// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Google.OrTools.Sat;
/// Creates a shift scheduling problem and solves it
public class ShiftSchedulingSat
static void Main(string[] args)
static void SolveShiftScheduling()
int numEmployees = 8;
int numWeeks = 3;
var shifts = new[] { "O", "M", "A", "N" };
// Fixed assignment: (employee, shift, day).
// This fixes the first 2 days of the schedule.
var fixedAssignments = new (int Employee, int Shift, int Day)[]
(0, 0, 0),
(1, 0, 0),
(2, 1, 0),
(3, 1, 0),
(4, 2, 0),
(5, 2, 0),
(6, 2, 3),
(7, 3, 0),
(0, 1, 1),
(1, 1, 1),
(2, 2, 1),
(3, 2, 1),
(4, 2, 1),
(5, 0, 1),
(6, 0, 1),
(7, 3, 1),
// Request: (employee, shift, day, weight)
// A negative weight indicates that the employee desire this assignment.
var requests = new (int Employee, int Shift, int Day, int Weight)[]
// Employee 3 wants the first Saturday off.
(3, 0, 5, -2),
// Employee 5 wants a night shift on the second Thursday.
(5, 3, 10, -2),
// Employee 2 does not want a night shift on the third Friday.
(2, 3, 4, 4)
// Shift constraints on continuous sequence :
// (shift, hard_min, soft_min, min_penalty,
// soft_max, hard_max, max_penalty)
var shiftConstraints = new (int Shift, int HardMin, int SoftMin, int MinPenalty, int SoftMax, int HardMax, int MaxPenalty)[]
// One or two consecutive days of rest, this is a hard constraint.
(0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0),
// Between 2 and 3 consecutive days of night shifts, 1 and 4 are
// possible but penalized.
(3, 1, 2, 20, 3, 4, 5),
// Weekly sum constraints on shifts days:
// (shift, hardMin, softMin, minPenalty,
// softMax, hardMax, maxPenalty)
var weeklySumConstraints = new (int Shift, int HardMin, int SoftMin, int MinPenalty, int SoftMax, int HardMax, int MaxPenalty)[]
// Constraints on rests per week.
(0, 1, 2, 7, 2, 3, 4),
// At least 1 night shift per week (penalized). At most 4 (hard).
(3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 0),
// Penalized transitions:
// (previous_shift, next_shift, penalty (0 means forbidden))
var penalizedTransitions = new (int PreviousShift, int NextShift, int Penalty)[]
// Afternoon to night has a penalty of 4.
(2, 3, 4),
// Night to morning is forbidden.
(3, 1, 0),
// daily demands for work shifts (morning, afternon, night) for each day
// of the week starting on Monday.
var weeklyCoverDemands = new int[][]
new [] {2, 3, 1}, // Monday
new [] {2, 3, 1}, // Tuesday
new [] {2, 2, 2}, // Wednesday
new [] {2, 3, 1}, // Thursday
new [] {2, 2, 2}, // Friday
new [] {1, 2, 3}, // Saturday
new [] {1, 3, 1}, // Sunday
// Penalty for exceeding the cover constraint per shift type.
var excessCoverPenalties = new[] { 2, 2, 5 };
var numDays = numWeeks * 7;
var numShifts = shifts.Length;
var model = new CpModel();
IntVar[,,] work = new IntVar[numEmployees, numShifts, numDays];
foreach (int e in Range(numEmployees))
foreach (int s in Range(numShifts))
foreach (int d in Range(numDays))
work[e, s, d] = model.NewBoolVar($"work{e}_{s}_{d}");
// Linear terms of the objective in a minimization context.
var objIntVars = new List();
var objIntCoeffs = new List();
var objBoolVars = new List();
var objBoolCoeffs = new List();
// Exactly one shift per day.
foreach (int e in Range(numEmployees))
foreach (int d in Range(numDays))
var temp = new IntVar[numShifts];
foreach (int s in Range(numShifts))
temp[s] = work[e, s, d];
model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(temp) == 1);
// Fixed assignments.
foreach (var (e, s, d) in fixedAssignments)
model.Add(work[e, s, d] == 1);
// Employee requests
foreach (var (e, s, d, w) in requests)
objBoolVars.Add(work[e, s, d]);
// Shift constraints
foreach (var constraint in shiftConstraints)
foreach (int e in Range(numEmployees))
var works = new IntVar[numDays];
foreach (int d in Range(numDays))
works[d] = work[e, constraint.Shift, d];
var (variables, coeffs) = AddSoftSequenceConstraint(
model, works,
constraint.HardMin, constraint.SoftMin, constraint.MinPenalty,
constraint.SoftMax, constraint.HardMax, constraint.MaxPenalty,
$"shift_constraint(employee {e}, shift {constraint.Shift}");
// Weekly sum constraints
foreach (var constraint in weeklySumConstraints)
foreach (int e in Range(numEmployees))
foreach (int w in Range(numWeeks))
var works = new IntVar[7];
foreach (int d in Range(7))
works[d] = work[e, constraint.Shift, d + w * 7];
var (variables, coeffs) = AddSoftSumConstraint(
model, works,
constraint.HardMin, constraint.SoftMin, constraint.MinPenalty,
constraint.SoftMax, constraint.HardMax, constraint.MaxPenalty,
$"weekly_sum_constraint(employee {e}, shift {constraint.Shift}, week {w}");
// Penalized transitions
foreach (var penalizedTransition in penalizedTransitions)
foreach (int e in Range(numEmployees))
foreach (int d in Range(numDays - 1))
var transition = new List()
work[e, penalizedTransition.PreviousShift, d].Not(),
work[e, penalizedTransition.NextShift, d + 1].Not()
if (penalizedTransition.Penalty == 0)
var transVar = model.NewBoolVar($"transition (employee {e}, day={d}");
// Cover constraints
foreach (int s in Range(1, numShifts))
foreach (int w in Range(numWeeks))
foreach (int d in Range(7))
var works = new IntVar[numEmployees];
foreach (int e in Range(numEmployees))
works[e] = work[e, s, w * 7 + d];
// Ignore off shift
var minDemand = weeklyCoverDemands[d][s - 1];
var worked = model.NewIntVar(minDemand, numEmployees, "");
model.Add(LinearExpr.Sum(works) == worked);
var overPenalty = excessCoverPenalties[s - 1];
if (overPenalty > 0)
var name = $"excess_demand(shift={s}, week={w}, day={d}";
var excess = model.NewIntVar(0, numEmployees - minDemand, name);
model.Add(excess == worked - minDemand);
// Objective
var objBoolSum = LinearExpr.ScalProd(objBoolVars, objBoolCoeffs);
var objIntSum = LinearExpr.ScalProd(objIntVars, objIntCoeffs);
model.Minimize(objBoolSum + objIntSum);
// Solve model
var solver = new CpSolver();
solver.StringParameters =
"num_search_workers:8, log_search_progress: true, max_time_in_seconds:30";
var status = solver.Solve(model);
// Print solution
if (status == CpSolverStatus.Optimal || status == CpSolverStatus.Feasible)
var header = " ";
for (int w = 0; w < numWeeks; w++)
header += "M T W T F S S ";
foreach (int e in Range(numEmployees))
var schedule = "";
foreach (int d in Range(numDays))
foreach (int s in Range(numShifts))
if (solver.BooleanValue(work[e, s, d]))
schedule += shifts[s] + " ";
Console.WriteLine($"worker {e}: {schedule}");
foreach (var (i, var) in objBoolVars.Select((x, i) => (i, x)))
if (solver.BooleanValue(var))
var penalty = objBoolCoeffs[i];
if (penalty > 0)
Console.WriteLine($" {var.Name()} violated, penalty={penalty}");
Console.WriteLine($" {var.Name()} fulfilled, gain={-penalty}");
foreach (var (i, var) in objIntVars.Select((x, i) => (i, x)))
if (solver.Value(var) > 0)
Console.WriteLine($" {var.Name()} violated by {solver.Value(var)}, linear penalty={objIntCoeffs[i]}");
Console.WriteLine($" - status : {status}");
Console.WriteLine($" - conflicts : {solver.NumConflicts()}");
Console.WriteLine($" - branches : {solver.NumBranches()}");
Console.WriteLine($" - wall time : {solver.WallTime()}");
/// Filters an isolated sub-sequence of variables assigned to True.
/// Extract the span of Boolean variables[start, start + length), negate them,
/// and if there is variables to the left / right of this span, surround the span by
/// them in non negated form.
/// A list of variables to extract the span from.
/// The start to the span.
/// The length of the span.
/// An array of variables which conjunction will be false if the sub-list is
/// assigned to True, and correctly bounded by variables assigned to False,
/// or by the start or end of works.
static ILiteral[] NegatedBoundedSpan(IntVar[] works, int start, int length)
var sequence = new List();
if (start > 0)
sequence.Add(works[start - 1]);
foreach (var i in Range(length))
sequence.Add(works[start + i].Not());
if (start + length < works.Length)
sequence.Add(works[start + length]);
return sequence.ToArray();
/// Sequence constraint on true variables with soft and hard bounds.
/// This constraint look at every maximal contiguous sequence of variables
/// assigned to true. If forbids sequence of length < hardMin or > hardMax.
/// Then it creates penalty terms if the length is < softMin or > softMax.
/// The sequence constraint is built on this model.
/// A list of Boolean variables.
/// Any sequence of true variables must have a length of at least hardMin.
/// Any sequence should have a length of at least softMin, or a linear penalty on the delta will be added to the objective.
/// The coefficient of the linear penalty if the length is less than softMin.
/// Any sequence should have a length of at most softMax, or a linear penalty on the delta will be added to the objective.
/// Any sequence of true variables must have a length of at most hardMax.
/// The coefficient of the linear penalty if the length is more than softMax.
/// A base name for penalty literals.
/// A tuple (costLiterals, costCoefficients) containing the different penalties created by the sequence constraint.
static (IntVar[] costLiterals, int[] costCoefficients) AddSoftSequenceConstraint(CpModel model, IntVar[] works, int hardMin, int softMin, int minCost,
int softMax, int hardMax, int maxCost, string prefix)
var costLiterals = new List();
var costCoefficients = new List();
// Forbid sequences that are too short.
foreach (var length in Range(1, hardMin))
foreach (var start in Range(works.Length - length + 1))
model.AddBoolOr(NegatedBoundedSpan(works, start, length));
// Penalize sequences that are below the soft limit.
if (minCost > 0)
foreach (var length in Range(hardMin, softMin))
foreach (var start in Range(works.Length - length + 1))
var span = NegatedBoundedSpan(works, start, length).ToList();
var name = $": under_span(start={start}, length={length})";
var lit = model.NewBoolVar(prefix + name);
// We filter exactly the sequence with a short length.
// The penalty is proportional to the delta with softMin.
costCoefficients.Add(minCost * (softMin - length));
// Penalize sequences that are above the soft limit.
if (maxCost > 0)
foreach (var length in Range(softMax + 1, hardMax + 1))
foreach (var start in Range(works.Length - length + 1))
var span = NegatedBoundedSpan(works, start, length).ToList();
var name = $": over_span(start={start}, length={length})";
var lit = model.NewBoolVar(prefix + name);
// Cost paid is max_cost * excess length.
costCoefficients.Add(maxCost * (length - softMax));
// Just forbid any sequence of true variables with length hardMax + 1
foreach (var start in Range(works.Length - hardMax))
var temp = new List();
foreach (var i in Range(start, start + hardMax + 1))
return (costLiterals.ToArray(), costCoefficients.ToArray());
/// Sum constraint with soft and hard bounds.
/// This constraint counts the variables assigned to true from works.
/// If forbids sum < hardMin or > hardMax.
/// Then it creates penalty terms if the sum is < softMin or > softMax.
/// The sequence constraint is built on this model.
/// A list of Boolean variables.
/// Any sequence of true variables must have a length of at least hardMin.
/// Any sequence should have a length of at least softMin, or a linear penalty on the delta will be added to the objective.
/// The coefficient of the linear penalty if the length is less than softMin.
/// Any sequence should have a length of at most softMax, or a linear penalty on the delta will be added to the objective.
/// Any sequence of true variables must have a length of at most hardMax.
/// The coefficient of the linear penalty if the length is more than softMax.
/// A base name for penalty literals.
/// A tuple (costVariables, costCoefficients) containing the different
/// penalties created by the sequence constraint.
static (IntVar[] costVariables, int[] costCoefficients) AddSoftSumConstraint(CpModel model, IntVar[] works,
int hardMin, int softMin, int minCost,
int softMax, int hardMax, int maxCost, string prefix)
var costVariables = new List();
var costCoefficients = new List();
var sumVar = model.NewIntVar(hardMin, hardMax, "");
// This adds the hard constraints on the sum.
model.Add(sumVar == LinearExpr.Sum(works));
var zero = model.NewConstant(0);
// Penalize sums below the soft_min target.
if (softMin > hardMin && minCost > 0)
var delta = model.NewIntVar(-works.Length, works.Length, "");
model.Add(delta == (softMin - sumVar));
var excess = model.NewIntVar(0, works.Length, prefix + ": under_sum");
model.AddMaxEquality(excess, new[] { delta, zero });
// Penalize sums above the soft_max target.
if (softMax < hardMax && maxCost > 0)
var delta = model.NewIntVar(-works.Length, works.Length, "");
model.Add(delta == sumVar - softMax);
var excess = model.NewIntVar(0, works.Length, prefix + ": over_sum");
model.AddMaxEquality(excess, new[] { delta, zero });
return (costVariables.ToArray(), costCoefficients.ToArray());
/// C# equivalent of Python range (start, stop)
/// The inclusive start.
/// The exclusive stop.
/// A sequence of integers.
static IEnumerable Range(int start, int stop)
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(start, stop - start))
yield return i;
/// C# equivalent of Python range (stop)
/// The exclusive stop.
/// A sequence of integers.
static IEnumerable Range(int stop)
return Range(0, stop);