/*================================================================== ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Implementation of class UASManager * @author Lorenz Meier * */ #include #include #include #include #include "UAS.h" #include "UASInterface.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "QGCMessageBox.h" #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 #define MEAN_EARTH_DIAMETER 12756274.0 #define UMR 0.017453292519943295769236907684886 UASManagerInterface* UASManager::_mockUASManager = NULL; void UASManager::setMockUASManager(UASManagerInterface* mockUASManager) { _mockUASManager = mockUASManager; } UASManagerInterface* UASManager::instance() { if (_mockUASManager) { return _mockUASManager; } static UASManager* _instance = 0; if(_instance == 0) { _instance = new UASManager(); // Set the application as parent to ensure that this object // will be destroyed when the main application exits _instance->setParent(qApp); } return _instance; } void UASManager::storeSettings() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup("QGC_UASMANAGER"); settings.setValue("HOMELAT", homeLat); settings.setValue("HOMELON", homeLon); settings.setValue("HOMEALT", homeAlt); settings.endGroup(); settings.sync(); } void UASManager::loadSettings() { QSettings settings; settings.sync(); settings.beginGroup("QGC_UASMANAGER"); bool changed = setHomePosition(settings.value("HOMELAT", homeLat).toDouble(), settings.value("HOMELON", homeLon).toDouble(), settings.value("HOMEALT", homeAlt).toDouble()); // Make sure to fire the change - this will // make sure widgets get the signal once if (!changed) { emit homePositionChanged(homeLat, homeLon, homeAlt); } settings.endGroup(); } bool UASManager::setHomePosition(double lat, double lon, double alt) { // Checking for NaN and infitiny // and checking for borders bool changed = false; if (!isnan(lat) && !isnan(lon) && !isnan(alt) && !isinf(lat) && !isinf(lon) && !isinf(alt) && lat <= 90.0 && lat >= -90.0 && lon <= 180.0 && lon >= -180.0) { if (fabs(homeLat - lat) > 1e-7) changed = true; if (fabs(homeLon - lon) > 1e-7) changed = true; if (fabs(homeAlt - alt) > 0.5f) changed = true; // Initialize conversion reference in any case initReference(lat, lon, alt); if (changed) { homeLat = lat; homeLon = lon; homeAlt = alt; emit homePositionChanged(homeLat, homeLon, homeAlt); } } return changed; } bool UASManager::setHomePositionAndNotify(double lat, double lon, double alt) { // Checking for NaN and infitiny // and checking for borders bool changed = setHomePosition(lat, lon, alt); if (changed) { // Update all UAVs foreach (UASInterface* mav, systems) { mav->setHomePosition(homeLat, homeLon, homeAlt); } } return changed; } /** * @param x1 Point 1 coordinate in x dimension * @param y1 Point 1 coordinate in y dimension * @param z1 Point 1 coordinate in z dimension * * @param x2 Point 2 coordinate in x dimension * @param y2 Point 2 coordinate in y dimension * @param z2 Point 2 coordinate in z dimension */ void UASManager::setLocalNEDSafetyBorders(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2) { nedSafetyLimitPosition1.x() = x1; nedSafetyLimitPosition1.y() = y1; nedSafetyLimitPosition1.z() = z1; nedSafetyLimitPosition2.x() = x2; nedSafetyLimitPosition2.y() = y2; nedSafetyLimitPosition2.z() = z2; } void UASManager::initReference(const double & latitude, const double & longitude, const double & altitude) { Eigen::Matrix3d R; double s_long, s_lat, c_long, c_lat; sincos(latitude * DEG2RAD, &s_lat, &c_lat); sincos(longitude * DEG2RAD, &s_long, &c_long); R(0, 0) = -s_long; R(0, 1) = c_long; R(0, 2) = 0; R(1, 0) = -s_lat * c_long; R(1, 1) = -s_lat * s_long; R(1, 2) = c_lat; R(2, 0) = c_lat * c_long; R(2, 1) = c_lat * s_long; R(2, 2) = s_lat; ecef_ref_orientation_ = Eigen::Quaterniond(R); ecef_ref_point_ = wgs84ToEcef(latitude, longitude, altitude); } Eigen::Vector3d UASManager::wgs84ToEcef(const double & latitude, const double & longitude, const double & altitude) { const double a = 6378137.0; // semi-major axis const double e_sq = 6.69437999014e-3; // first eccentricity squared double s_long, s_lat, c_long, c_lat; sincos(latitude * DEG2RAD, &s_lat, &c_lat); sincos(longitude * DEG2RAD, &s_long, &c_long); const double N = a / sqrt(1 - e_sq * s_lat * s_lat); Eigen::Vector3d ecef; ecef[0] = (N + altitude) * c_lat * c_long; ecef[1] = (N + altitude) * c_lat * s_long; ecef[2] = (N * (1 - e_sq) + altitude) * s_lat; return ecef; } Eigen::Vector3d UASManager::ecefToEnu(const Eigen::Vector3d & ecef) { return ecef_ref_orientation_ * (ecef - ecef_ref_point_); } void UASManager::wgs84ToEnu(const double& lat, const double& lon, const double& alt, double* east, double* north, double* up) { Eigen::Vector3d ecef = wgs84ToEcef(lat, lon, alt); Eigen::Vector3d enu = ecefToEnu(ecef); *east = enu.x(); *north = enu.y(); *up = enu.z(); } //void UASManager::wgs84ToNed(const double& lat, const double& lon, const double& alt, double* north, double* east, double* down) //{ //} void UASManager::enuToWgs84(const double& x, const double& y, const double& z, double* lat, double* lon, double* alt) { *lat=homeLat+y/MEAN_EARTH_DIAMETER*360./PI; *lon=homeLon+x/MEAN_EARTH_DIAMETER*360./PI/cos(homeLat*UMR); *alt=homeAlt+z; } void UASManager::nedToWgs84(const double& x, const double& y, const double& z, double* lat, double* lon, double* alt) { *lat=homeLat+x/MEAN_EARTH_DIAMETER*360./PI; *lon=homeLon+y/MEAN_EARTH_DIAMETER*360./PI/cos(homeLat*UMR); *alt=homeAlt-z; } /** * This function will change QGC's home position on a number of conditions only */ void UASManager::uavChangedHomePosition(int uav, double lat, double lon, double alt) { // Accept home position changes from the active UAS if (uav == activeUAS->getUASID()) { if (setHomePosition(lat, lon, alt)) { // XXX DO NOT UPDATE THE WHOLE FLEET // foreach (UASInterface* mav, systems) // { // // Only update the other systems, not the original source // if (mav->getUASID() != uav) // { // mav->setHomePosition(homeLat, homeLon, homeAlt); // } // } } } } /** * @brief Private singleton constructor * * This class implements the singleton design pattern and has therefore only a private constructor. **/ UASManager::UASManager() : activeUAS(NULL), offlineUASWaypointManager(NULL), homeLat(47.3769), homeLon(8.549444), homeAlt(470.0), homeFrame(MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL) { loadSettings(); setLocalNEDSafetyBorders(1, -1, 0, -1, 1, -1); } UASManager::~UASManager() { storeSettings(); // Delete all systems foreach (UASInterface* mav, systems) { delete mav; } } void UASManager::addUAS(UASInterface* uas) { // WARNING: The active uas is set here // and then announced below. This is necessary // to make sure the getActiveUAS() function // returns the UAS once the UASCreated() signal // is emitted. The code is thus NOT redundant. bool firstUAS = false; if (activeUAS == NULL) { firstUAS = true; activeUAS = uas; } // Only execute if there is no UAS at this index if (!systems.contains(uas)) { qDebug() << "Add new UAS: " << uas->getUASID(); systems.append(uas); // Set home position on UAV if set in UI // - this is done on a per-UAV basis // Set home position in UI if UAV chooses a new one (caution! if multiple UAVs are connected, take care!) connect(uas, SIGNAL(homePositionChanged(int,double,double,double)), this, SLOT(uavChangedHomePosition(int,double,double,double))); emit UASCreated(uas); } // If there is no active UAS yet, set the first one as the active UAS if (firstUAS) { setActiveUAS(uas); if (offlineUASWaypointManager->getWaypointEditableList().size() > 0) { if (QGCMessageBox::question(tr("Question"), tr("Do you want to append the offline waypoints to the ones currently on the UAV?"), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes) { //Need to transfer all waypoints from the offline mode WPManager to the online mode. for (int i=0;igetWaypointEditableList().size();i++) { Waypoint *wp = uas->getWaypointManager()->createWaypoint(); wp->setLatitude(offlineUASWaypointManager->getWaypointEditableList()[i]->getLatitude()); wp->setLongitude(offlineUASWaypointManager->getWaypointEditableList()[i]->getLongitude()); wp->setAltitude(offlineUASWaypointManager->getWaypointEditableList()[i]->getAltitude()); } } offlineUASWaypointManager->deleteLater(); offlineUASWaypointManager = 0; } } } /** * @brief The function that should be used when removing UASes from QGC. emits UASDeletect(UASInterface*) when triggered * so that UI elements can update accordingly. * @param uas The UAS to remove */ void UASManager::removeUAS(UASInterface* uas) { if (uas) { int listindex = systems.indexOf(uas); // Remove this system from local data store. systems.removeAt(listindex); // If this is the active UAS, select a new one if one exists otherwise // indicate that there are no active UASes. if (uas == activeUAS) { if (systems.count()) { setActiveUAS(systems.first()); } else { setActiveUAS(NULL); } } // Notify other UI elements that a UAS is being deleted before finally deleting it. qDebug() << "Deleting UAS object: " << uas->getUASName(); emit UASDeleted(uas); uas->deleteLater(); } } QList UASManager::getUASList() { return systems; } UASInterface* UASManager::getActiveUAS() { return activeUAS; ///< Return zero pointer if no UAS has been loaded } UASInterface* UASManager::silentGetActiveUAS() { return activeUAS; ///< Return zero pointer if no UAS has been loaded } UASWaypointManager *UASManager::getActiveUASWaypointManager() { if (activeUAS) { return activeUAS->getWaypointManager(); } if (!offlineUASWaypointManager) { offlineUASWaypointManager = new UASWaypointManager(NULL); } return offlineUASWaypointManager; } bool UASManager::launchActiveUAS() { // If the active UAS is set, execute command if (getActiveUAS()) activeUAS->launch(); return (activeUAS); ///< Returns true if the UAS exists, false else } bool UASManager::haltActiveUAS() { // If the active UAS is set, execute command if (getActiveUAS()) activeUAS->halt(); return (activeUAS); ///< Returns true if the UAS exists, false else } bool UASManager::continueActiveUAS() { // If the active UAS is set, execute command if (getActiveUAS()) activeUAS->go(); return (activeUAS); ///< Returns true if the UAS exists, false else } bool UASManager::returnActiveUAS() { // If the active UAS is set, execute command if (getActiveUAS()) activeUAS->home(); return (activeUAS); ///< Returns true if the UAS exists, false else } bool UASManager::stopActiveUAS() { // If the active UAS is set, execute command if (getActiveUAS()) activeUAS->emergencySTOP(); return (activeUAS); ///< Returns true if the UAS exists, false else } bool UASManager::killActiveUAS() { if (getActiveUAS()) activeUAS->emergencyKILL(); return (activeUAS); } bool UASManager::shutdownActiveUAS() { if (getActiveUAS()) activeUAS->shutdown(); return (activeUAS); } UASInterface* UASManager::getUASForId(int id) { UASInterface* system = NULL; foreach(UASInterface* sys, systems) { if (sys->getUASID() == id) { system = sys; } } // Return NULL if not found return system; } void UASManager::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas) { // Signal components that the last UAS is no longer active. activeUASMutex.lock(); if (activeUAS != NULL) { emit activeUASStatusChanged(activeUAS, false); emit activeUASStatusChanged(activeUAS->getUASID(), false); } activeUAS = uas; activeUASMutex.unlock(); // And signal that a new UAS is. emit activeUASSet(activeUAS); if (activeUAS) { activeUAS->setSelected(); emit activeUASSet(activeUAS->getUASID()); emit activeUASSetListIndex(systems.indexOf(activeUAS)); emit activeUASStatusChanged(activeUAS, true); emit activeUASStatusChanged(activeUAS->getUASID(), true); } }