True 1 255 Mission Planner and DroidPlanner AP Planner 2 0 10 .5 Hz hertz 0.0 1000.0 10 cm centimeters 0:Feedback from mid stick,1:High throttle cancels landing,2:Disarm on land detection None Feedback from mid stick High throttle cancels landing Disarm on land detection 0 30 1 s seconds 0:Roll,1:Pitch,2:Yaw,3:AccelZ None Roll Pitch Yaw AccelZ 200 8000 1 cm centimeters 0.5 10.0 Disabled Shallow Steep .1 0 2000 50 cm/s centimeters per second -1 1000 1 cm centimeters 0 3000 10 cm centimeters 0 60000 1000 ms milliseconds 0.01 2.0 0.01 Disabled Enabled always RTL Enabled Continue with Mission in Auto Mode Enabled always SmartRTL or RTL Enabled always SmartRTL or Land 100 900 Disabled Mode1 Mode2 Mode1+2 Mode3 Mode1+3 Mode2+3 Mode1+2+3 Mode4 Mode1+4 Mode2+4 Mode1+2+4 Mode3+4 Mode1+3+4 Mode2+3+4 Mode1+2+3+4 Mode5 Mode1+5 Mode2+5 Mode1+2+5 Mode3+5 Mode1+3+5 Mode2+3+5 Mode1+2+3+5 Mode4+5 Mode1+4+5 Mode2+4+5 Mode1+2+4+5 Mode3+4+5 Mode1+3+4+5 Mode2+3+4+5 Mode1+2+3+4+5 Mode6 Mode1+6 Mode2+6 Mode1+2+6 Mode3+6 Mode1+3+6 Mode2+3+6 Mode1+2+3+6 Mode4+6 Mode1+4+6 Mode2+4+6 Mode1+2+4+6 Mode3+4+6 Mode1+3+4+6 Mode2+3+4+6 Mode1+2+3+4+6 Mode5+6 Mode1+5+6 Mode2+5+6 Mode1+2+5+6 Mode3+5+6 Mode1+3+5+6 Mode2+3+5+6 Mode1+2+3+5+6 Mode4+5+6 Mode1+4+5+6 Mode2+4+5+6 Mode1+2+4+5+6 Mode3+4+5+6 Mode1+3+4+5+6 Mode2+3+4+5+6 Mode1+2+3+4+5+6 Never change yaw Face next waypoint Face next waypoint except RTL Face along GPS course 30 200 10 cm/s centimeters per second 0 500 10 cm/s centimeters per second 50 500 10 cm/s centimeters per second 50 500 10 cm/s/s centimeters per square second Disabled Enabled always RTL Enabled Continue with Mission in Auto Mode Enabled always Land Enabled always SmartRTL or RTL Enabled always SmartRTL or Land 925 1100 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 0 300 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Stabilize Acro AltHold Auto Guided Loiter RTL Circle Land Drift Sport Flip AutoTune PosHold Brake Throw Avoid_ADSB Guided_NoGPS Smart_RTL FlowHold Follow ZigZag Stabilize Acro AltHold Auto Guided Loiter RTL Circle Land Drift Sport Flip AutoTune PosHold Brake Throw Avoid_ADSB Guided_NoGPS Smart_RTL FlowHold Follow ZigZag Stabilize Acro AltHold Auto Guided Loiter RTL Circle Land Drift Sport Flip AutoTune PosHold Brake Throw Avoid_ADSB Guided_NoGPS Smart_RTL FlowHold Follow ZigZag Stabilize Acro AltHold Auto Guided Loiter RTL Circle Land Drift Sport Flip AutoTune PosHold Brake Throw Avoid_ADSB Guided_NoGPS Smart_RTL FlowHold Follow ZigZag Stabilize Acro AltHold Auto Guided Loiter RTL Circle Land Drift Sport Flip AutoTune PosHold Brake Throw Avoid_ADSB Guided_NoGPS Smart_RTL FlowHold Follow ZigZag Stabilize Acro AltHold Auto Guided Loiter RTL Circle Land Drift Sport Flip AutoTune PosHold Brake Throw Avoid_ADSB Guided_NoGPS Smart_RTL FlowHold Follow ZigZag Disabled Channel5 Channel6 Channel7 Channel8 0:ATTITUDE_FAST,1:ATTITUDE_MED,2:GPS,3:PM,4:CTUN,5:NTUN,6:RCIN,7:IMU,8:CMD,9:CURRENT,10:RCOUT,11:OPTFLOW,12:PID,13:COMPASS,14:INAV,15:CAMERA,17:MOTBATT,18:IMU_FAST,19:IMU_RAW Default Default+RCIN Default+IMU Default+Motors NearlyAll-AC315 NearlyAll All+FastATT All+MotBatt All+FastIMU All+FastIMU+PID All+FullIMU Disabled Normal Start-up Start-up in ESC Calibration mode if throttle high Start-up in ESC Calibration mode regardless of throttle Start-up and automatically calibrate ESCs Disabled None Stab Roll/Pitch kP Rate Roll/Pitch kP Rate Roll/Pitch kI Rate Roll/Pitch kD Stab Yaw kP Rate Yaw kP Rate Yaw kD Rate Yaw Filter Motor Yaw Headroom AltHold kP Throttle Rate kP Throttle Accel kP Throttle Accel kI Throttle Accel kD Loiter Pos kP Velocity XY kP Velocity XY kI WP Speed Acro RollPitch kP Acro Yaw kP RC Feel Heli Ext Gyro Declination Circle Rate RangeFinder Gain Rate Pitch kP Rate Pitch kI Rate Pitch kD Rate Roll kP Rate Roll kI Rate Roll kD Rate Pitch FF Rate Roll FF Rate Yaw FF Winch Plus X V H V-Tail A-Tail Y6B Y6F BetaFlightX DJIX ClockwiseX I True 0 127 s seconds 1000 8000 cdeg centidegrees 4 12 deg/s degrees per second 2000 4500 cdeg centidegrees No repositioning Repositioning Land AltHold Land even in Stabilize 0.6:Strict, 0.8:Default, 1.0:Relaxed Disabled Enabled 50 490 1 Hz hertz 1 10 1 10 0 3 0.1 0 3 0.1 Disabled Leveling Leveling and Limited -0.5 1.0 Disabled Very Low Low Medium High Very High Stopped Running Do Not Use in RTL and Land Use in RTL and Land 0 5 Auto Guided LOITER RTL Land Brake Throw Upward Throw Drop Disabled Enabled 0:ADSBMavlinkProcessing,1:DevOptionVFR_HUDRelativeAlt -0.5 1.0 Disabled Very Low Low Medium High Very High 0 1 NotEnforced Enforced Undefined Quad Hexa Octa OctaQuad Y6 Heli Tri SingleCopter CoaxCopter BiCopter Heli_Dual DodecaHexa HeliQuad True 50 500 10 cm/s centimeters per second 100 10000 10 cm centimeters Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Object Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Object Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Object Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Object Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Object Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Object Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl 0 32767 0 32767 Disabled Enabled 1 100 0 100000 m meters -1 16777215 NoInfo Light Small Large HighVortexlarge Heavy HighlyManuv Rotocraft RESERVED Glider LightAir Parachute UltraLight RESERVED UAV Space RESERVED EmergencySurface ServiceSurface PointObstacle NO_DATA L15W23 L25W28P5 L25W34 L35W33 L35W38 L45W39P5 L45W45 L55W45 L55W52 L65W59P5 L65W67 L75W72P5 L75W80 L85W80 L85W90 NoData Left2m Left4m Left6m Center Right2m Right4m Right6m NO_DATA AppliedBySensor Disabled Rx-Only Tx-Only Rx and Tx Enabled 0 7777 octal octal 0:UAT_in,1:1090ES_in,2:UAT_out,3:1090ES_out Unknown Rx UAT only Rx UAT and 1090ES Rx&Tx UAT and 1090ES 0 32767 m meters no logging log only special ID log all Disabled BB Blue GP0 pin 4 AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 BB Blue GP0 pin 3 BB Blue GP0 pin 6 BB Blue GP0 pin 5 Disabled BB Blue GP0 pin 4 AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 BB Blue GP0 pin 3 BB Blue GP0 pin 6 BB Blue GP0 pin 5 m meters m meters mbar millibar s seconds km kilometers 0.0 1.0 .01 Disabled Enabled 0.1 0.4 .01 0.1 0.4 .01 0 127 1 m/s meters per second -0.1745 +0.1745 0.01 rad radians -0.1745 +0.1745 0.01 rad radians -0.1745 +0.1745 0.01 rad radians None Yaw45 Yaw90 Yaw135 Yaw180 Yaw225 Yaw270 Yaw315 Roll180 Roll180Yaw45 Roll180Yaw90 Roll180Yaw135 Pitch180 Roll180Yaw225 Roll180Yaw270 Roll180Yaw315 Roll90 Roll90Yaw45 Roll90Yaw90 Roll90Yaw135 Roll270 Roll270Yaw45 Roll270Yaw90 Roll270Yaw135 Pitch90 Pitch270 Pitch180Yaw90 Pitch180Yaw270 Roll90Pitch90 Roll180Pitch90 Roll270Pitch90 Roll90Pitch180 Roll270Pitch180 Roll90Pitch270 Roll180Pitch270 Roll270Pitch270 Roll90Pitch180Yaw90 Roll90Yaw270 Yaw293Pitch68Roll180 Pitch315 Roll90Pitch315 Custom 0.001 0.5 .01 0 10 1 Disabled Enable EKF2 Enable EKF3 -180 180 1 deg degrees -180 180 1 deg degrees -180 180 1 deg degrees Disabled THR_MIN PWM when disarmed 0 PWM when disarmed 0.25 3.0 m/s/s meters per square second Disabled ArmingOnly ArmOrDisarm 0:Land,1:VTOL Land,2:DO_LAND_START,3:Takeoff,4:VTOL Takeoff,5:Rallypoint 0:All,1:Barometer,2:Compass,3:GPS lock,4:INS,5:Parameters,6:RC Channels,7:Board voltage,8:Battery Level,9:Airspeed,10:Logging Available,11:Hardware safety switch,12:GPS Configuration,13:System,14:Mission,15:Rangefinder None All Barometer Compass GPS Lock INS(INertial Sensors - accels & gyros) Parameters(unused) RC Channels Board voltage Battery Level Airspeed LoggingAvailable Hardware safety switch GPS configuration System 500 18000 100 cdeg/s centidegrees per second 0 72000 Disabled VerySlow Slow Medium Fast 1000 cdeg/s/s centidegrees per square second Disabled Enabled 0 180000 Disabled VerySlow Slow Medium Fast 1000 cdeg/s/s centidegrees per square second 0 180000 Disabled VerySlow Slow Medium Fast 1000 cdeg/s/s centidegrees per square second Disabled Enabled 0.0 12.000 0.0 12.000 0.0 6.000 0.5 10.0 0 1080 Disabled Slow Medium Fast 1 deg/s degrees per second 0 1080 Disabled Slow Medium Fast 1 deg/s degrees per second 0 1080 Disabled Slow Medium Fast 1 deg/s degrees per second 0 1 0.5:Very Soft, 0.2:Soft, 0.15:Medium, 0.1:Crisp, 0.05:Very Crisp 0.01 s seconds 0.01 0.5 0.005 0.01 2.0 0.01 0 1 0.01 % percent 0.0 0.05 0.001 0 0.5 0.001 1 50 1 Hz hertz 1 100 1 Hz hertz 1 100 1 Hz hertz 0.01 0.50 0.005 0.01 2.0 0.01 0 1 0.01 % percent 0.0 0.05 0.001 0 0.5 0.001 1 50 1 Hz hertz 1 100 1 Hz hertz 1 100 1 Hz hertz 0.10 2.50 0.005 0.010 1.0 0.01 0 1 0.01 % percent 0.000 0.02 0.001 0 0.5 0.001 1 5 1 Hz hertz 1 10 1 Hz hertz 1 20 1 Hz hertz 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.9 0.1 0.9 1 100 1 Hz hertz 1 100 1 Hz hertz 1 10 1 Hz hertz 0 1000 cdeg centidegrees 0.08 0.35 0.005 0.01 0.6 0.01 0 1 0.01 0.001 0.03 0.001 0 0.5 0.001 1 20 1 Hz hertz 0.08 0.35 0.005 0.01 0.6 0.01 0 1 0.01 0.001 0.03 0.001 0 0.5 0.001 1 20 1 Hz hertz 0.180 0.60 0.005 0.01 0.06 0.01 0 1 0.01 0.000 0.02 0.001 0 0.5 0.001 1 20 1 Hz hertz Disabled Enabled 0:Roll,1:Pitch,2:Yaw All Roll Only Pitch Only Yaw Only Roll and Pitch Roll and Yaw Pitch and Yaw 0.05 0.10 0.001 0.006 Disabled Enabled Remain in AVOID_ADSB Resume previous flight mode RTL Resume if AUTO else Loiter s seconds s seconds m meters m meters m meters m meters m meters 0:UseFence,1:UseProximitySensor,2:UseBeaconFence None UseFence UseProximitySensor UseFence and UseProximitySensor UseBeaconFence All 0 4500 cdeg centidegrees 1 30 m meters 1 10 m meters Slide Stop Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour Disabled Analog Voltage Only Analog Voltage and Current Solo Bebop SMBus-Maxell UAVCAN-BatteryInfo BLHeli ESC SumOfFollowing FuelFlow FuelLevelPWM True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True Disabled Pixhawk/Pixracer/Navio2/Pixhawk2_PM1 Pixhawk2_PM2 CubeOrange CubeOrange_PM2 PX4-v1 True A/V ampere per volt V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 1 W watt 0 120 1 s seconds Raw Voltage Sag Compensated Voltage 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate None Land RTL SmartRTL or RTL SmartRTL or Land Terminate 0.1 V volt 50 mAh milliampere hour None Pozyx Marvelmind SITL -90 90 0.000001 deg degrees -180 180 0.000001 deg degrees 0 10000 1 m meters -180 +180 1 deg degrees No PWMs One PWMs Two PWMs Three PWMs Four PWMs Five PWMs Six PWMs Seven PWMs Eight PWMs True Disabled Enabled Auto True Disabled Enabled Auto True Disabled Enabled True Disabled 50Hz 75Hz 100Hz 150Hz 200Hz 250Hz 300Hz True -32768 32767 0:Ch1,1:Ch2,2:Ch3,3:Ch4,4:Ch5,5:Ch6,6:Ch7,7:Ch8,8:Ch9,9:Ch10,10:Ch11,11:Ch12,12:Ch13,13:Ch14 Disabled Enabled True -1 80 degC degrees Celsius AUTO PX4V1 Pixhawk Cube/Pixhawk2 Pixracer PixhawkMini Pixhawk2Slim VRBrain 5.1 VRBrain 5.2 VR Micro Brain 5.1 VR Micro Brain 5.2 VRBrain Core 1.0 VRBrain 5.4 Intel Aero FC AUAV2.1 True Disabled Enabled True 0:ActiveForSafetyEnable,1:ActiveForSafetyDisable,2:ActiveWhenArmed,3:Force safety on when the aircraft disarms 4.0 5.5 0.1 V volt 3.3 12.0 0.1 V volt 0 32 1 3.3V 5V 0:Enable hardware watchdog 0 10000 ms milliseconds None CYRF6936 CC2500 BK2425 Auto DSM2 DSMX 0 4 NotDisabled Disabled 0 16 0 16 Disabled Enabled 1 8 Disabled MinChannel MidChannel MaxChannel MinChannelCW MidChannelCW MaxChannelCW Mode1 Mode2 Disabled TestChan1 TestChan2 TestChan3 TestChan4 TestChan5 TestChan6 TestChan7 TestChan8 0 16 0 16 1 8 0 40 0 120 0 31 0:GPS,1:MAVLINK_SYSTEM_TIME,2:HW Disabled Enabled Disabled AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 Disabled AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 Disabled AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 Disabled AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 0 3600 Servo Relay 0 50 ds deciseconds 1000 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds 1000 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds 0 1000 m meters Low High 0 10000 ms milliseconds 0 180 deg degrees Disabled AUX1 AUX2 AUX3 AUX4 AUX5 AUX6 True TriggerLow TriggerHigh Always Only when in AUTO Default BMMCC Disabled UAVCAN KDECAN ToshibaCAN True 1 250 0: Servo 1, 1: Servo 2, 2: Servo 3, 3: Servo 4, 4: Servo 5, 5: Servo 6, 6: Servo 7, 7: Servo 8, 8: Servo 9, 9: Servo 10, 10: Servo 11, 11: Servo 12, 12: Servo 13, 13: Servo 14, 14: Servo 15 0: ESC 1, 1: ESC 2, 2: ESC 3, 3: ESC 4, 4: ESC 5, 5: ESC 6, 6: ESC 7, 7: ESC 8, 8: ESC 9, 9: ESC 10, 10: ESC 11, 11: ESC 12, 12: ESC 13, 13: ESC 14, 14: ESC 15, 15: ESC 16 1 200 Hz hertz Disabled UAVCAN KDECAN ToshibaCAN True 1 250 0: Servo 1, 1: Servo 2, 2: Servo 3, 3: Servo 4, 4: Servo 5, 5: Servo 6, 6: Servo 7, 7: Servo 8, 8: Servo 9, 9: Servo 10, 10: Servo 11, 11: Servo 12, 12: Servo 13, 13: Servo 14, 14: Servo 15 0: ESC 1, 1: ESC 2, 2: ESC 3, 3: ESC 4, 4: ESC 5, 5: ESC 6, 6: ESC 7, 7: ESC 8, 8: ESC 9, 9: ESC 10, 10: ESC 11, 11: ESC 12, 12: ESC 13, 13: ESC 14, 14: ESC 15, 15: ESC 16 1 200 Hz hertz Disabled UAVCAN KDECAN ToshibaCAN True 1 250 0: Servo 1, 1: Servo 2, 2: Servo 3, 3: Servo 4, 4: Servo 5, 5: Servo 6, 6: Servo 7, 7: Servo 8, 8: Servo 9, 9: Servo 10, 10: Servo 11, 11: Servo 12, 12: Servo 13, 13: Servo 14, 14: Servo 15 0: ESC 1, 1: ESC 2, 2: ESC 3, 3: ESC 4, 4: ESC 5, 5: ESC 6, 6: ESC 7, 7: ESC 8, 8: ESC 9, 9: ESC 10, 10: ESC 11, 11: ESC 12, 12: ESC 13, 13: ESC 14, 14: ESC 15, 15: ESC 16 1 200 Hz hertz Disabled First driver Second driver True 10000 1000000 Disabled Major messages All messages Disabled First driver Second driver True 10000 1000000 Disabled Major messages All messages Disabled First driver Second driver True 10000 1000000 Disabled Major messages All messages Disabled First driver Second driver True Disabled Serial0 Serial1 Serial2 Serial3 Serial4 Serial5 Serial6 0 32767 Disabled Enabled First Relay Second Relay Third Relay Fourth Relay Servo 1000 2000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 1000 2000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 0 32000 1 m meters 0 5000 1 ms milliseconds 0 15 1 m/s meters per second 0 10000 100 cm centimeters -90 90 1 deg/s degrees per second -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -3.142 3.142 0.01 rad radians Disabled Internal-Learning EKF-Learning InFlight-Learning Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Use Throttle Use Current -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere None Yaw45 Yaw90 Yaw135 Yaw180 Yaw225 Yaw270 Yaw315 Roll180 Roll180Yaw45 Roll180Yaw90 Roll180Yaw135 Pitch180 Roll180Yaw225 Roll180Yaw270 Roll180Yaw315 Roll90 Roll90Yaw45 Roll90Yaw90 Roll90Yaw135 Roll270 Roll270Yaw45 Roll270Yaw90 Roll270Yaw135 Pitch90 Pitch270 Pitch180Yaw90 Pitch180Yaw270 Roll90Pitch90 Roll180Pitch90 Roll270Pitch90 Roll90Pitch180 Roll270Pitch180 Roll90Pitch270 Roll180Pitch270 Roll270Pitch270 Roll90Pitch180Yaw90 Roll90Yaw270 Yaw293Pitch68Roll180 Pitch315 Roll90Pitch315 Internal External ForcedExternal -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere FirstCompass SecondCompass ThirdCompass -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -400 400 1 mGauss milligauss -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere -1000 1000 1 mGauss/A milligauss per ampere True True True Disabled Enabled None Yaw45 Yaw90 Yaw135 Yaw180 Yaw225 Yaw270 Yaw315 Roll180 Roll180Yaw45 Roll180Yaw90 Roll180Yaw135 Pitch180 Roll180Yaw225 Roll180Yaw270 Roll180Yaw315 Roll90 Roll90Yaw45 Roll90Yaw90 Roll90Yaw135 Roll270 Roll270Yaw45 Roll270Yaw90 Roll270Yaw135 Pitch90 Pitch270 Pitch180Yaw90 Pitch180Yaw270 Roll90Pitch90 Roll180Pitch90 Roll270Pitch90 Roll90Pitch180 Roll270Pitch180 Roll90Pitch270 Roll180Pitch270 Roll270Pitch270 Roll90Pitch180Yaw90 Roll90Yaw270 Yaw293Pitch68Roll180 Pitch315 Roll90Pitch315 Internal External ForcedExternal Disabled Enabled None Yaw45 Yaw90 Yaw135 Yaw180 Yaw225 Yaw270 Yaw315 Roll180 Roll180Yaw45 Roll180Yaw90 Roll180Yaw135 Pitch180 Roll180Yaw225 Roll180Yaw270 Roll180Yaw315 Roll90 Roll90Yaw45 Roll90Yaw90 Roll90Yaw135 Roll270 Roll270Yaw45 Roll270Yaw90 Roll270Yaw135 Pitch90 Pitch270 Pitch180Yaw90 Pitch180Yaw270 Roll90Pitch90 Roll180Pitch90 Roll270Pitch90 Roll90Pitch180 Roll270Pitch180 Roll90Pitch270 Roll180Pitch270 Roll270Pitch270 Roll90Pitch180Yaw90 Roll90Yaw270 Yaw293Pitch68Roll180 Pitch315 Roll90Pitch315 Internal External ForcedExternal 4 32 Very Strict Strict Default Relaxed 0.1 500 3000 1 0:HMC5883,1:LSM303D,2:AK8963,3:BMM150,4:LSM9DS1,5:LIS3MDL,6:AK09916,7:IST8310,8:ICM20948,9:MMC3416,11:UAVCAN,12:QMC5883,14:MAG3110,15:IST8308 0 100 1 % percent Disabled CheckOnly CheckAndFix Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled 0 2 0.01 Disabled Enabled True GPS 3D Vel and 2D Pos GPS 2D vel and 2D pos GPS 2D pos No GPS 0.05 5.0 0.05 m/s meters per second 0.05 5.0 0.05 m/s meters per second 100 1000 25 0.1 10.0 0.1 m meters 100 1000 25 10 100 5 m meters Use Baro Use Range Finder Use GPS Use Range Beacon True 0.1 10.0 0.1 m meters 100 1000 25 0 250 10 ms milliseconds True 0.01 0.5 0.01 Gauss gauss When flying When manoeuvring Never After first climb yaw reset Always 100 1000 25 0.5 5.0 0.1 m/s meters per second 100 1000 25 0.1 10.0 0.1 m meters 100 1000 25 1.0 4.0 0.1 rad/s radians per second 0.05 1.0 0.05 rad/s radians per second 100 1000 25 0 127 10 ms milliseconds True 0.0001 0.1 0.0001 rad/s radians per second 0.01 1.0 0.01 m/s/s meters per square second 0.00001 0.001 rad/s/s radians per square second 0.000001 0.001 Hz hertz 0.00001 0.005 m/s/s/s meters per cubic second 0.01 1.0 0.1 m/s/s meters per square second 0.0 1.0 0.1 0:NSats,1:HDoP,2:speed error,3:position error,4:yaw error,5:pos drift,6:vert speed,7:horiz speed 0:FirstIMU,1:SecondIMU,2:ThirdIMU,3:FourthIMU,4:FifthIMU,5:SixthIMU True 50 200 % percent 0.5 50.0 m meters 0:FirstIMU,1:SecondIMU,2:ThirdIMU,3:FourthIMU,4:FifthIMU,5:SixthIMU True 0.05 1.0 0.05 rad radians 100 1000 25 10 50 5 cs centiseconds 0.00001 0.01 Gauss/s gauss per second 0.00001 0.01 Gauss/s gauss per second -1 70 1 % percent 0 0.2 0.01 0.1 10.0 0.1 m meters 100 1000 25 0 127 10 ms milliseconds True 2.0 6.0 0.5 m/s meters per second 0:FirstEKF,1:SecondEKF,2:ThirdEKF,3:FourthEKF,4:FifthEKF,5:SixthEKF True 0:Correct when using Baro height,1:Correct when using range finder height,2:Apply corrections to local position True 0 127 1 ms milliseconds True None Navigation Terrain True 0 500 mGauss milligauss Disabled Enabled True GPS 3D Vel and 2D Pos GPS 2D vel and 2D pos GPS 2D pos No GPS 0.05 5.0 0.05 m/s meters per second 0.05 5.0 0.05 m/s meters per second 100 1000 25 0.1 10.0 0.1 m meters 100 1000 25 10 100 5 m meters Use Baro Use Range Finder Use GPS Use Range Beacon True 0.1 10.0 0.1 m meters 100 1000 25 0 250 10 ms milliseconds True 0.01 0.5 0.01 Gauss gauss When flying When manoeuvring Never After first climb yaw reset Always Use external yaw sensor True 100 1000 25 0.5 5.0 0.1 m/s meters per second 100 1000 25 0.1 10.0 0.1 m meters 100 1000 25 1.0 4.0 0.1 rad/s radians per second 0.05 1.0 0.05 rad/s radians per second 100 1000 25 0 250 10 ms milliseconds True 0.0001 0.1 0.0001 rad/s radians per second 0.01 1.0 0.01 m/s/s meters per square second 0.00001 0.001 rad/s/s radians per square second 0.00001 0.005 m/s/s/s meters per cubic second 0.01 1.0 0.1 m/s/s meters per square second 0.0 1.0 0.1 0:NSats,1:HDoP,2:speed error,3:position error,4:yaw error,5:pos drift,6:vert speed,7:horiz speed 0:FirstIMU,1:SecondIMU,2:ThirdIMU,3:FourthIMU,4:FifthIMU,5:SixthIMU True 50 200 % percent 0.5 50.0 m meters 0:FirstIMU,1:SecondIMU,2:ThirdIMU,3:FourthIMU,4:FifthIMU,5:SixthIMU True 0.05 1.0 0.05 rad radians 100 1000 25 10 50 5 cs centiseconds 0.00001 0.01 Gauss/s gauss per second 0.00001 0.01 Gauss/s gauss per second -1 70 1 % percent 0 0.2 0.01 0.1 10.0 0.1 m meters 100 1000 25 0 250 10 ms milliseconds True 2.0 6.0 0.5 m/s meters per second 0.5 2.5 0.1 m/s/s meters per square second 0:FirstEKF,1:SecondEKF,2:ThirdEKF,3:FourthEKF,4:FifthEKF,5:SixthEKF True 0:Correct when using Baro height,1:Correct when using range finder height,2:Apply corrections to local position True 0.05 0.5 0.05 m/s meters per second 0.5 5.0 0.1 m/s meters per second 0.01 1.0 0.1 m/s meters per second None Navigation Terrain True Disabled Enabled 0:Altitude,1:Circle,2:Polygon None Altitude Circle Altitude and Circle Polygon Altitude and Polygon Circle and Polygon All Report Only RTL or Land Always Land SmartRTL or RTL or Land Brake or Land 10 1000 1 m meters 30 10000 m meters 1 10 m meters 1 20 -100 100 1 m meters 0.1 6.0 0.1 0.02 1.00 0.01 0 4500 10 cdeg centidegrees 0 100 Hz hertz 0.1 2.5 1 100 Hz hertz 0 255 1 30 deg/s degrees per second None PX4Flow Pixart Bebop CXOF MAVLink UAVCAN True -200 +200 1 -200 +200 1 -18000 +18000 1 -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters 0 127 Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled 0 255 1 1000 m meters North-East-Down Relative to lead vehicle heading -100 100 1 m meters -100 100 1 m meters -100 100 1 m meters None Face Lead Vehicle Same as Lead vehicle Direction of Flight 0.01 1.00 0.01 absolute relative True True 1 Pa pascal True 1 degC degrees Celsius 0.1 m meters FirstBaro 2ndBaro 3rdBaro Disabled Bus0 Bus1 1.0:Freshwater,1.024:Saltwater True True 1 Pa pascal True True 1 Pa pascal 0 100 1 % percent 0:BMP085,1:BMP280,2:MS5611,3:MS5607,4:MS5637,5:FBM320,6:DPS280,7:LPS25H,8:Keller,10:MS5837,11:BMP388 BMP085 BMP280 MS5611 MS5607 MS5637 FBM320 DPS280 LPS25H Keller MS5837 BMP388 None AUTO uBlox MTK MTK19 NMEA SiRF HIL SwiftNav UAVCAN SBF GSOF ERB MAV NOVA HemisphereNMEA True None AUTO uBlox MTK MTK19 NMEA SiRF HIL SwiftNav UAVCAN SBF GSOF ERB MAV NOVA HemisphereNMEA True Portable Stationary Pedestrian Automotive Sea Airborne1G Airborne2G Airborne4G Disabled UseBest Blend UseSecond Any FloatRTK IntegerRTK True Disabled Enabled NoChange -100 90 deg degrees send to first GPS send to 2nd GPS send to all None (0x0000) All (0xFFFF) External only (0xFF00) Ignore Always log Stop logging when disarmed (SBF only) Only log every five samples (uBlox only) True 0:GPS,1:SBAS,2:Galileo,3:Beidou,4:IMES,5:QZSS,6:GLOSNASS Leave as currently configured GPS-NoSBAS GPS+SBAS Galileo-NoSBAS Galileo+SBAS Beidou GPS+IMES+QZSS+SBAS (Japan Only) GLONASS GLONASS+SBAS GPS+GLONASS+SBAS Do not save config Save config Save only when needed 0:GPS,1:SBAS,2:Galileo,3:Beidou,4:IMES,5:QZSS,6:GLOSNASS Leave as currently configured GPS-NoSBAS GPS+SBAS Galileo-NoSBAS Galileo+SBAS Beidou GPS+IMES+QZSS+SBAS (Japan Only) GLONASS GLONASS+SBAS GPS+GLONASS+SBAS Disables automatic configuration Enable automatic configuration 50 200 10Hz 8Hz 5Hz ms milliseconds 50 200 10Hz 8Hz 5Hz ms milliseconds -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters 0 250 ms milliseconds True 0 250 ms milliseconds True 0:Horiz Pos,1:Vert Pos,2:Speed 5.0 30.0 s seconds Disabled Enabled None Servo EPM 1000 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds 1000 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds 1000 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds 0 255 s seconds 0 255 Servo only Servo with ExtGyro DirectDrive VarPitch DirectDrive FixedPitch 0 1000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds -10 10 0.1 NoFlybar Flybar 0 1000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 0 1000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds H3 Generic H1 non-CPPM H3_140 H3_120 H4_90 H4_45 Normal Reversed Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled -180 180 deg degrees -180 180 deg degrees -30 30 1 deg degrees Longitudinal Transverse 0 1 -10 10 0.1 -10 10 0.1 1000 2000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 1000 2000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 1000 2000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds H3 Generic H1 non-CPPM H3_140 H3_120 H4_90 H4_45 Normal Reversed Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled -180 180 deg degrees -180 180 deg degrees -30 30 1 deg degrees H3 Generic H1 non-CPPM H3_140 H3_120 H4_90 H4_45 Normal Reversed Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled -180 180 deg degrees -180 180 deg degrees -30 30 1 deg degrees 1000 2000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 1000 2000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 1000 2000 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Disabled Passthrough Max collective Mid collective Min collective 0 18000 100 cdeg centidegrees 0 10 1 0 100 1 % percent RC Passthrough External Gov SetPoint Throttle Curve Governor 0 60 s seconds 0 60 s seconds 0 100 1 % percent 0 50 1 % percent 0 500 10 0 100 1 % percent 0 100 1 % percent 0 100 1 % percent 0 100 1 % percent 0 100 1 % percent 800 3500 10 RPM Revolutions Per Minute 0 50 1 % percent 0 150 1 % percent 50 100 1 % percent 50 200 10 RPM Revolutions Per Minute 0 500 1 d% decipercent 0 500 1 d% decipercent 500 1000 1 d% decipercent 500 1000 1 d% decipercent Disabled Very Low Low Medium High Very High rad/s radians per second rad/s radians per second rad/s radians per second rad/s radians per second rad/s radians per second rad/s radians per second rad/s radians per second rad/s radians per second rad/s radians per second 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2 -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2 -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2 -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second -3.5 3.5 m/s/s meters per square second 0 256 Hz hertz 0 256 Hz hertz Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled 0.05 50 Never Start-up only Don't adjust the trims Assume first orientation was level Assume ACC_BODYFIX is perfectly aligned to the vehicle IMU 1 IMU 2 IMU 3 -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters -10 10 m meters True True True True True True 0:FirstIMU,1:SecondIMU,2:ThirdIMU FirstIMUOnly FirstAndSecondIMU 0:FirstIMU,1:SecondIMU,2:ThirdIMU FirstIMUOnly FirstAndSecondIMU FirstSecondAndThirdIMU AllIMUs Disabled Enabled 10 400 Hz hertz 5 100 Hz hertz 5 30 dB decibel 0:1st harmonic,1:2nd harmonic,2:3rd harmonic,3:4th hamronic,4:5th harmonic,5:6th harmonic,6:7th harmonic,7:8th harmonic True 0.1 0.9 True 32 True 0:IMU1,1:IMU2,2:IMU3 None First IMU All True 0:Sensor-Rate Logging (sample at full sensor rate seen by AP), 1: Sample post-filtering 10 ms milliseconds 1 Disabled Enabled 5 30 dB decibel 10 400 Hz hertz 5 100 Hz hertz WaitForPilotInput Retract Deploy Disabled AUX1 AUX2 AUX3 AUX4 AUX5 AUX6 True Low High Disabled AUX1 AUX2 AUX3 AUX4 AUX5 AUX6 True Low High 0 1000 1 m meters 0 1000 1 m meters 0:File,1:MAVLink,2:Block None File MAVLink File and MAVLink Block Block and MAVLink Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled kB kilobytes s seconds 0 45 1 deg degrees 20 2000 50 cm/s centimeters per second 100 981 1 cm/s/s centimeters per square second 25 250 1 cm/s/s centimeters per square second 500 5000 1 cm/s/s/s centimeters per cubic second 0 2 0.1 s seconds True 0 32766 1 Resume Mission Restart Mission 0:Clear Mission on reboot Retracted Neutral MavLink Targeting RC Targeting GPS Point -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10 RC11 RC12 -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees Disabled RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10 RC11 RC12 -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees Disabled RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10 RC11 RC12 -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees 0 100 1 0.0 0.2 .005 s seconds 0.0 0.2 .005 s seconds None Servo 3DR Solo Alexmos Serial SToRM32 MAVLink SToRM32 Serial True Retracted Neutral MavLink Targeting RC Targeting GPS Point -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees -180.00 179.99 1 deg degrees Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10 RC11 RC12 -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees Disabled RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10 RC11 RC12 -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees Disabled RC5 RC6 RC7 RC8 RC9 RC10 RC11 RC12 -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees -18000 17999 1 cdeg centidegrees 0.0 0.2 .005 s seconds 0.0 0.2 .005 s seconds None Servo 3DR Solo Alexmos Serial SToRM32 MAVLink SToRM32 Serial 0 500 PWM PWM in microseconds 0.25 0.8 0.9:Low, 0.95:Default, 1.0:High 6 35 V volt 6 35 V volt 0 200 A ampere Normal OneShot OneShot125 Brushed DShot150 DShot300 DShot600 DShot1200 True 0 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds 0 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds 0.0:Low, 0.15:Default, 0.3:High 0.0:Low, 0.1:Default, 0.2:High 0 10 s seconds 0.2 0.8 Disabled Learn LearnAndSave PWM enabled while disarmed PWM disabled while disarmed 5 80 1 deg degrees 0 2 0.1 s seconds 0 5 0.1 First battery Second battery 0 .5 0.001 s seconds 0 .5 0.001 s seconds Off Low Medium High Disable Enable Standard MAVLink OutbackChallenge TrafficLight Disable ssd1306 sh1106 SITL Disabled Aircraft Rover Disabled 0:Build in LED, 1:Internal ToshibaLED, 2:External ToshibaLED, 3:External PCA9685, 4:Oreo LED, 5:UAVCAN, 6:NCP5623 External, 7:NCP5623 Internal, 8:NeoPixel LowIsOn HighIsOn 0 100 % percent Disabled BendyRuler Dijkstra 1 100 1 m meters 0.1 100 1 m meters 0 10000 True 0 127 1 s seconds 1 200 True Disabled Send only HIGH importance items Send HIGH and NORMAL importance items Send all items None MAX7456 True Disable Chan5 Chan6 Chan7 Chan8 Chan9 Chan10 Chan11 Chan12 Chan13 Chan14 Chan15 Chan16 0:UseDecimalPack, 1:InvertedWindPointer, 2:InvertedAHRoll True 0 31 True 0 63 True 0 99 1 30 0 100 Metric Imperial SI Aviation 1 20 0 4 0 4 0 4 Disabled Enabled 900 2100 900 2100 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 900 2100 900 2100 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 900 2100 900 2100 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 900 2100 900 2100 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled 0 29 0 15 Disabled Enabled None CompanionComputer IRLock SITL_Gazebo SITL 0 360 1 cdeg centidegrees -20 20 1 cm centimeters -20 20 1 cm centimeters RawSensor KalmanFilter 0.5 5 m meters m meters m meters DefaultBus InternalI2C ExternalI2C 0.02 0.250 1 s seconds True None LightWareSF40C MAVLink TeraRangerTower RangeFinder RPLidarA2 TeraRangerTowerEvo SITL MorseSITL AirSimSITL True Default Upside Down -180 180 deg degrees 0 360 deg degrees 0 45 deg degrees 0 360 deg degrees 0 45 deg degrees 0 360 deg degrees 0 45 deg degrees 0 360 deg degrees 0 45 deg degrees 0 360 deg degrees 0 45 deg degrees 0 360 deg degrees 0 45 deg degrees None LightWareSF40C MAVLink TeraRangerTower RangeFinder RPLidarA2 TeraRangerTowerEvo True Default Upside Down -180 180 deg degrees 0.5 5 0.1 Hz hertz 1.000 3.000 1.000 8.000 0.500 1.500 0.05 0.000 3.000 0 1000 d% decipercent 0.000 0.400 1.000 100.000 Hz hertz 0.500 2.000 0.1 6.0 0.1 0.02 1.00 0.01 0.00 1.00 0.001 0 4500 10 cm/s/s centimeters per square second 0 100 Hz hertz 0 100 Hz hertz 0 45 1 deg degrees 0.1 km kilometers DoNotIncludeHome IncludeHome 0.0 120.0 s seconds 0:Ignore RC Receiver, 1:Ignore MAVLink Overrides, 2:Ignore Receiver Failsafe 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed 0 200 PWM PWM in microseconds Do Nothing Flip Simple Mode RTL Save Trim Save WP Camera Trigger RangeFinder Fence Super Simple Mode Acro Trainer Sprayer Auto AutoTune Land Gripper Parachute Enable Parachute Release Parachute 3pos Auto Mission Reset AttCon Feed Forward AttCon Accel Limits Retract Mount Relay On/Off Relay2 On/Off Relay3 On/Off Relay4 On/Off Landing Gear Lost Copter Sound Motor Emergency Stop Motor Interlock Brake Throw ADSB-Avoidance PrecLoiter Proximity Avoidance ArmDisarm SmartRTL InvertedFlight Winch Enable WinchControl RC Override Enable User Function 1 User Function 2 User Function 3 Clear Waypoints ZigZag ZigZag SaveWP Compass Learn GPS Disable Relay5 Relay6 Stabilize PosHold AltHold FlowHold Circle Drift SurfaceTrackingUpDown KillIMU1 KillIMU2 1 8 1 True 1 8 1 True 1 8 1 True 1 8 1 True 1 8 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8 1 True 1 8 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8 1 True Disabled BB Blue GP0 pin 4 AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 BB Blue GP0 pin 3 BB Blue GP0 pin 6 BB Blue GP0 pin 5 Disabled BB Blue GP0 pin 4 AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 BB Blue GP0 pin 3 BB Blue GP0 pin 6 BB Blue GP0 pin 5 Disabled BB Blue GP0 pin 4 AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 BB Blue GP0 pin 3 BB Blue GP0 pin 6 BB Blue GP0 pin 5 Disabled BB Blue GP0 pin 4 AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 BB Blue GP0 pin 3 BB Blue GP0 pin 6 BB Blue GP0 pin 5 Off On NoChange Disabled BB Blue GP0 pin 4 AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 BB Blue GP0 pin 3 BB Blue GP0 pin 6 BB Blue GP0 pin 5 Disabled BB Blue GP0 pin 4 AUXOUT1 AUXOUT2 AUXOUT3 AUXOUT4 AUXOUT5 AUXOUT6 BB Blue GP0 pin 3 BB Blue GP0 pin 6 BB Blue GP0 pin 5 None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None Analog MaxbotixI2C LidarLiteV2-I2C PWM BBB-PRU LightWareI2C LightWareSerial Bebop MAVLink uLanding LeddarOne MaxbotixSerial TeraRangerI2C LidarLiteV3-I2C VL53L0X NMEA WASP-LRF BenewakeTF02 BenewakeTFmini LidarLightV3HP PWM BlueRoboticsPing UAVCAN BenewakeTFMiniPlus Not Used PX4-airspeed port Pixhawk-airspeed port 0.001 m/V meters per volt 0.001 V volt Linear Inverted Hyperbolic 1 cm centimeters 1 cm centimeters Not Used Pixhawk AUXOUT1 Pixhawk AUXOUT2 Pixhawk AUXOUT3 Pixhawk AUXOUT4 Pixhawk AUXOUT5 Pixhawk AUXOUT6 PX4 FMU Relay1 PX4 FMU Relay2 PX4IO Relay1 PX4IO Relay2 PX4IO ACC1 PX4IO ACC2 No Yes 0 32767 m meters 5 127 1 cm centimeters 0 127 1 m meters m meters m meters Forward Forward-Right Right Back-Right Back Back-Left Left Forward-Left Up Down 0 255 0 255 0 10000 0 255 -1 255 Low Speed High Speed None PX4-PWM AUXPIN 0.001 1 1 0.1 Disabled PixhawkAUX1 PixhawkAUX2 PixhawkAUX3 PixhawkAUX4 PixhawkAUX5 PixhawkAUX6 None PX4-PWM AUXPIN 0.001 Disabled PixhawkAUX1 PixhawkAUX2 PixhawkAUX3 PixhawkAUX4 PixhawkAUX5 PixhawkAUX6 Disabled AnalogPin RCChannelPwmValue ReceiverProtocol PWMInputPin V5 Nano Pixracer Pixhawk ADC4 Pixhawk ADC3 Pixhawk ADC6 Pixhawk2 ADC PixhawkAUX1 PixhawkAUX2 PixhawkAUX3 PixhawkAUX4 PixhawkAUX5 PixhawkAUX6 Pixhawk SBUS 0 5.0 0.01 V volt 0 5.0 0.01 V volt 0 16 0 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds 0 2000 PWM PWM in microseconds Disabled ShowSlips ShowOverruns 50Hz 100Hz 200Hz 250Hz 300Hz 400Hz True None Lua Scripts True 1000 1000000 10000 1024 1048576 1024 True 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 111100 115200 256000 460800 500000 921600 1500000 MAVlink1 MAVLink2 True None MAVLink1 MAVLink2 Frsky D Frsky SPort GPS Alexmos Gimbal Serial SToRM32 Gimbal Serial Rangefinder FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) Lidar360 Beacon Volz servo out SBus servo out ESC Telemetry Devo Telemetry OpticalFlow RobotisServo NMEA Output WindVane SLCAN RCIN True 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 111100 115200 256000 500000 921600 1500000 None MAVLink1 MAVLink2 Frsky D Frsky SPort GPS Alexmos Gimbal Serial SToRM32 Gimbal Serial Rangefinder FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) Lidar360 Beacon Volz servo out SBus servo out ESC Telemetry Devo Telemetry OpticalFlow RobotisServo NMEA Output WindVane SLCAN RCIN True 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 111100 115200 256000 500000 921600 1500000 None MAVLink1 MAVLink2 Frsky D Frsky SPort GPS Alexmos Gimbal Serial SToRM32 Gimbal Serial Rangefinder FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) Lidar360 Beacon Volz servo out SBus servo out ESC Telemetry Devo Telemetry OpticalFlow RobotisServo NMEA Output WindVane SLCAN RCIN True 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 111100 115200 256000 500000 921600 1500000 None MAVLink1 MAVLink2 Frsky D Frsky SPort GPS Alexmos Gimbal Serial SToRM32 Gimbal Serial Rangefinder FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) Lidar360 Beacon Volz servo out SBus servo out ESC Telemetry Devo Telemetry OpticalFlow RobotisServo NMEA Output WindVane SLCAN RCIN True 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 111100 115200 256000 500000 921600 1500000 None MAVLink1 MAVLink2 Frsky D Frsky SPort GPS Alexmos Gimbal Serial SToRM32 Gimbal Serial Rangefinder FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) Lidar360 Beacon Volz servo out SBus servo out ESC Telemetry Devo Telemetry OpticalFlow RobotisServo NMEA Output WindVane SLCAN RCIN True 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 111100 115200 256000 500000 921600 1500000 None MAVLink1 MAVLink2 Frsky D Frsky SPort GPS Alexmos Gimbal Serial SToRM32 Gimbal Serial Rangefinder FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) Lidar360 Beacon Volz servo out SBus servo out ESC Telemetry Devo Telemetry OpticalFlow RobotisServo NMEA Output WindVane SLCAN RCIN True 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 111100 115200 256000 500000 921600 1500000 0:InvertRX, 1:InvertTX, 2:HalfDuplex, 4:Swap True 0:InvertRX, 1:InvertTX, 2:HalfDuplex, 4:Swap True 0:InvertRX, 1:InvertTX, 2:HalfDuplex, 4:Swap True 0:InvertRX, 1:InvertTX, 2:HalfDuplex, 4:Swap True 0:InvertRX, 1:InvertTX, 2:HalfDuplex, 4:Swap True 0:InvertRX, 1:InvertTX, 2:HalfDuplex, 4:Swap True Disabled Serial0 Serial1 Serial2 Serial3 Serial4 Serial5 Serial6 Disabled Serial0 Serial1 Serial2 Serial3 Serial4 Serial5 Serial6 0 120 s seconds None MAVLink1 MAVLink2 Frsky D Frsky SPort GPS Alexmos Gimbal Serial SToRM32 Gimbal Serial Rangefinder FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX) Lidar360 Beacon Volz servo out SBus servo out ESC Telemetry Devo Telemetry OpticalFlow RobotisServo NMEA Output WindVane SLCAN RCIN True 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 111100 115200 256000 500000 921600 1500000 0:InvertRX, 1:InvertTX, 2:HalfDuplex, 4:Swap True Disable Enable 25 400 Hz hertz 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 500 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds 800 2200 1 PWM PWM in microseconds Normal Reversed Disabled RCPassThru Flap Flap_auto Aileron mount_pan mount_tilt mount_roll mount_open camera_trigger release mount2_pan mount2_tilt mount2_roll mount2_open DifferentialSpoilerLeft1 DifferentialSpoilerRight1 Elevator Rudder FlaperonLeft FlaperonRight GroundSteering Parachute EPM LandingGear EngineRunEnable HeliRSC HeliTailRSC Motor1 Motor2 Motor3 Motor4 Motor5 Motor6 Motor7 Motor8 MotorTilt RCIN1 RCIN2 RCIN3 RCIN4 RCIN5 RCIN6 RCIN7 RCIN8 RCIN9 RCIN10 RCIN11 RCIN12 RCIN13 RCIN14 RCIN15 RCIN16 Ignition Choke Starter Throttle TrackerYaw TrackerPitch ThrottleLeft ThrottleRight tiltMotorLeft tiltMotorRight ElevonLeft ElevonRight VTailLeft VTailRight BoostThrottle Motor9 Motor10 Motor11 Motor12 DifferentialSpoilerLeft2 DifferentialSpoilerRight2 Winch Main Sail Camera ISO Camera Focus Camera Shutter Speed Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Script 4 Script 5 Script 6 Script 7 Script 8 Script 9 Script 10 Script 11 Script 12 Script 13 Script 14 Script 15 Script 16 0:Channel1,1:Channel2,2:Channel3,3:Channel4,4:Channel5,5:Channel6,6:Channel7,7:Channel8,8:Channel9,9:Channel10,10:Channel11,11:Channel12,12:Channel13,13:Channel14,14:Channel15,15:Channel16 Disabled Enabled Disabled TestMotor1 TestMotor2 TestMotor3 TestMotor4 TestMotor5 TestMotor6 TestMotor7 TestMotor8 0 300 s seconds 0 500 Hz hertz Disabled Enabled None OneShot OneShot125 Brushed DShot150 DShot300 DShot600 DShot1200 Console Telem1 Telem2 Telem3 Telem4 Telem5 1 127 0:Channel1,1:Channel2,2:Channel3,3:Channel4,4:Channel5,5:Channel6,6:Channel7,7:Channel8,8:Channel9,9:Channel10,10:Channel11,11:Channel12,12:Channel13,13:Channel14,14:Channel15,15:Channel16 0 4095 0 4095 25 250 Hz hertz 0:Channel1,1:Channel2,2:Channel3,3:Channel4,4:Channel5,5:Channel6,6:Channel7,7:Channel8,8:Channel9,9:Channel10,10:Channel11,11:Channel12,12:Channel13,13:Channel14,14:Channel15,15:Channel16 Disabled Enabled 0 100 % percent 1000 2000 ms milliseconds 0 1000 cm/s centimeters per second 0 100 % percent 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 50 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 50 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 50 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 10 1 Hz hertz 0 50 1 Hz hertz 0 10 m meters 0 500 True True True s seconds True s seconds True s seconds Disabled Enabled EnableAndLearn True True degC degrees Celsius True True degC degrees Celsius True True Disable Enable 1 m meters Disabled EnableVersion1 EnableVersion2 Stabilize Acro AltHold Auto Guided Loiter RTL Circle Land Drift Sport Flip AutoTune PosHold Brake Throw Avoid_ADSB Guided_NoGPS FlowHold Stabilize Acro AltHold Auto Guided Loiter RTL Circle Land Drift Sport Flip AutoTune PosHold Brake Throw Avoid_ADSB Guided_NoGPS FlowHold None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest ModeFlowHold None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest ModeFlowHold None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest ModeFlowHold None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest ModeFlowHold None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest ModeFlowHold None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest ModeFlowHold None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest ModeFlowHold None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest ModeFlowHold 0 100 None TakePhoto ToggleVideo ModeAcro ModeAltHold ModeAuto ModeLoiter ModeRTL ModeCircle ModeLand ModeDrift ModeSport ModeAutoTune ModePosHold ModeBrake ModeThrow Flip ModeStabilize Disarm ToggleMode Arm-Land-RTL ToggleSimpleMode ToggleSuperSimpleMode MotorLoadTest 0:DisarmOnLowThrottle,1:ArmOnHighThrottle,2:UpgradeToLoiter,3:RTLStickCancel 0 5 0.01 0 5 0.01 0 1 0.01 0 1 0.01 0 1 0.01 0 100 ConstantThrust LogReplay1 LogReplay2 None MAV m meters m meters m meters Forward Right Back Left Up Down None Quadrature 1 0.001 m meters 0.01 m meters 0.01 m meters 0.01 m meters Disabled PixhawkAUX1 PixhawkAUX2 PixhawkAUX3 PixhawkAUX4 PixhawkAUX5 PixhawkAUX6 Disabled PixhawkAUX1 PixhawkAUX2 PixhawkAUX3 PixhawkAUX4 PixhawkAUX5 PixhawkAUX6 None Quadrature 1 0.001 m meters 0.01 m meters 0.01 m meters 0.01 m meters Disabled PixhawkAUX1 PixhawkAUX2 PixhawkAUX3 PixhawkAUX4 PixhawkAUX5 PixhawkAUX6 Disabled PixhawkAUX1 PixhawkAUX2 PixhawkAUX3 PixhawkAUX4 PixhawkAUX5 PixhawkAUX6 Disabled Enabled Servo with encoder 0 10 m/s meters per second 0.01 10.0 0.100 2.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.400 1.000 100.000 Hz hertz 20 2000 50 cm/s centimeters per second 5 1000 1 cm centimeters 10 1000 50 cm/s centimeters per second 10 500 10 cm/s centimeters per second 50 500 10 cm/s/s centimeters per square second 50 500 10 cm/s/s centimeters per square second Disable Enable