/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief QGC Main Flight Display * @author Gus Grubba */ import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2 import QGroundControl.FlightControls 1.0 Rectangle { id: root color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0); property real roll: isNaN(flightDisplay.roll) ? 0 : flightDisplay.roll property real pitch: isNaN(flightDisplay.pitch) ? 0 : flightDisplay.pitch property bool showPitchIndicator: true property bool showAttitudeIndicator: true property bool showCompass: true function getBool(value) { return value === '0' ? false : true; } function setBool(value) { return value ? "1" : "0"; } function adjustSizes() { var dist = 85 var wide = 160 var minw = 496 if(root.width > minw) { attitudeInstrument.size = wide; attitudeInstrument.x = dist compassInstrument.size = wide; compassInstrument.x = root.width - wide - dist } else { var factor = (root.width / minw); var ndist = dist * factor; var nwide = wide * factor; if (ndist < 0) ndist = 0; attitudeInstrument.size = nwide; compassInstrument.size = nwide; attitudeInstrument.x = ndist; compassInstrument.x = root.width - nwide - ndist; } } Component.onCompleted: { mapBackground.visible = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showMapBackground", "0")); mapBackground.alwaysNorth = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("mapAlwaysPointsNorth", "0")); showAttitudeIndicator = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showAttitudeIndicator", "1")); showPitchIndicator = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showPitchIndicator", "1")); showCompass = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showCompass", "1")); altitudeWidget.visible = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showAltitudeWidget", "1")); speedWidget.visible = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showSpeedWidget", "1")); currentSpeed.showAirSpeed = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showCurrentAirSpeed", "1")); currentSpeed.showGroundSpeed = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showCurrentGroundSpeed", "1")); currentAltitude.showClimbRate = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showCurrentClimbRate", "1")); currentAltitude.showAltitude = getBool(flightDisplay.loadSetting("showCurrentAltitude", "1")); mapTypeMenu.update(); adjustSizes(); } Menu { id: contextMenu MenuItem { text: "Map Background" checkable: true checked: mapBackground.visible onTriggered: { mapBackground.visible = !mapBackground.visible; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showMapBackground", setBool(mapBackground.visible)); } } /* MenuItem { text: "Map Always Points North" checkable: true checked: mapBackground.alwaysNorth onTriggered: { mapBackground.alwaysNorth = !mapBackground.alwaysNorth; flightDisplay.saveSetting("mapAlwaysPointsNorth", setBool(mapBackground.alwaysNorth)); } } */ Menu { id: mapTypeMenu title: "Map Type..." ExclusiveGroup { id: currentMapType } function setCurrentMap(map) { for (var i = 0; i < mapBackground.mapItem.supportedMapTypes.length; i++) { if (map === mapBackground.mapItem.supportedMapTypes[i].name) { mapBackground.mapItem.activeMapType = mapBackground.mapItem.supportedMapTypes[i] flightDisplay.saveSetting("currentMapType", map); return; } } } function addMap(map, checked) { var mItem = mapTypeMenu.addItem(map); mItem.checkable = true mItem.checked = checked mItem.exclusiveGroup = currentMapType var menuSlot = function() {setCurrentMap(map);}; mItem.triggered.connect(menuSlot); } function update() { clear() var map = '' if (mapBackground.mapItem.supportedMapTypes.length > 0) map = mapBackground.mapItem.activeMapType.name; map = flightDisplay.loadSetting("currentMapType", map); for (var i = 0; i < mapBackground.mapItem.supportedMapTypes.length; i++) { var name = mapBackground.mapItem.supportedMapTypes[i].name; addMap(name, map === name); } if(map != '') setCurrentMap(map); } } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { text: "Pitch Indicator" checkable: true checked: showPitchIndicator onTriggered: { showPitchIndicator = !showPitchIndicator; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showPitchIndicator", setBool(showPitchIndicator)); } } MenuItem { text: "Attitude Indicator" checkable: true checked: showAttitudeIndicator onTriggered: { showAttitudeIndicator = !showAttitudeIndicator; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showAttitudeIndicator", setBool(showAttitudeIndicator)); } } MenuItem { text: "Compass" checkable: true checked: showCompass onTriggered: { showCompass = !showCompass; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCompass", setBool(showCompass)); } } MenuItem { text: "Altitude Indicator" checkable: true checked: altitudeWidget.visible onTriggered: { altitudeWidget.visible = !altitudeWidget.visible; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showAltitudeWidget", setBool(altitudeWidget.visible)); } } MenuItem { text: "Current Altitude" checkable: true checked: currentAltitude.showAltitude onTriggered: { currentAltitude.showAltitude = !currentAltitude.showAltitude; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCurrentAltitude", setBool(currentAltitude.showAltitude)); } } MenuItem { text: "Current Climb Rate" checkable: true checked: currentAltitude.showClimbRate onTriggered: { currentAltitude.showClimbRate = !currentAltitude.showClimbRate; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCurrentClimbRate", setBool(currentAltitude.showClimbRate)); } } MenuItem { text: "Speed Indicator" checkable: true checked: speedWidget.visible onTriggered: { speedWidget.visible = !speedWidget.visible; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showSpeedWidget", setBool(speedWidget.visible)); } } MenuItem { text: "Current Air Speed" checkable: true checked: currentSpeed.showAirSpeed onTriggered: { currentSpeed.showAirSpeed = !currentSpeed.showAirSpeed; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCurrentAirSpeed", setBool(currentSpeed.showAirSpeed)); } } MenuItem { text: "Current Ground Speed" checkable: true checked: currentSpeed.showGroundSpeed onTriggered: { currentSpeed.showGroundSpeed = !currentSpeed.showGroundSpeed; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCurrentGroundSpeed", setBool(currentSpeed.showGroundSpeed)); } } MenuSeparator {} MenuItem { text: "Restore Defaults" onTriggered: { showPitchIndicator = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showPitchIndicator", setBool(showPitchIndicator)); showAttitudeIndicator = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showAttitudeIndicator", setBool(showAttitudeIndicator)); showCompass = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCompass", setBool(showCompass)); altitudeWidget.visible = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showAltitudeWidget", setBool(altitudeWidget.visible)); currentAltitude.showAltitude = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCurrentAltitude", setBool(currentAltitude.showAltitude)); currentAltitude.showClimbRate = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCurrentClimbRate", setBool(currentAltitude.showClimbRate)); speedWidget.visible = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showSpeedWidget", setBool(speedWidget.visible)); currentSpeed.showAirSpeed = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCurrentAirSpeed", setBool(currentSpeed.showAirSpeed)); currentSpeed.showGroundSpeed = true; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showCurrentGroundSpeed", setBool(currentSpeed.showGroundSpeed)); mapBackground.visible = false; flightDisplay.saveSetting("showMapBackground", setBool(mapBackground.visible)); mapBackground.alwaysNorth = false; flightDisplay.saveSetting("mapAlwaysPointsNorth", setBool(mapBackground.alwaysNorth)); } } } QGCMapBackground { id: mapBackground anchors.fill: parent heading: 0 // isNaN(flightDisplay.heading) ? 0 : flightDisplay.heading latitude: mapBackground.visible ? ((flightDisplay.latitude === 0) ? 37.803784 : flightDisplay.latitude) : 37.803784 longitude: mapBackground.visible ? ((flightDisplay.longitude === 0) ? -122.462276 : flightDisplay.longitude) : -122.462276 interactive: !flightDisplay.mavPresent z: 10 } QGCAttitudeWidget { id: attitudeWidget anchors.centerIn: parent rollAngle: roll pitchAngle: pitch showAttitude: showAttitudeIndicator visible: !mapBackground.visible z: 10 } QGCPitchWidget { id: pitchWidget visible: showPitchIndicator && !mapBackground.visible anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter pitchAngle: pitch rollAngle: roll color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0) size: 120 z: 30 } QGCAltitudeWidget { id: altitudeWidget anchors.right: parent.right width: 60 altitude: flightDisplay.altitudeWGS84 z: 30 } QGCSpeedWidget { id: speedWidget anchors.left: parent.left width: 60 speed: flightDisplay.groundSpeed z: 40 } QGCCurrentSpeed { id: currentSpeed anchors.left: parent.left width: 75 airspeed: flightDisplay.airSpeed groundspeed: flightDisplay.groundSpeed showAirSpeed: true showGroundSpeed: true visible: (currentSpeed.showGroundSpeed || currentSpeed.showAirSpeed) z: 50 } QGCCurrentAltitude { id: currentAltitude anchors.right: parent.right width: 75 altitude: flightDisplay.altitudeWGS84 vertZ: flightDisplay.climbRate showAltitude: true showClimbRate: true visible: (currentAltitude.showAltitude || currentAltitude.showClimbRate) z: 60 } QGCCompass { id: compassIndicator y: root.height * 0.7 x: root.width * 0.5 - 60 width: 120 height: 120 heading: isNaN(flightDisplay.heading) ? 0 : flightDisplay.heading visible: !mapBackground.visible && showCompass z: 70 } QGCCompassInstrument { id: compassInstrument y: 5 x: 85 size: 160 heading: isNaN(flightDisplay.heading) ? 0 : flightDisplay.heading visible: mapBackground.visible && showCompass z: 70 } QGCAttitudeInstrument { id: attitudeInstrument y: 5 x: root.width - 160 - 85 size: 160 rollAngle: roll pitchAngle: pitch showPitch: showPitchIndicator visible: mapBackground.visible && showAttitudeIndicator z: 80 } // Button at upper left corner Item { id: optionsButton x: 5 y: 5 width: 30 height: 30 opacity: 0.85 z: 1000 Image { id: buttomImg anchors.fill: parent source: "/qml/buttonMore.svg" mipmap: true smooth: true antialiasing: true fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton onClicked: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) { contextMenu.popup() } } } } onWidthChanged: { adjustSizes(); } }