#!/usr/bin/env bash VERSIONNAME=`git describe --always --tags | sed -e 's/^v//'` # Android versionCode from git tag vX.Y.Z-123-gSHA IFS=. read major minor patch dev sha <<<"${VERSIONNAME//-/.}" VERSIONCODE=$(($major*100000)) VERSIONCODE=$(($(($minor*10000)) + $VERSIONCODE)) VERSIONCODE=$(($(($patch*1000)) + $VERSIONCODE)) VERSIONCODE=$(($(($dev)) + $VERSIONCODE)) # The android versionCode is for the entire package. It is the same for the 32 and 64 bit APKs. # Due to various screwups in versioning/tagging the version code needs to be prepended with 650 to # make it larger than all previous version codes. VERSIONCODE=650$VERSIONCODE MANIFEST_FILE=android/AndroidManifest.xml # manifest package if [ "$2" = "master" ]; then QGC_PKG_NAME="org.mavlink.qgroundcontrolbeta" sed -i -e 's/package *= *"[^"]*"/package="'$QGC_PKG_NAME'"/' $MANIFEST_FILE echo "Android package name: $QGC_PKG_NAME" fi # android:versionCode if [ -n "$VERSIONCODE" ]; then sed -i -e "s/android:versionCode=\"[0-9][0-9]*\"/android:versionCode=\"$VERSIONCODE\"/" $MANIFEST_FILE echo "Android version: ${VERSIONCODE}" else echo "Error versionCode empty" exit 0 # don't cause the build to fail fi # android:versionName if [ -n "$VERSIONNAME" ]; then sed -i -e 's/versionName *= *"[^"]*"/versionName="'$VERSIONNAME'"/' $MANIFEST_FILE echo "Android name: ${VERSIONNAME}" else echo "Error versionName empty" exit 0 # don't cause the build to fail fi