/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /// @file /// @author Don Gagne #include "PowerComponentController.h" #include "QGCMAVLink.h" #include "QGCMessageBox.h" #include #include PowerComponentController::PowerComponentController(void) { } PowerComponentController::~PowerComponentController() { _stopCalibration(); } void PowerComponentController::calibrateEsc(void) { _warningMessages.clear(); connect(_uas, &UASInterface::textMessageReceived, this, &PowerComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage); _uas->startCalibration(UASInterface::StartCalibrationEsc); } void PowerComponentController::busConfigureActuators(void) { _warningMessages.clear(); connect(_uas, &UASInterface::textMessageReceived, this, &PowerComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage); _uas->startBusConfig(UASInterface::StartBusConfigActuators); } void PowerComponentController::stopBusConfigureActuators(void) { disconnect(_uas, &UASInterface::textMessageReceived, this, &PowerComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage); _uas->startBusConfig(UASInterface::EndBusConfigActuators); } void PowerComponentController::_stopCalibration(void) { disconnect(_uas, &UASInterface::textMessageReceived, this, &PowerComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage); } void PowerComponentController::_stopBusConfig(void) { _stopCalibration(); } void PowerComponentController::_handleUASTextMessage(int uasId, int compId, int severity, QString text) { Q_UNUSED(compId); Q_UNUSED(severity); UASInterface* uas = _autopilot->vehicle()->uas(); Q_ASSERT(uas); if (uasId != uas->getUASID()) { return; } // All calibration messages start with [cal] QString calPrefix("[cal] "); if (!text.startsWith(calPrefix)) { return; } text = text.right(text.length() - calPrefix.length()); // Make sure we can understand this firmware rev QString calStartPrefix("calibration started: "); if (text.startsWith(calStartPrefix)) { text = text.right(text.length() - calStartPrefix.length()); // Split version number and cal type QStringList parts = text.split(" "); if (parts.count() != 2) { emit incorrectFirmwareRevReporting(); return; } #if 0 // FIXME: Cal version check is not working. Needs to be able to cancel, calibration int firmwareRev = parts[0].toInt(); if (firmwareRev < _neededFirmwareRev) { emit oldFirmware(); return; } if (firmwareRev > _neededFirmwareRev) { emit newerFirmware(); return; } #endif } if (text == "Connect battery now") { emit connectBattery(); return; } if (text == "Battery connected") { emit batteryConnected(); return; } QString failedPrefix("calibration failed: "); if (text.startsWith(failedPrefix)) { QString failureText = text.right(text.length() - failedPrefix.length()); if (failureText.startsWith("Disconnect battery")) { emit disconnectBattery(); return; } _stopCalibration(); emit calibrationFailed(text.right(text.length() - failedPrefix.length())); return; } QString calCompletePrefix("calibration done:"); if (text.startsWith(calCompletePrefix)) { _stopCalibration(); emit calibrationSuccess(_warningMessages); return; } QString warningPrefix("config warning: "); if (text.startsWith(warningPrefix)) { _warningMessages << text.right(text.length() - warningPrefix.length()); } QString busFailedPrefix("bus conf fail:"); if (text.startsWith(busFailedPrefix)) { _stopBusConfig(); emit calibrationFailed(text.right(text.length() - failedPrefix.length())); return; } QString busCompletePrefix("bus conf done:"); if (text.startsWith(calCompletePrefix)) { _stopBusConfig(); emit calibrationSuccess(_warningMessages); return; } QString busWarningPrefix("bus conf warn: "); if (text.startsWith(busWarningPrefix)) { _warningMessages << text.right(text.length() - warningPrefix.length()); } }