#pragma once #include "ros_bridge/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/document.h" #include "ros_bridge/include/JsonMethodes.h" #include "MessageBaseClass.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "ros_bridge/include/MessageTraits.h" #include "ros_bridge/include/MessageGroups.h" #include "boost/type_traits.hpp" #include "boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp" namespace ROSBridge { class StdHeaderPolicy; //! //! \brief The JsonFactory class is used to create ROS messages. //! //! The JsonFactory class is used to create \class rapidjson::Document documents containing ROS messages //! from classes derived from \class MessageBaseClass. Each class has a group mark (typedef ... Group) which allows the //! JsonFactory to determine the ROS message type it will create. template class JsonFactory : public HeaderPolicy { typedef MessageBaseClass ROSMsg; public: JsonFactory(){} //! //! \brief Creates a \class rapidjson::Document document containing a ROS mesage from \p msg. //! //! Creates a \class rapidjson::Document document containing a ROS message from \p msg. //! A compile-time error will occur, if \p msg belongs to the \struct EmptyGroup or is //! not derived from \class MessageBaseClass. //! \param msg Instance of a \class MessageBaseClass subclass belonging to a ROSMessageGroup. //! \return rapidjson::Document document containing a ROS message. template rapidjson::Document *create(const T &msg){ static_assert(boost::is_base_of::value, "Type of msg must be derived from MessageBaseClass."); static_assert(!::boost::is_same::value, "msg belongs to group EmptyGroup (not allowed). Please specify Group (typedef MessageGroup Group)"); //cout << T::Group::label() << endl; return _create(msg, Type2Type()); } private: // =========================================================================== // EmptyGroup and not implemented Groups // =========================================================================== template rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type){ (void)msg; assert(false); // Implementation missing for group U::Group! } // =========================================================================== // Point32Group // =========================================================================== template rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type){ using namespace ROSBridge; rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType); bool ret = JsonMethodes::Point32::toJson<_Float32>(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator()); assert(ret); (void)ret; return doc; } // =========================================================================== // GeoPointGroup // =========================================================================== template rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type){ using namespace ROSBridge; rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType); bool ret = JsonMethodes::GeoPoint::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator()); assert(ret); (void)ret; return doc; } // =========================================================================== // PolygonGroup // =========================================================================== template rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type){ using namespace ROSBridge; rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType); bool ret = JsonMethodes::Polygon::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator()); assert(ret); (void)ret; return doc; } // =========================================================================== // PolygonStampedGroup // =========================================================================== template rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type){ using namespace ROSBridge; using namespace ROSBridge::traits; typedef HasMemberHeader HasHeader; return _createPolygonStamped(msg, Int2Type()); } template rapidjson::Document *_createPolygonStamped(const U &msg, Int2Type){ // U has member header(), use integraded header. using namespace ROSBridge; rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType); bool ret = JsonMethodes::PolygonStamped::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator()); assert(ret); (void)ret; return doc; } template rapidjson::Document *_createPolygonStamped(const U &msg, Int2Type<0>){// U has no member header(), generate one on the fly. using namespace ROSBridge; JsonMethodes::Header::Header header(HeaderPolicy::header(msg)); rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType); bool ret = JsonMethodes::PolygonStamped::toJson(msg, header, *doc, doc->GetAllocator()); assert(ret); (void)ret; return doc; } // =========================================================================== // PolygonArrayGroup // =========================================================================== template rapidjson::Document *_create(const U &msg, Type2Type){ using namespace ROSBridge; using namespace ROSBridge::traits; typedef HasMemberHeader HasHeader; return _createPolygonArray(msg, Int2Type()); } template rapidjson::Document *_createPolygonArray(const U &msg, Int2Type){ // U has member header(), use integraded header. using namespace ROSBridge; rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType); bool ret = JsonMethodes::PolygonArray::toJson(msg, *doc, doc->GetAllocator()); assert(ret); (void)ret; return doc; } template rapidjson::Document *_createPolygonArray(const U &msg, Int2Type<0>){// U has no member header(), generate one on the fly. using namespace ROSBridge; JsonMethodes::Header::Header header(HeaderPolicy::header(msg)); rapidjson::Document *doc = new rapidjson::Document(rapidjson::kObjectType); bool ret = JsonMethodes::PolygonArray::toJson(msg, header, *doc, doc->GetAllocator()); assert(ret); (void)ret; return doc; } }; class StdHeaderPolicy{ public: StdHeaderPolicy():_seq(-1){}; //! //! \brief header Returns the header belonging to msg. //! \return Returns the header belonging to msg. //! template ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::Header::Header header(const T&msg) { return ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::Header::Header(++_seq, time(msg), "/map"); } //! //! \brief time Returns the current time. //! \return Returns the current time. template ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::Time::Time time(const T&msg) { (void)msg; return ROSBridge::JsonMethodes::Time::Time(0,0); } private: long _seq; }; } // end namespace ros_bridge