/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief QGC Main Tool Bar * @author Gus Grubba */ #include #include #include "MainToolBar.h" #include "ScreenToolsController.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "UASMessageView.h" #include "UASMessageHandler.h" #include "FlightDisplayView.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "MultiVehicleManager.h" MainToolBar::MainToolBar(QWidget* parent) : QGCQmlWidgetHolder(parent) , _vehicle(NULL) , _mav(NULL) , _toolBar(NULL) , _currentView(ViewNone) , _connectionCount(0) , _showGPS(true) , _showMav(true) , _showMessages(true) , _showRSSI(true) , _showBattery(true) , _progressBarValue(0.0f) , _remoteRSSI(0) , _remoteRSSIstore(100.0) , _telemetryRRSSI(0) , _telemetryLRSSI(0) , _rollDownMessages(0) , _toolbarMessageVisible(false) { setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); setObjectName("MainToolBar"); setMinimumWidth(MainWindow::instance()->minimumWidth()); // Get rid of layout default margins QLayout* pl = layout(); if(pl) { pl->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); } setMinimumHeight(ScreenToolsController::defaultFontPixelSize_s() * 3); setMaximumHeight(ScreenToolsController::defaultFontPixelSize_s() * 3); // Tool Bar Preferences QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(TOOL_BAR_SETTINGS_GROUP); _showBattery = settings.value(TOOL_BAR_SHOW_BATTERY, true).toBool(); _showGPS = settings.value(TOOL_BAR_SHOW_GPS, true).toBool(); _showMav = settings.value(TOOL_BAR_SHOW_MAV, true).toBool(); _showMessages = settings.value(TOOL_BAR_SHOW_MESSAGES, true).toBool(); settings.endGroup(); setContextPropertyObject("mainToolBar", this); setSource(QUrl::fromUserInput("qrc:/qml/MainToolBar.qml")); setVisible(true); emit configListChanged(); emit connectionCountChanged(_connectionCount); _activeVehicleChanged(MultiVehicleManager::instance()->activeVehicle()); // Link signals connect(LinkManager::instance(), &LinkManager::linkConfigurationChanged, this, &MainToolBar::_updateConfigurations); connect(LinkManager::instance(), &LinkManager::linkConnected, this, &MainToolBar::_linkConnected); connect(LinkManager::instance(), &LinkManager::linkDisconnected, this, &MainToolBar::_linkDisconnected); // RSSI (didn't like standard connection) connect(MAVLinkProtocol::instance(), SIGNAL(radioStatusChanged(LinkInterface*, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned)), this, SLOT(_telemetryChanged(LinkInterface*, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned))); connect(MultiVehicleManager::instance(), &MultiVehicleManager::activeVehicleChanged, this, &MainToolBar::_activeVehicleChanged); connect(this, &MainToolBar::heightChanged, this, &MainToolBar::_heightChanged); } MainToolBar::~MainToolBar() { } void MainToolBar::_setToolBarState(const QString& key, bool value) { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(TOOL_BAR_SETTINGS_GROUP); settings.setValue(key, value); settings.endGroup(); if(key == TOOL_BAR_SHOW_GPS) { _showGPS = value; emit showGPSChanged(value); } else if(key == TOOL_BAR_SHOW_MAV) { _showMav = value; emit showMavChanged(value); }else if(key == TOOL_BAR_SHOW_BATTERY) { _showBattery = value; emit showBatteryChanged(value); } else if(key == TOOL_BAR_SHOW_MESSAGES) { _showMessages = value; emit showMessagesChanged(value); } else if(key == TOOL_BAR_SHOW_RSSI) { _showRSSI = value; emit showRSSIChanged(value); } } void MainToolBar::viewStateChanged(const QString &key, bool value) { _setToolBarState(key, value); } void MainToolBar::onSetupView() { setCurrentView(MainWindow::VIEW_SETUP); MainWindow::instance()->loadSetupView(); } void MainToolBar::onPlanView() { setCurrentView(MainWindow::VIEW_MISSIONEDITOR); MainWindow::instance()->loadPlanView(); } void MainToolBar::onFlyView() { setCurrentView(MainWindow::VIEW_FLIGHT); MainWindow::instance()->loadFlightView(); } void MainToolBar::onFlyViewMenu() { FlightDisplayView* fdsp = MainWindow::instance()->getFlightDisplay(); if(fdsp) { fdsp->showOptionsMenu(); } } void MainToolBar::onAnalyzeView() { setCurrentView(MainWindow::VIEW_ANALYZE); MainWindow::instance()->loadAnalyzeView(); } void MainToolBar::onDisconnect(QString conf) { if(conf.isEmpty()) { // Disconnect Only Connected Link int connectedCount = 0; LinkInterface* connectedLink = NULL; QList links = LinkManager::instance()->getLinks(); foreach(LinkInterface* link, links) { if (link->isConnected()) { connectedCount++; connectedLink = link; } } Q_ASSERT(connectedCount == 1); Q_ASSERT(_connectionCount == 1); Q_ASSERT(connectedLink); LinkManager::instance()->disconnectLink(connectedLink); } else { // Disconnect Named Connected Link QList links = LinkManager::instance()->getLinks(); foreach(LinkInterface* link, links) { if (link->isConnected()) { if(link->getLinkConfiguration() && link->getLinkConfiguration()->name() == conf) { LinkManager::instance()->disconnectLink(link); } } } } } void MainToolBar::onConnect(QString conf) { // Connect Link if(conf.isEmpty()) { MainWindow::instance()->manageLinks(); } else { // We don't want the list updating under our feet LinkManager::instance()->suspendConfigurationUpdates(true); // Create a link LinkInterface* link = LinkManager::instance()->createConnectedLink(conf); if(link) { // Save last used connection MainWindow::instance()->saveLastUsedConnection(conf); } LinkManager::instance()->suspendConfigurationUpdates(false); } } void MainToolBar::onEnterMessageArea(int x, int y) { // If not already there and messages are actually present if(!_rollDownMessages && UASMessageHandler::instance()->messages().count()) { if (MultiVehicleManager::instance()->activeVehicle()) MultiVehicleManager::instance()->activeVehicle()->resetMessages(); // Show messages int dialogWidth = 400; x = x - (dialogWidth >> 1); if(x < 0) x = 0; y = height() / 3; // Put dialog on top of the message alert icon QPoint p = mapToGlobal(QPoint(x,y)); _rollDownMessages = new UASMessageViewRollDown(MainWindow::instance()); _rollDownMessages->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); _rollDownMessages->move(mapFromGlobal(p)); _rollDownMessages->setMinimumSize(dialogWidth,200); connect(_rollDownMessages, &UASMessageViewRollDown::closeWindow, this, &MainToolBar::_leaveMessageView); _rollDownMessages->show(); } } void MainToolBar::_leaveMessageView() { // Mouse has left the message window area (and it has closed itself) _rollDownMessages = NULL; } void MainToolBar::setCurrentView(int currentView) { ViewType_t view = ViewNone; switch((MainWindow::VIEW_SECTIONS)currentView) { case MainWindow::VIEW_ANALYZE: view = ViewAnalyze; break; case MainWindow::VIEW_MISSIONEDITOR: view = ViewPlan; break; case MainWindow::VIEW_FLIGHT: view = ViewFly; break; case MainWindow::VIEW_SETUP: view = ViewSetup; break; default: view = ViewNone; break; } if(view != _currentView) { _currentView = view; emit currentViewChanged(); } } void MainToolBar::_activeVehicleChanged(Vehicle* vehicle) { // Disconnect the previous one (if any) if (_vehicle) { disconnect(_mav, &UASInterface::remoteControlRSSIChanged, this, &MainToolBar::_remoteControlRSSIChanged); disconnect(_vehicle->autopilotPlugin(), &AutoPilotPlugin::parameterListProgress, this, &MainToolBar::_setProgressBarValue); _mav = NULL; _vehicle = NULL; } // Connect new system if (vehicle) { _vehicle = vehicle; _mav = vehicle->uas(); connect(_mav, &UASInterface::remoteControlRSSIChanged, this, &MainToolBar::_remoteControlRSSIChanged); connect(_vehicle->autopilotPlugin(), &AutoPilotPlugin::parameterListProgress, this, &MainToolBar::_setProgressBarValue); } } void MainToolBar::_updateConfigurations() { QStringList tmpList; QList configs = LinkManager::instance()->getLinkConfigurationList(); foreach(LinkConfiguration* conf, configs) { if(conf) { if(conf->isPreferred()) { tmpList.insert(0,conf->name()); } else { tmpList << conf->name(); } } } // Any changes? if(tmpList != _linkConfigurations) { _linkConfigurations = tmpList; emit configListChanged(); } } void MainToolBar::_telemetryChanged(LinkInterface*, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned rssi, unsigned remrssi, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned) { // We only care if we haveone single connection if(_connectionCount == 1) { if((unsigned)_telemetryLRSSI != rssi) { // According to the Silabs data sheet, the RSSI value is 0.5db per bit _telemetryLRSSI = rssi >> 1; emit telemetryLRSSIChanged(_telemetryLRSSI); } if((unsigned)_telemetryRRSSI != remrssi) { // According to the Silabs data sheet, the RSSI value is 0.5db per bit _telemetryRRSSI = remrssi >> 1; emit telemetryRRSSIChanged(_telemetryRRSSI); } } } void MainToolBar::_remoteControlRSSIChanged(uint8_t rssi) { // We only care if we have one single connection if(_connectionCount == 1) { // Low pass to git rid of jitter _remoteRSSIstore = (_remoteRSSIstore * 0.9f) + ((float)rssi * 0.1); uint8_t filteredRSSI = (uint8_t)ceil(_remoteRSSIstore); if(_remoteRSSIstore < 0.1) { filteredRSSI = 0; } if(_remoteRSSI != filteredRSSI) { _remoteRSSI = filteredRSSI; emit remoteRSSIChanged(_remoteRSSI); } } } void MainToolBar::_linkConnected(LinkInterface*) { _updateConnection(); } void MainToolBar::_linkDisconnected(LinkInterface* link) { _updateConnection(link); } void MainToolBar::_updateConnection(LinkInterface *disconnectedLink) { QStringList connList; int oldCount = _connectionCount; // If there are multiple connected links add/update the connect button menu _connectionCount = 0; QList links = LinkManager::instance()->getLinks(); foreach(LinkInterface* link, links) { if (disconnectedLink != link && link->isConnected()) { _connectionCount++; if(link->getLinkConfiguration()) { connList << link->getLinkConfiguration()->name(); } } } if(oldCount != _connectionCount) { emit connectionCountChanged(_connectionCount); } if(connList != _connectedList) { _connectedList = connList; emit connectedListChanged(_connectedList); } // Update telemetry RSSI display if(_connectionCount != 1 && _telemetryRRSSI > 0) { _telemetryRRSSI = 0; emit telemetryRRSSIChanged(_telemetryRRSSI); } if(_connectionCount != 1 && _telemetryLRSSI > 0) { _telemetryLRSSI = 0; emit telemetryLRSSIChanged(_telemetryLRSSI); } if(_connectionCount != 1 && _remoteRSSI > 0) { _remoteRSSI = 0; emit remoteRSSIChanged(_remoteRSSI); } } void MainToolBar::_setProgressBarValue(float value) { _progressBarValue = value; emit progressBarValueChanged(value); } void MainToolBar::_heightChanged(double height) { setMinimumHeight(height); setMaximumHeight(height); } void MainToolBar::showToolBarMessage(const QString& message) { _toolbarMessageQueueMutex.lock(); if (_toolbarMessageQueue.count() == 0 && !_toolbarMessageVisible) { QTimer::singleShot(500, this, &MainToolBar::_delayedShowToolBarMessage); } _toolbarMessageQueue += message; _toolbarMessageQueueMutex.unlock(); } void MainToolBar::_delayedShowToolBarMessage(void) { QString messages; if (!_toolbarMessageVisible) { _toolbarMessageQueueMutex.lock(); foreach (QString message, _toolbarMessageQueue) { messages += message + "\n"; } _toolbarMessageQueue.clear(); _toolbarMessageQueueMutex.unlock(); if (!messages.isEmpty()) { _toolbarMessageVisible = true; emit showMessage(messages); } } } void MainToolBar::onToolBarMessageClosed(void) { _toolbarMessageVisible = false; _delayedShowToolBarMessage(); }