Linux/Mac OS X ============== To install doxygen: $sudo apt-get install doxygen If the above does not work go to: for the correct download. Then go to the following website for inforamtion on the install: Then to generate the html, run the following code while you are in the qgroundcontrol/doc directory: $doxygen Doxyfile The html file index.html should be in doc/html unless you chenged the output directory. The other option for generating the documentation is to use the wizard: $doxywizard & doxywizard information: Or go to the Doxygen Manual for information at the website noted below. Windows ======= Go to the following website for the correct download and follow the wizard to install: Run the wizard to generate the documentation. Go to the website below or the Doxygen Manual for information on running doxywizard. Doxygen Manual ==============