/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief QGC Main Tool Bar * @author Gus Grubba */ #ifndef MAINTOOLBAR_H #define MAINTOOLBAR_H #include "QGCQmlWidgetHolder.h" #define TOOL_BAR_SETTINGS_GROUP "TOOLBAR_SETTINGS_GROUP" #define TOOL_BAR_SHOW_BATTERY "ShowBattery" #define TOOL_BAR_SHOW_GPS "ShowGPS" #define TOOL_BAR_SHOW_MAV "ShowMav" #define TOOL_BAR_SHOW_MESSAGES "ShowMessages" #define TOOL_BAR_SHOW_RSSI "ShowRSSI" class UASInterface; class UASMessage; class UASMessageViewRollDown; class MainToolBar : public QGCQmlWidgetHolder { Q_OBJECT Q_ENUMS(ViewType_t) Q_ENUMS(MessageType_t) public: MainToolBar(QWidget* parent = NULL); ~MainToolBar(); typedef enum { ViewNone = -1, ViewAnalyze, // MainWindow::VIEW_ENGINEER ViewPlan , // MainWindow::VIEW_MISSION ViewFly , // MainWindow::VIEW_FLIGHT ViewSetup , // MainWindow::VIEW_SETUP } ViewType_t; typedef enum { MessageNone, MessageNormal, MessageWarning, MessageError } MessageType_t; Q_INVOKABLE void onSetupView(); Q_INVOKABLE void onPlanView(); Q_INVOKABLE void onFlyView(); Q_INVOKABLE void onAnalyzeView(); Q_INVOKABLE void onConnect(QString conf); Q_INVOKABLE void onDisconnect(QString conf); Q_INVOKABLE void onEnterMessageArea(int x, int y); Q_INVOKABLE QString getMavIconColor(); Q_PROPERTY(int connectionCount MEMBER _connectionCount NOTIFY connectionCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(double batteryVoltage MEMBER _batteryVoltage NOTIFY batteryVoltageChanged) Q_PROPERTY(double batteryPercent MEMBER _batteryPercent NOTIFY batteryPercentChanged) Q_PROPERTY(ViewType_t currentView MEMBER _currentView NOTIFY currentViewChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList configList MEMBER _linkConfigurations NOTIFY configListChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool systemArmed MEMBER _systemArmed NOTIFY systemArmedChanged) Q_PROPERTY(unsigned int heartbeatTimeout MEMBER _currentHeartbeatTimeout NOTIFY heartbeatTimeoutChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString currentMode MEMBER _currentMode NOTIFY currentModeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(MessageType_t messageType MEMBER _currentMessageType NOTIFY messageTypeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int newMessageCount MEMBER _currentMessageCount NOTIFY newMessageCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int messageCount MEMBER _messageCount NOTIFY messageCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString systemPixmap MEMBER _systemPixmap NOTIFY systemPixmapChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int satelliteCount READ satelliteCount NOTIFY satelliteCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList connectedList MEMBER _connectedList NOTIFY connectedListChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool mavPresent READ mavPresent NOTIFY mavPresentChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString currentState MEMBER _currentState NOTIFY currentStateChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int satelliteLock MEMBER _satelliteLock NOTIFY satelliteLockChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool showGPS MEMBER _showGPS NOTIFY showGPSChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool showMav MEMBER _showMav NOTIFY showMavChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool showMessages MEMBER _showMessages NOTIFY showMessagesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool showBattery MEMBER _showBattery NOTIFY showBatteryChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool showRSSI MEMBER _showRSSI NOTIFY showRSSIChanged) Q_PROPERTY(float progressBarValue MEMBER _progressBarValue NOTIFY progressBarValueChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int remoteRSSI READ remoteRSSI NOTIFY remoteRSSIChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int telemetryRRSSI READ telemetryRRSSI NOTIFY telemetryRRSSIChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int telemetryLRSSI READ telemetryLRSSI NOTIFY telemetryLRSSIChanged) bool mavPresent () { return _mav != NULL; } int satelliteCount () { return _satelliteCount; } int remoteRSSI () { return _remoteRSSI; } int telemetryRRSSI () { return _telemetryRRSSI; } int telemetryLRSSI () { return _telemetryLRSSI; } void setCurrentView (int currentView); void viewStateChanged (const QString& key, bool value); signals: void connectionCountChanged (int count); void batteryVoltageChanged (double value); void batteryPercentChanged (double value); void currentViewChanged (); void configListChanged (); void systemArmedChanged (bool systemArmed); void heartbeatTimeoutChanged (unsigned int hbTimeout); void currentModeChanged (); void messageTypeChanged (MessageType_t type); void newMessageCountChanged (int count); void messageCountChanged (int count); void currentConfigChanged (QString config); void systemPixmapChanged (QPixmap pix); void satelliteCountChanged (int count); void connectedListChanged (QStringList connectedList); void mavPresentChanged (bool present); void currentStateChanged (QString state); void satelliteLockChanged (int lock); void showGPSChanged (bool value); void showMavChanged (bool value); void showMessagesChanged (bool value); void showBatteryChanged (bool value); void showRSSIChanged (bool value); void progressBarValueChanged (float value); void remoteRSSIChanged (int value); void telemetryRRSSIChanged (int value); void telemetryLRSSIChanged (int value); private slots: void _setActiveUAS (UASInterface* active); void _updateBatteryRemaining (UASInterface*, double voltage, double, double percent, int); void _updateArmingState (bool armed); void _updateConfigurations (); void _linkConnected (LinkInterface* link); void _linkDisconnected (LinkInterface* link); void _updateState (UASInterface* system, QString name, QString description); void _updateMode (int system, QString name, QString description); void _updateName (const QString& name); void _setSystemType (UASInterface* uas, unsigned int systemType); void _heartbeatTimeout (bool timeout, unsigned int ms); void _handleTextMessage (int newCount); void _updateCurrentWaypoint (quint16 id); void _updateWaypointDistance (double distance); void _setSatelliteCount (double val, QString name); void _leaveMessageView (); void _setSatLoc (UASInterface* uas, int fix); void _setProgressBarValue (float value); void _remoteControlRSSIChanged (uint8_t rssi); void _telemetryChanged (LinkInterface* link, unsigned rxerrors, unsigned fixed, unsigned rssi, unsigned remrssi, unsigned txbuf, unsigned noise, unsigned remnoise); void _updatePixelSize (); private: void _updateConnection (LinkInterface *disconnectedLink = NULL); void _setToolBarState (const QString& key, bool value); private: UASInterface* _mav; QQuickItem* _toolBar; ViewType_t _currentView; double _batteryVoltage; double _batteryPercent; QStringList _linkConfigurations; int _connectionCount; bool _systemArmed; QString _currentState; QString _currentMode; QString _systemName; QString _systemPixmap; unsigned int _currentHeartbeatTimeout; double _waypointDistance; quint16 _currentWaypoint; int _currentMessageCount; int _messageCount; int _currentErrorCount; int _currentWarningCount; int _currentNormalCount; MessageType_t _currentMessageType; int _satelliteCount; QStringList _connectedList; int _satelliteLock; bool _showGPS; bool _showMav; bool _showMessages; bool _showRSSI; bool _showBattery; float _progressBarValue; int _remoteRSSI; int _telemetryRRSSI; int _telemetryLRSSI; UASMessageViewRollDown* _rollDownMessages; }; #endif // MAINTOOLBAR_H