QGCGoogleEarthView 0 0 1409 302 Form 4 2 2 Go to home location Go to home location Go to home location Home Set Home true Enable waypoint and home location edit mode Enable waypoint and home location edit mode Edit true Show MAV trajectories Show MAV trajectories Show MAV trajectories Trails Qt::Vertical Select the MAV to chase Select the MAV to chase Select the MAV to chase MAV Distance Ground Distance Distance of the chase camera to the MAV Distance of the chase camera to the MAV Distance of the chase camera to the MAV 100 20000 3000 Qt::Horizontal Chase the MAV Chase the MAV Chase the MAV Follow Overhead Qt::Vertical Delete all waypoints Delete all waypoints Delete all waypoints Clear Trails Reset Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 10 20 Enable the atmosphere visualization. Not recommended for mission execution, only for visualization Enable the atmosphere visualization. Not recommended for mission execution, only for visualization Sky Enable day/night light. Not recommended for mission execution, only for visualization. Enable day/night light. Not recommended for mission execution, only for visualization. Day/Night Lat/Lon