 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory.

#ifndef MissionCommandTree_H
#define MissionCommandTree_H

#include "QGCToolbox.h"
#include "QGCMAVLink.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"

#include <QVariantList>
#include <QMap>

class MissionCommandUIInfo;
class MissionCommandList;
class SettingsManager;
class MissionCommandTreeTest;

/// Manages a hierarchy of MissionCommandUIInfo.
/// The static hierarchy allows for overriding mission command ui info based on MAV_AUTOPILOT and MAV_TYPE. The hierarchy of the tree is:
///     Any Firmware, Any Vehicle - Base set of all command definitions for any firmware, any vehicle, essentially ui defined to mavlink spec
///         Any Firmware, Fixed Wing
///             Known Firmware, Fixed Wing
///         Any Firmware, Multi Rotor (all types)
///             Known Firmware, Multi Rotor (all types)
///         Any Firmware, VTOL (all types)
///             Known Firmware, VTOL (all types)
///         Any Firmware, Rover
///             Known Firmware, Rover
///         Any Firmware, Sub
///             Known Firmware, Sub
/// For known firmwares, the override files are requested from the FirmwarePlugin.
/// When ui info is requested for a specific vehicle the static hierarchy in _staticCommandTree is collapsed into the set of available commands in
/// _availableCommands taking into account the appropriate set of overrides for the MAV_AUTOPILOT/MAV_TYPE combination associated with the vehicle.
class MissionCommandTree : public QGCTool
    MissionCommandTree(QGCApplication* app, bool unitTest = false);

    /// Returns the friendly name for the specified command
    QString friendlyName(MAV_CMD command);

    /// Returns the raw name for the specified command
    QString rawName(MAV_CMD command);

    const QList<MAV_CMD>& allCommandIds(void) const;

    Q_INVOKABLE QStringList categoriesForVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle) { return _availableCategoriesForVehicle(vehicle); }

    const MissionCommandUIInfo* getUIInfo(Vehicle* vehicle, MAV_CMD command);

   Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getCommandsForCategory(Vehicle* vehicle, const QString& category);

    // Overrides from QGCTool
    virtual void setToolbox(QGCToolbox* toolbox);

    void _collapseHierarchy(Vehicle* vehicle, const MissionCommandList* cmdList, QMap<MAV_CMD, MissionCommandUIInfo*>& collapsedTree);
    MAV_TYPE _baseVehicleType(MAV_TYPE mavType) const;
    MAV_AUTOPILOT _baseFirmwareType(MAV_AUTOPILOT firmwareType) const;
    void _buildAvailableCommands(Vehicle* vehicle);
    QStringList _availableCategoriesForVehicle(Vehicle* vehicle);
    void _baseVehicleInfo(Vehicle* vehicle, MAV_AUTOPILOT& baseFirmwareType, MAV_TYPE& baseVehicleType) const;

    QString             _allCommandsCategory;   ///< Category which contains all available commands
    QList<int>          _allCommandIds;         ///< List of all known command ids (not vehicle specific)
    SettingsManager*    _settingsManager;
    bool                _unitTest;              ///< true: running in unit test mode

    /// Full hierarchy
    QMap<MAV_AUTOPILOT, QMap<MAV_TYPE, MissionCommandList*>>                    _staticCommandTree;

    /// Collapsed hierarchy for specific vehicle type
    QMap<MAV_AUTOPILOT, QMap<MAV_TYPE, QMap<MAV_CMD, MissionCommandUIInfo*>>>   _availableCommands;

    /// Collapsed hierarchy for specific vehicle type
    QMap<MAV_AUTOPILOT, QMap<MAV_TYPE, QStringList>>                            _availableCategories;

    friend class MissionCommandTreeTest;
