/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* */ /* This file is part of the program and library */ /* SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum */ /* fuer Informationstechnik Berlin */ /* */ /* SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License */ /* along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org. */ /* */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /**@file pub_misc_select.h * @ingroup PUBLICCOREAPI * @brief methods for selecting (weighted) k-medians * @author Gregor Hendel * * This file contains headers for selecting (weighted) k-medians */ /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/ #ifndef __SCIP_PUB_MISC_SELECT_H__ #define __SCIP_PUB_MISC_SELECT_H__ #include "scip/def.h" #include "type_misc.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* * Selection and weighted selection algorithms */ /**@defgroup SelectionAlgorithms Algorithms for (Weighted) Median Selection * @ingroup MiscellaneousMethods * @brief public methods for the selection of (weighted) k-median. * * The methods in this group perform a selection of the (weighted) \f$ k \f$-median from an unsorted array of elements. * The necessary element swaps are performed in-place on the array of keys. * The necessary permutations are also performed on up to six associated arrays. * * For methods that perform complete in place sorting, see \ref SortingAlgorithms. * * For an array a containing n elements \f$ a[0], ..., a[n-1] \f$ and an integer \f$ 0 \leq k \leq n - 1 \f$ , we call an element * \f$ a[i] \f$ \f$ k \f$-median if * there exists a permutation \f$ \pi \f$ of the array indices such that \f$ \pi(i) = k \f$ * and \f$ a[\pi^{-1}(j)] \leq a[i] \f$ * for \f$ j = 0, \dots, k-1 \f$ and \f$ a[\pi^{-1}(j)] > a[i] \f$ for \f$ j = k + 1,\dots,n - 1 \f$. * The \f$ k \f$-median is hence an element that would appear at position \f$ k \f$ after sorting the input array. * Note that there may exist several \f$ k \f$-medians if the array elements are not unique, only its key value \f$ a[i] \f$. * * In order to determine the \f$ k \f$-median, the algorithm selects a pivot element and determines the array position for * this pivot like quicksort. In contrast to quicksort, however, one recursion can be saved during the selection process. * After a single iteration that placed the pivot at position \f$ p \f$ , the algorithm either terminates if \f$ p = k \f$, * or it continues in the left half of the array if \f$ p > k \f$, or in the right half of the array if \f$ p < k \f$. * * After the algorithm terminates, the \f$ k \f$-median can be accessed by accessing the array element at position \f$ k \f$. * * A weighted median denotes the generalization of the \f$ k \f$-median to arbitrary, nonnegative associated * weights \f$ w[0], \dots, w[n-1] \in \mathbb{R}\f$ and a capacity \f$ 0 \leq C \in \mathbb{R} \f$. An element \f$ a[i] \f$ * is called weighted median if there exists a permutation that satisfies the same weak sorting as above and in addition * \f$ W:= \sum_{j = 0}^{k - 1}w[\pi^{-1}(j)] < C\f$, but \f$ W + w[i] \geq C\f$. In other words, the weighted median * is the first element in the weak sorting such that its weight together with the sum of all preceding item weights * reach or exceed the given capacity \f$ C \f$. If all weights are equal to \f$ 1 \f$ and the capacity is \f$ C = k + 0.5\f$, * the weighted median becomes the \f$ k \f$-median. * * @{ */ /** partial sort an index array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectInd( int* indarray, /**< pointer to the index array to be sorted */ SCIP_DECL_SORTINDCOMP((*indcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ void* dataptr, /**< pointer to data field that is given to the external compare method */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort an index array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedInd( int* indarray, /**< pointer to the index array to be sorted */ SCIP_DECL_SORTINDCOMP((*indcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ void* dataptr, /**< pointer to data field that is given to the external compare method */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of an array of pointers in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtr( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of an array of pointers in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtr( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrPtr( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrPtr( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/Reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrReal( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/Reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrReal( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/Bools, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/Bools, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrIntInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrIntInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrRealInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrRealInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrRealRealInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Reals/ints/SCIP_Bools, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrRealRealIntBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrRealRealInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Reals/ints/SCIP_Bools, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrRealRealIntBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Bools, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrRealBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Bools, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrRealBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrRealReal( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrRealReal( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrPtrInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrPtrInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/pointers/Reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrPtrReal( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/pointers/Reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrPtrReal( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrPtrIntInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrPtrIntInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrRealIntInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrRealIntInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrPtrRealInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrPtrRealInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Reals/Bools, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrPtrRealBool( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Reals/Bools, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrPtrRealBool( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Longs/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrPtrLongInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Longs/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrPtrLongInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Longs/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrPtrLongIntInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Longs/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrPtrLongIntInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort an array of Reals in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectReal( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort an array of Reals in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedReal( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Bools/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Bools/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/Longs, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealIntLong( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/Longs, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealIntLong( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealIntPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealIntPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/pointers/pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealPtrPtrInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/pointers/pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealPtrPtrInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Reals/pointers/pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealPtrPtrIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Reals/pointers/pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealPtrPtrIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Longs/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealLongRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Longs/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealLongRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealRealIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealRealIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealRealRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealRealRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealRealRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealRealRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/Bools/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealRealRealBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/Bools/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealRealRealBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of six joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/Bools/Bools/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectRealRealRealBoolBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of six joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/Bools/Bools/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedRealRealRealBoolBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort array of ints in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectInt( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort array of ints in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedInt( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntInt( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntInt( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntPtr( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntPtr( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntReal( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntReal( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntIntInt( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< third int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntIntInt( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< third int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/Longints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntIntLong( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/Longints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntIntLong( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/Longints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntRealLong( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/Longints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntRealLong( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntIntPtr( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntIntPtr( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/pointers/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntPtrReal( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/pointers/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntPtrReal( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/ints/ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntIntIntPtr( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/ints/ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntIntIntPtr( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/ints/ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntIntIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/ints/ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntIntIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/pointers/ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntPtrIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/pointers/ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntPtrIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort an array of Longints in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLong( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort an array of Longints in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLong( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Long/pointer, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLongPtr( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Long/pointer, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLongPtr( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three arrays of Long/pointer/ints, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLongPtrInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three arrays of Long/pointer/ints, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLongPtrInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLongPtrRealBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLongPtrRealBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Real/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLongPtrRealRealBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Real/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLongPtrRealRealBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of six arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Real/int/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLongPtrRealRealIntBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of six arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Real/int/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLongPtrRealRealIntBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLongPtrPtrInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLongPtrPtrInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLongPtrPtrIntInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLongPtrPtrIntInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/Bool/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectLongPtrPtrBoolInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/Bool/ints, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedLongPtrPtrBoolInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of pointer/ints/ints/Bool/Bool, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectPtrIntIntBoolBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< first SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< second SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of pointer/ints/ints/Bool/Bool, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedPtrIntIntBoolBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< first SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< second SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of six joint arrays of ints/pointer/ints/ints/Bool/Bool, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectIntPtrIntIntBoolBool( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< thrid int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< first SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< second SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of six joint arrays of ints/pointer/ints/ints/Bool/Bool, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedIntPtrIntIntBoolBool( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< thrid int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< first SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< second SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort an index array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownInd( int* indarray, /**< pointer to the index array to be sorted */ SCIP_DECL_SORTINDCOMP((*indcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ void* dataptr, /**< pointer to data field that is given to the external compare method */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort an index array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownInd( int* indarray, /**< pointer to the index array to be sorted */ SCIP_DECL_SORTINDCOMP((*indcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ void* dataptr, /**< pointer to data field that is given to the external compare method */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of an array of pointers in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtr( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of an array of pointers in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtr( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrPtr( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrPtr( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/Reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrReal( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/Reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrReal( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/Bools, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of pointers/Bools, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrIntInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrIntInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrRealInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrRealInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Bools, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrRealBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/Reals/Bools, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrRealBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrPtrInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrPtrInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/pointers/Reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrPtrReal( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of pointers/pointers/Reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrPtrReal( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrPtrIntInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrPtrIntInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrRealIntInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointers/Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrRealIntInt( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrPtrRealInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrPtrRealInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Reals/bools, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrPtrRealBool( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Reals/bools, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrPtrRealBool( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Longs/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrPtrLongInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Longs/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrPtrLongInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Longs/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrPtrLongIntInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of pointer/pointer/Longs/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrPtrLongIntInt( void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort an array of Reals in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownReal( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort an array of Reals in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownReal( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Bools/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Bools/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/Longs, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealIntLong( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/Longs, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealIntLong( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealIntPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/ints/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealIntPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< integer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< integer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Pointer/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealRealPtrPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Pointer/Pointer, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealRealPtrPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/pointers/pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealPtrPtrInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/pointers/pointers/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealPtrPtrInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Reals/pointers/pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealPtrPtrIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Reals/pointers/pointers/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealPtrPtrIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Longs/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealLongRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Longs/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealLongRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealRealIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealRealIntInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealRealRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealRealRealInt( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealRealRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealRealRealPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealPtrPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of Reals/pointers, sorted by first array in non-decreasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealPtrPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/Bools/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealRealRealBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/Bools/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealRealRealBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of six joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/Bools/Bools/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownRealRealRealBoolBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of six joint arrays of Reals/Reals/Reals/Bools/Bools/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownRealRealRealBoolBoolPtr( SCIP_Real* realarray1, /**< SCIP_Real array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray3, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort array of ints in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownInt( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort array of ints in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownInt( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntInt( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntInt( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntPtr( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntPtr( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntReal( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntReal( int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntIntInt( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< third int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntIntInt( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< third int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/SCIP_Longint, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntIntLong( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/SCIP_Longint, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntIntLong( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntIntPtr( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntIntPtr( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/Reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three joint arrays of ints/ints/Reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/ints/ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntIntIntPtr( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/ints/ints/pointers, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntIntIntPtr( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/ints/ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntIntIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/ints/ints/reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntIntIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/pointers/ints/Reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntPtrIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of ints/pointers/ints/Reals, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntPtrIntReal( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort an array of Longints in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLong( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort an array of Longints in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLong( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Long/pointer, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLongPtr( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of two joint arrays of Long/pointer, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLongPtr( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of three arrays of Long/pointer/ints, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLongPtrInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of three arrays of Long/pointer/ints, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLongPtrInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLongPtrRealBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLongPtrRealBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Real/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLongPtrRealRealBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Real/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLongPtrRealRealBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of six arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Real/int/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLongPtrRealRealIntBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of six arrays of Long/pointer/Real/Real/int/Bool, sorted by the first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLongPtrRealRealIntBool( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray, /**< first SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* realarray2, /**< second SCIP_Real array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLongPtrPtrInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of four joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLongPtrPtrInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLongPtrPtrIntInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/ints/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLongPtrPtrIntInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/Bool/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownLongPtrPtrBoolInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of Long/pointer/pointer/Bool/ints, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownLongPtrPtrBoolInt( SCIP_Longint* longarray, /**< SCIP_Longint array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray1, /**< first pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ void** ptrarray2, /**< second pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray, /**< SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray, /**< int array to be sorted */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of pointer/ints/ints/Bool/Bool, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownPtrIntIntBoolBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< first SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< second SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of five joint arrays of pointer/ints/ints/Bool/Bool, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownPtrIntIntBoolBool( void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be sorted */ int* intarray1, /**< first int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< first SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< second SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), /**< data element comparator */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /** partial sort of six joint arrays of ints/pointer/ints/ints/Bool/Bool, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the \p k-th element, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectDownIntPtrIntIntBoolBool( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< thrid int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< first SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< second SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ int k, /**< the index of the desired element, must be between 0 (search for maximum/minimum) and len - 1 */ int len /**< length of arrays */ ); /** partial sort of six joint arrays of ints/pointer/ints/ints/Bool/Bool, sorted by first array in non-increasing order around the weighted median w.r.t. \p weights and capacity, * see \ref SelectionAlgorithms for more information. */ SCIP_EXPORT void SCIPselectWeightedDownIntPtrIntIntBoolBool( int* intarray1, /**< int array to be sorted */ void** ptrarray, /**< pointer array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray2, /**< second int array to be permuted in the same way */ int* intarray3, /**< thrid int array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray1, /**< first SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Bool* boolarray2, /**< second SCIP_Bool array to be permuted in the same way */ SCIP_Real* weights, /**< (optional), nonnegative weights array for weighted median, or NULL (all weights are equal to 1) */ SCIP_Real capacity, /**< the maximum capacity that is exceeded by the median */ int len, /**< length of arrays */ int* medianpos /**< pointer to store the index of the weighted median, or NULL, if not needed */ ); /**@} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif