK_PTR(mainWindow); checkExpectedMessageBox(); checkExpectedFileDialog(); // Make sure the file is there and delete it QCOMPARE(logSaveDir.remove(_saveLogFilename), true); mainWindow->close(); delete mainWindow; } void MavlinkLogTest::_bootLogDetectionZeroLength_test(void) { // Create a fake empty mavlink log _createTempLogFile(true); // Zero length log files should not generate any additional UI pop-ups. It should just be deleted silently. MainWindow* mainWindow = MainWindow::_create(NULL, MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE_PX4); Q_CHECK_PTR(mainWindow); mainWindow->close(); delete mainWindow; } void MavlinkLogTest::_connectLog_test(void) { MainWindow* mainWindow = MainWindow::_create(NULL, MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE_PX4); Q_CHECK_PTR(mainWindow); LinkManager* linkMgr = LinkManager::instance(); Q_CHECK_PTR(linkMgr); MockLink* link = new MockLink(); Q_CHECK_PTR(link); // FIXME: LinkManager/MainWindow needs to be re-architected so that you don't have to addLink to MainWindow to get things to work mainWindow->addLink(link); linkMgr->connectLink(link); QTest::qWait(5000); // Give enough time for UI to settle and heartbeats to go through // On Disconnect: We should get a getSaveFileName dialog. QDir logSaveDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation)); QString logSaveFile(logSaveDir.filePath(_saveLogFilename)); setExpectedFileDialog(getSaveFileName, QStringList(logSaveFile)); linkMgr->disconnectLink(link); QTest::qWait(1000); // Need to allow signals to move between threads checkExpectedFileDialog(); // Make sure the file is there and delete it QCOMPARE(logSaveDir.remove(_saveLogFilename), true); // MainWindow deletes itself on close mainWindow->close(); QTest::qWait(1000); // Need to allow signals to move between threads to shutdown MainWindow } void MavlinkLogTest::_deleteTempLogFiles_test(void) { // Verify that the MAVLinkProtocol::deleteTempLogFiles api works correctly _createTempLogFile(false); MAVLinkProtocol::deleteTempLogFiles(); QDir tmpDir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation)); QStringList logFiles(tmpDir.entryList(QStringList(QString("*.%1").arg(_logFileExtension)), QDir::Files)); QCOMPARE(logFiles.count(), 0); }