/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief QGC Main Flight Display * @author Gus Grubba */ #include #include #include #include "MainWindow.h" #include "QGCFlightDisplay.h" #include "UASManager.h" #define UPDATE_TIMER 500 const char* kMainFlightDisplayGroup = "MainFlightDisplay"; QGCFlightDisplay::QGCFlightDisplay(QWidget *parent) : QGCQmlWidgetHolder(parent) , _mav(NULL) , _roll(0.0f) , _pitch(0.0f) , _heading(0.0f) , _altitudeAMSL(0.0f) , _altitudeWGS84(0.0f) , _altitudeRelative(0.0f) , _groundSpeed(0.0f) , _airSpeed(0.0f) , _climbRate(0.0f) , _navigationAltitudeError(0.0f) , _navigationSpeedError(0.0f) , _navigationCrosstrackError(0.0f) , _navigationTargetBearing(0.0f) , _latitude(37.803784f) , _longitude(-122.462276f) , _refreshTimer(new QTimer(this)) { setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); setObjectName("MainFlightDisplay"); // Get rid of layout default margins QLayout* pl = layout(); if(pl) { pl->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); } #ifndef __android__ setMinimumWidth( 380 * MainWindow::pixelSizeFactor()); setMinimumHeight(400 * MainWindow::pixelSizeFactor()); #endif setContextPropertyObject("flightDisplay", this); setSource(QUrl::fromUserInput("qrc:/qml/FlightDisplay.qml")); setVisible(true); // Connect with UAS signal _setActiveUAS(UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS()); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(UASDeleted(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(_forgetUAS(UASInterface*))); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(_setActiveUAS(UASInterface*))); // Refresh timer _refreshTimer->setInterval(UPDATE_TIMER); connect(_refreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(_checkUpdate())); } QGCFlightDisplay::~QGCFlightDisplay() { _refreshTimer->stop(); } void QGCFlightDisplay::saveSetting(const QString &name, const QString& value) { QSettings settings; QString key(kMainFlightDisplayGroup); key += "/" + name; settings.setValue(key, value); } QString QGCFlightDisplay::loadSetting(const QString &name, const QString& defaultValue) { QSettings settings; QString key(kMainFlightDisplayGroup); key += "/" + name; return settings.value(key, defaultValue).toString(); } void QGCFlightDisplay::_forgetUAS(UASInterface* uas) { if (_mav != NULL && _mav == uas) { // Disconnect any previously connected active MAV disconnect(_mav, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged (UASInterface*, double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateAttitude(UASInterface*, double, double, double, quint64))); disconnect(_mav, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged (UASInterface*, int,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateAttitude(UASInterface*,int,double, double, double, quint64))); disconnect(_mav, SIGNAL(speedChanged (UASInterface*, double, double, quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateSpeed(UASInterface*, double, double, quint64))); disconnect(_mav, SIGNAL(altitudeChanged (UASInterface*, double, double, double, double, quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateAltitude(UASInterface*, double, double, double, double, quint64))); disconnect(_mav, SIGNAL(navigationControllerErrorsChanged(UASInterface*, double, double, double)), this, SLOT(_updateNavigationControllerErrors(UASInterface*, double, double, double))); disconnect(_mav, &UASInterface::NavigationControllerDataChanged, this, &QGCFlightDisplay::_updateNavigationControllerData); } _mav = NULL; emit mavPresentChanged(); } void QGCFlightDisplay::_setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas) { if (uas == _mav) return; // Disconnect the previous one (if any) if(_mav) { _forgetUAS(_mav); } if (uas) { // Now connect the new UAS // Setup communication connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged (UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateAttitude(UASInterface*, double, double, double, quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged (UASInterface*,int,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateAttitude(UASInterface*,int,double, double, double, quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(speedChanged (UASInterface*, double, double, quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateSpeed(UASInterface*, double, double, quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(altitudeChanged (UASInterface*, double, double, double, double, quint64)), this, SLOT(_updateAltitude(UASInterface*, double, double, double, double, quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(navigationControllerErrorsChanged (UASInterface*, double, double, double)), this, SLOT(_updateNavigationControllerErrors(UASInterface*, double, double, double))); connect(uas, &UASInterface::NavigationControllerDataChanged, this, &QGCFlightDisplay::_updateNavigationControllerData); // Set new UAS _mav = uas; } emit mavPresentChanged(); } void QGCFlightDisplay::_updateAttitude(UASInterface*, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64) { if (isinf(roll)) { _roll = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else { float rolldeg = _oneDecimal(roll * (180.0 / M_PI)); if (fabs(roll - rolldeg) > 1.0) { _roll = rolldeg; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit rollChanged(); } } if(_roll != rolldeg) { _roll = rolldeg; _addChange(ROLL_CHANGED); } } if (isinf(pitch)) { _pitch = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else { float pitchdeg = _oneDecimal(pitch * (180.0 / M_PI)); if (fabs(pitch - pitchdeg) > 1.0) { _pitch = pitchdeg; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit pitchChanged(); } } if(_pitch != pitchdeg) { _pitch = pitchdeg; _addChange(PITCH_CHANGED); } } if (isinf(yaw)) { _heading = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); } else { yaw = _oneDecimal(yaw * (180.0 / M_PI)); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; if (fabs(_heading - yaw) > 1.0) { _heading = yaw; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit headingChanged(); } } if(_heading != yaw) { _heading = yaw; _addChange(HEADING_CHANGED); } } } void QGCFlightDisplay::_updateAttitude(UASInterface* uas, int, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64 timestamp) { _updateAttitude(uas, roll, pitch, yaw, timestamp); } void QGCFlightDisplay::_updateSpeed(UASInterface*, double groundSpeed, double airSpeed, quint64) { groundSpeed = _oneDecimal(groundSpeed); if (fabs(_groundSpeed - groundSpeed) > 0.5) { _groundSpeed = groundSpeed; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit groundSpeedChanged(); } } airSpeed = _oneDecimal(airSpeed); if (fabs(_airSpeed - airSpeed) > 1.0) { _airSpeed = airSpeed; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit airSpeedChanged(); } } if(_groundSpeed != groundSpeed) { _groundSpeed = groundSpeed; _addChange(GROUNDSPEED_CHANGED); } if(_airSpeed != airSpeed) { _airSpeed = airSpeed; _addChange(AIRSPEED_CHANGED); } } void QGCFlightDisplay::_updateAltitude(UASInterface*, double altitudeAMSL, double altitudeWGS84, double altitudeRelative, double climbRate, quint64) { altitudeAMSL = _oneDecimal(altitudeAMSL); if (fabs(_altitudeAMSL - altitudeAMSL) > 0.5) { _altitudeAMSL = altitudeAMSL; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit altitudeAMSLChanged(); } } altitudeWGS84 = _oneDecimal(altitudeWGS84); if (fabs(_altitudeWGS84 - altitudeWGS84) > 0.5) { _altitudeWGS84 = altitudeWGS84; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit altitudeWGS84Changed(); } } altitudeRelative = _oneDecimal(altitudeRelative); if (fabs(_altitudeRelative - altitudeRelative) > 0.5) { _altitudeRelative = altitudeRelative; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit altitudeRelativeChanged(); } } climbRate = _oneDecimal(climbRate); if (fabs(_climbRate - climbRate) > 0.5) { _climbRate = climbRate; if(_refreshTimer->isActive()) { emit climbRateChanged(); } } if(_altitudeAMSL != altitudeAMSL) { _altitudeAMSL = altitudeAMSL; _addChange(ALTITUDEAMSL_CHANGED); } if(_altitudeWGS84 != altitudeWGS84) { _altitudeWGS84 = altitudeWGS84; _addChange(ALTITUDEWGS84_CHANGED); } if(_altitudeRelative != altitudeRelative) { _altitudeRelative = altitudeRelative; _addChange(ALTITUDERELATIVE_CHANGED); } if(_climbRate != climbRate) { _climbRate = climbRate; _addChange(CLIMBRATE_CHANGED); } } void QGCFlightDisplay::_updateNavigationControllerErrors(UASInterface*, double altitudeError, double speedError, double xtrackError) { _navigationAltitudeError = altitudeError; _navigationSpeedError = speedError; _navigationCrosstrackError = xtrackError; } void QGCFlightDisplay::_updateNavigationControllerData(UASInterface *uas, float, float, float, float targetBearing, float) { if (_mav == uas) { _navigationTargetBearing = targetBearing; } } /* * Internal */ bool QGCFlightDisplay::_isAirplane() { if (_mav) return _mav->isAirplane(); return false; } // TODO: Implement. Should return true when navigating. // That would be (PX4) in AUTO and RTL modes. // This could forward to a virtual on UAS bool isNavigatingAutonomusly() or whatever. bool QGCFlightDisplay::_shouldDisplayNavigationData() { return true; } void QGCFlightDisplay::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { // Enable updates QWidget::showEvent(event); _refreshTimer->start(UPDATE_TIMER); } void QGCFlightDisplay::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) { // Disable updates _refreshTimer->stop(); QWidget::hideEvent(event); } void QGCFlightDisplay::_addChange(int id) { if(!_changes.contains(id)) { _changes.append(id); } } float QGCFlightDisplay::_oneDecimal(float value) { int i = (value * 10); return (float)i / 10.0; } void QGCFlightDisplay::_checkUpdate() { // Update current location if(_mav) { if(_latitude != _mav->getLatitude()) { _latitude = _mav->getLatitude(); emit latitudeChanged(); } if(_longitude != _mav->getLongitude()) { _longitude = _mav->getLongitude(); emit longitudeChanged(); } } // Check for changes // Significant changes, that is, whole number changes, are updated immediatelly. // For every message however, we set a flag for what changed and this timer updates // them to bring everything up-to-date. This prevents an avalanche of UI updates. foreach(int i, _changes) { switch (i) { case ROLL_CHANGED: emit rollChanged(); break; case PITCH_CHANGED: emit pitchChanged(); break; case HEADING_CHANGED: emit headingChanged(); break; case GROUNDSPEED_CHANGED: emit groundSpeedChanged(); break; case AIRSPEED_CHANGED: emit airSpeedChanged(); break; case CLIMBRATE_CHANGED: emit climbRateChanged(); break; case ALTITUDERELATIVE_CHANGED: emit altitudeRelativeChanged(); break; case ALTITUDEWGS84_CHANGED: emit altitudeWGS84Changed(); break; case ALTITUDEAMSL_CHANGED: emit altitudeAMSLChanged(); break; default: break; } } _changes.clear(); }