/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2020 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "FTPManager.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "MAVLinkProtocol.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include #include #include QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(FTPManagerLog, "FTPManagerLog") FTPManager::FTPManager(Vehicle* vehicle) : QObject (vehicle) , _vehicle (vehicle) { connect(&_ackTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &FTPManager::_ackTimeout); _lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber = 0; // Make sure we don't have bad structure packing Q_ASSERT(sizeof(MavlinkFTP::RequestHeader) == 12); } void FTPManager::_handlOpenFileROAck(MavlinkFTP::Request* ack) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << QString("_openAckResponse: _waitState(%1) _openFileType(%2) _readFileLength(%3)").arg(MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(_waitState)).arg(MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(_openFileType)).arg(ack->openFileLength); if (_waitState != MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileRO && _waitState != MavlinkFTP::kCmdBurstReadFile) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "Received OpenFileRO Ack while not waiting for it. _waitState" << MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(_waitState); return; } if (ack->hdr.size != sizeof(uint32_t)) { _downloadComplete(tr("Download failed: Invalid response to OpenFileRO command.")); return; } _waitState = _openFileType; _activeSession = ack->hdr.session; _downloadFileSize = ack->openFileLength; _requestedDownloadOffset = 0; _readFileAccumulator.clear(); MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = _activeSession; request.hdr.opcode = _waitState; request.hdr.offset = _requestedDownloadOffset; request.hdr.size = sizeof(request.data); _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); } /// request the next missing part of a (partially) downloaded file void FTPManager::_requestMissingData() { #if 0 if (_missingData.empty()) { _downloadingMissingParts = false; _missingDownloadedBytes = 0; // there might be more data missing at the end if ((uint32_t)_readFileAccumulator.length() != _downloadFileSize) { _downloadOffset = _readFileAccumulator.length(); qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << QString("_requestMissingData: missing parts done, downloadOffset(%1) downloadFileSize(%2)") .arg(_downloadOffset).arg(_downloadFileSize); } else { _closeDownloadSession(true); return; } } else { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << QString("_requestMissingData: offset(%1) size(%2)").arg(_missingData.head().offset).arg(_missingData.head().size); _downloadOffset = _missingData.head().offset; } MavlinkFTP::Request request; _currentOperation = kCORead; request.hdr.session = _activeSession; request.hdr.opcode = MavlinkFTP::kCmdReadFile; request.hdr.offset = _downloadOffset; request.hdr.size = sizeof(request.data); _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); #endif } /// Closes out a download session by writing the file and doing cleanup. /// @param success true: successful download completion, false: error during download void FTPManager::_downloadComplete(const QString& errorMsg) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << QString("_downloadComplete: errorMsg(%1)").arg(errorMsg); QString downloadFilePath = _readFileDownloadDir.absoluteFilePath(_readFileDownloadFilename); QString error = errorMsg; _waitState = MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone; if (error.isEmpty()) { QFile file(downloadFilePath); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { qint64 bytesWritten = file.write((const char *)_readFileAccumulator, _readFileAccumulator.length()); if (bytesWritten != _readFileAccumulator.length()) { error = tr("Download failed: Unable to write data to local file '%1'.").arg(downloadFilePath); } } else { error = tr("Download failed: Unable to open local file '%1' for writing. Error: '%2'.").arg(downloadFilePath).arg(file.errorString()); } file.close(); } _readFileAccumulator.clear(); _sendResetCommand(); // Close the open session emit downloadComplete(downloadFilePath, error); } /// Closes out an upload session doing cleanup. /// @param success true: successful upload completion, false: error during download void FTPManager::_uploadComplete(const QString& errorMsg) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << QString("_uploadComplete: errorMsg(%1)").arg(errorMsg); _waitState = MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone; _writeFileSize = 0; _writeFileAccumulator.clear(); _sendResetCommand(); emit uploadComplete(errorMsg); } void FTPManager::_handleReadFileAck(MavlinkFTP::Request* ack, bool burstReadFile) { if (ack->hdr.session != _activeSession) { return; } qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << QString("_handleReadFileAck: burstReadFile(%1) offset(%2) size(%3) burstComplete(%4)").arg(burstReadFile).arg(ack->hdr.offset).arg(ack->hdr.size).arg(ack->hdr.burstComplete); if (ack->hdr.offset != _requestedDownloadOffset) { // FIXME: NYI deal with missing packets _downloadComplete(tr("Download failed: Received incorrect offset: received:expected %1/%2").arg(ack->hdr.offset).arg(_requestedDownloadOffset)); return; } _readFileAccumulator.append((const char*)ack->data, ack->hdr.size); _requestedDownloadOffset += ack->hdr.size; if (_downloadFileSize != 0) { emit commandProgress(100 * ((float)(_readFileAccumulator.length()) / (float)_downloadFileSize)); } if (!burstReadFile || ack->hdr.burstComplete) { MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = _activeSession; request.hdr.opcode = _waitState; request.hdr.offset = _requestedDownloadOffset; request.hdr.size = 0; _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); } else if (burstReadFile) { // Burst read, next ack should come without having to request it _setupAckTimeout(); } } /// @brief Respond to the Ack associated with the List command. void FTPManager::_listAckResponse(MavlinkFTP::Request* listAck) { #if 0 if (listAck->hdr.offset != _listOffset) { // this is a real error (directory listing is synchronous), no need to retransmit _currentOperation = kCOIdle; _emitErrorMessage(tr("List: Offset returned (%1) differs from offset requested (%2)").arg(listAck->hdr.offset).arg(_listOffset)); return; } uint8_t offset = 0; uint8_t cListEntries = 0; uint8_t cBytes = listAck->hdr.size; // parse filenames out of the buffer while (offset < cBytes) { const char * ptr = ((const char *)listAck->data) + offset; // get the length of the name uint8_t cBytesLeft = cBytes - offset; uint8_t nlen = static_cast(strnlen(ptr, cBytesLeft)); if ((*ptr == 'S' && nlen > 1) || (*ptr != 'S' && nlen < 2)) { _currentOperation = kCOIdle; _emitErrorMessage(tr("Incorrectly formed list entry: '%1'").arg(ptr)); return; } else if (nlen == cBytesLeft) { _currentOperation = kCOIdle; _emitErrorMessage(tr("Missing NULL termination in list entry")); return; } // Returned names are prepended with D for directory, F for file, S for skip if (*ptr == 'F' || *ptr == 'D') { // put it in the view _emitListEntry(ptr); } else if (*ptr == 'S') { // do nothing } else { qDebug() << "unknown entry" << ptr; } // account for the name + NUL offset += nlen + 1; cListEntries++; } if (listAck->hdr.size == 0 || cListEntries == 0) { // Directory is empty, we're done Q_ASSERT(listAck->hdr.opcode == MavlinkFTP::kRspAck); _currentOperation = kCOIdle; emit commandComplete(); } else { // Possibly more entries to come, need to keep trying till we get EOF _currentOperation = kCOList; _listOffset += cListEntries; _sendListCommand(); } #endif } /// @brief Respond to the Ack associated with the create command. void FTPManager::_createAckResponse(MavlinkFTP::Request* createAck) { #if 0 qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "_createAckResponse"; _currentOperation = kCOWrite; _activeSession = createAck->hdr.session; // Start the sequence of write commands from the beginning of the file _writeOffset = 0; _writeSize = 0; _writeFileDatablock(); #endif } /// @brief Respond to the Ack associated with the write command. void FTPManager::_writeAckResponse(MavlinkFTP::Request* writeAck) { #if 0 if(_writeOffset + _writeSize >= _writeFileSize){ _closeUploadSession(true /* success */); return; } if (writeAck->hdr.session != _activeSession) { _closeUploadSession(false /* failure */); _emitErrorMessage(tr("Write: Incorrect session returned")); return; } if (writeAck->hdr.offset != _writeOffset) { _closeUploadSession(false /* failure */); _emitErrorMessage(tr("Write: Offset returned (%1) differs from offset requested (%2)").arg(writeAck->hdr.offset).arg(_writeOffset)); return; } if (writeAck->hdr.size != sizeof(uint32_t)) { _closeUploadSession(false /* failure */); _emitErrorMessage(tr("Write: Returned invalid size of write size data")); return; } if( writeAck->writeFileLength !=_writeSize) { _closeUploadSession(false /* failure */); _emitErrorMessage(tr("Write: Size returned (%1) differs from size requested (%2)").arg(writeAck->writeFileLength).arg(_writeSize)); return; } _writeFileDatablock(); #endif } /// @brief Send next write file data block. void FTPManager::_writeFileDatablock(void) { #if 0 if (_writeOffset + _writeSize >= _writeFileSize){ _closeUploadSession(true /* success */); return; } _writeOffset += _writeSize; MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = _activeSession; request.hdr.opcode = MavlinkFTP::kCmdWriteFile; request.hdr.offset = _writeOffset; if(_writeFileSize -_writeOffset > sizeof(request.data) ) _writeSize = sizeof(request.data); else _writeSize = _writeFileSize - _writeOffset; request.hdr.size = _writeSize; memcpy(request.data, &_writeFileAccumulator.data()[_writeOffset], _writeSize); _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); #endif } void FTPManager::mavlinkMessageReceived(mavlink_message_t message) { if (message.msgid != MAVLINK_MSG_ID_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL) { return; } mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t data; mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_decode(&message, &data); // Make sure we are the target system int qgcId = qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(); if (data.target_system != qgcId) { return; } MavlinkFTP::Request* request = (MavlinkFTP::Request*)&data.payload[0]; uint16_t incomingSeqNumber = request->hdr.seqNumber; uint16_t expectedSeqNumber = _lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber + 1; // ignore old/reordered packets (handle wrap-around properly) if ((uint16_t)((expectedSeqNumber - 1) - incomingSeqNumber) < (std::numeric_limits::max()/2)) { qDebug() << "Received old packet: expected seq:" << expectedSeqNumber << "got:" << incomingSeqNumber; return; } _clearAckTimeout(); qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "mavlinkMessageReceived" << MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(static_cast(request->hdr.opcode)) << MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(static_cast(request->hdr.req_opcode)); if (incomingSeqNumber != expectedSeqNumber) { switch (_waitState) { case MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileRO: case MavlinkFTP::kCmdReadFile: case MavlinkFTP::kCmdBurstReadFile: _downloadComplete(tr("Download failed: Unable to handle packet loss")); return; #if 0 case kCOWrite: _closeUploadSession(false /* failure */); break; case kCOOpenRead: case kCOOpenBurst: case kCOCreate: // We could have an open session hanging around _currentOperation = kCOIdle; _sendResetCommand(); break; #endif default: // Don't need to do anything special _waitState = MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone; break; } } // Move past the incoming sequence number for next request _lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber = incomingSeqNumber; if (request->hdr.opcode == MavlinkFTP::kRspAck) { switch (request->hdr.req_opcode) { case MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileRO: _handlOpenFileROAck(request); break; case MavlinkFTP::kCmdReadFile: _handleReadFileAck(request, false /* burstReadFile */); break; case MavlinkFTP::kCmdBurstReadFile: _handleReadFileAck(request, true /*burstReadFile */); break; #if 0 case MavlinkFTP::kCmdListDirectory: _listAckResponse(request); break; case MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileRO: case MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileWO: _handlOpenFileROAck(request); break; case MavlinkFTP::kCmdCreateFile: _createAckResponse(request); break; case MavlinkFTP::kCmdWriteFile: _writeAckResponse(request); break; #endif default: // Ack back from operation which does not require additional work _waitState = MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone; break; } } else if (request->hdr.opcode == MavlinkFTP::kRspNak) { QString errorMsg; MavlinkFTP::OpCode_t requestOpCode = static_cast(request->hdr.req_opcode); MavlinkFTP::ErrorCode_t errorCode = static_cast(request->data[0]); if (requestOpCode == MavlinkFTP::kCmdReadFile && errorCode == MavlinkFTP::kErrEOF && _readFileAccumulator.size() == _downloadFileSize) { _downloadComplete(QString()); } else { // Nak's normally have 1 byte of data for error code, except for MavlinkFTP::kErrFailErrno which has additional byte for errno if ((errorCode == MavlinkFTP::kErrFailErrno && request->hdr.size != 2) || ((errorCode != MavlinkFTP::kErrFailErrno) && request->hdr.size != 1)) { errorMsg = tr("Invalid Nak format"); } else if (errorCode == MavlinkFTP::kErrFailErrno) { errorMsg = tr("errno %1").arg(request->data[1]); } else { errorMsg = MavlinkFTP::errorCodeToString(errorCode); } _waitState = MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone; switch (request->hdr.req_opcode) { case MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileRO: case MavlinkFTP::kCmdReadFile: case MavlinkFTP::kCmdBurstReadFile: _downloadComplete(tr("Download failed: %1").arg(errorMsg)); break; default: // FIXME: Rest is NYI break; } } } } void FTPManager::listDirectory(const QString& dirPath) { if (_waitState != MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone) { _emitErrorMessage(tr("Command not sent. Waiting for previous command to complete.")); return; } _dedicatedLink = _vehicle->priorityLink(); if (!_dedicatedLink) { _emitErrorMessage(tr("Command not sent. No Vehicle links.")); return; } // initialise the lister _listPath = dirPath; _listOffset = 0; _waitState = MavlinkFTP::kCmdListDirectory; // and send the initial request _sendListCommand(); } void FTPManager::_fillRequestWithString(MavlinkFTP::Request* request, const QString& str) { strncpy((char *)&request->data[0], str.toStdString().c_str(), sizeof(request->data)); request->hdr.size = static_cast(strnlen((const char *)&request->data[0], sizeof(request->data))); } void FTPManager::_sendListCommand(void) { MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = 0; request.hdr.opcode = MavlinkFTP::kCmdListDirectory; request.hdr.offset = _listOffset; request.hdr.size = 0; _fillRequestWithString(&request, _listPath); qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "listDirectory: path:" << _listPath << "offset:" << _listOffset; _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); } bool FTPManager::download(const QString& from, const QString& toDir) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "download from:" << from << "to:" << toDir; return _downloadWorker(from, toDir, false /* burstReadFile */); } bool FTPManager::burstDownload(const QString& from, const QString& toDir) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "burstDownload from:" << from << "to:" << toDir; return _downloadWorker(from, toDir, true /* burstReadFile */); } bool FTPManager::_downloadWorker(const QString& from, const QString& toDir, bool burstReadFile) { if (_waitState != MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "Cannot download. Already in another operation"; return false; } _dedicatedLink = _vehicle->priorityLink(); if (!_dedicatedLink) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "Cannot download. Vehicle has no priority link"; return false; } _readFileDownloadDir.setPath(toDir); QString strippedFrom; QString ftpPrefix("mavlinkftp://"); if (from.startsWith(ftpPrefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { strippedFrom = from.right(from.length() - ftpPrefix.length() + 1); } else { strippedFrom = from; } // We need to strip off the file name from the fully qualified path. We can't use the usual QDir // routines because this path does not exist locally. int lastDirSlashIndex; for (lastDirSlashIndex=strippedFrom.size()-1; lastDirSlashIndex>=0; lastDirSlashIndex--) { if (strippedFrom[lastDirSlashIndex] == '/') { break; } } lastDirSlashIndex++; // move past slash _readFileDownloadFilename = strippedFrom.right(strippedFrom.size() - lastDirSlashIndex); _waitState = MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileRO; _openFileType = burstReadFile ? MavlinkFTP::kCmdBurstReadFile : MavlinkFTP::kCmdReadFile; MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = 0; request.hdr.opcode = MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileRO; request.hdr.offset = 0; request.hdr.size = 0; _fillRequestWithString(&request, strippedFrom); _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); return true; } /// @brief Uploads the specified file. /// @param toPath File in UAS to upload to, fully qualified path /// @param uploadFile Local file to upload from void FTPManager::upload(const QString& toPath, const QFileInfo& uploadFile) { #if 0 if(_currentOperation != kCOIdle){ _emitErrorMessage(tr("UAS File manager busy. Try again later")); return; } _dedicatedLink = _vehicle->priorityLink(); if (!_dedicatedLink) { _emitErrorMessage(tr("Command not sent. No Vehicle links.")); return; } if (toPath.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!uploadFile.isReadable()){ _emitErrorMessage(tr("File (%1) is not readable for upload").arg(uploadFile.path())); return; } QFile file(uploadFile.absoluteFilePath()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { _emitErrorMessage(tr("Unable to open local file for upload (%1)").arg(uploadFile.absoluteFilePath())); return; } _writeFileAccumulator = file.readAll(); _writeFileSize = _writeFileAccumulator.size(); file.close(); if (_writeFileAccumulator.size() == 0) { _emitErrorMessage(tr("Unable to read data from local file (%1)").arg(uploadFile.absoluteFilePath())); return; } _currentOperation = kCOCreate; MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = 0; request.hdr.opcode = MavlinkFTP::kCmdCreateFile; request.hdr.offset = 0; request.hdr.size = 0; _fillRequestWithString(&request, toPath + "/" + uploadFile.fileName()); _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); #endif } void FTPManager::createDirectory(const QString& directory) { #if 0 if(_currentOperation != kCOIdle){ _emitErrorMessage(tr("UAS File manager busy. Try again later")); return; } _currentOperation = kCOCreateDir; MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = 0; request.hdr.opcode = MavlinkFTP::kCmdCreateDirectory; request.hdr.offset = 0; request.hdr.size = 0; _fillRequestWithString(&request, directory); _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); #endif } /// @brief Sends a command which only requires an opcode and no additional data /// @param opcode Opcode to send /// @param newOpState State to put state machine into /// @return TRUE: command sent, FALSE: command not sent, waiting for previous command to finish bool FTPManager::_sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(MavlinkFTP::OpCode_t opcode, MavlinkFTP::OpCode_t newWaitState) { if (_waitState != MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone) { // Can't have multiple commands in play at the same time return false; } _waitState = newWaitState; MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = 0; request.hdr.opcode = opcode; request.hdr.offset = 0; request.hdr.size = 0; _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); return true; } /// @brief Starts the ack timeout timer void FTPManager::_setupAckTimeout(void) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "_setupAckTimeout"; Q_ASSERT(!_ackTimer.isActive()); _ackNumTries = 0; _ackTimer.setSingleShot(false); _ackTimer.start(_ackTimerTimeoutMsecs); } /// @brief Clears the ack timeout timer void FTPManager::_clearAckTimeout(void) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "_clearAckTimeout"; _ackTimer.stop(); } void FTPManager::_ackTimeout(void) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "_ackTimeout"; #if 0 // FIXME: retry NYI if (++_ackNumTries <= _ackTimerMaxRetries) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "ack timeout - retrying"; if (_currentOperation == kCOBurst) { // for burst downloads try to initiate a new burst MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.session = _activeSession; request.hdr.opcode = MavlinkFTP::kCmdBurstReadFile; request.hdr.offset = _downloadOffset; request.hdr.size = 0; request.hdr.seqNumber = ++_lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber; _sendRequestNoAck(&request); } else { _sendRequestNoAck(&_lastOutgoingRequest); } return; } #endif _clearAckTimeout(); // Make sure to set _currentOperation state before emitting error message. Code may respond // to error message signal by sending another command, which will fail if state is not back // to idle. FileView UI works this way with the List command. switch (_waitState) { case MavlinkFTP::kCmdOpenFileRO: case MavlinkFTP::kCmdReadFile: case MavlinkFTP::kCmdBurstReadFile: _downloadComplete(tr("Download failed: Vehicle did not response to %1").arg(MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(_waitState))); break; #if 0 // FIXME: NYI case kCOOpenRead: case kCOOpenBurst: _currentOperation = kCOIdle; _emitErrorMessage(tr("Timeout waiting for ack: Download failed")); _sendResetCommand(); break; case kCOCreate: _currentOperation = kCOIdle; _emitErrorMessage(tr("Timeout waiting for ack: Upload failed")); _sendResetCommand(); break; case kCOWrite: _closeUploadSession(false /* failure */); _emitErrorMessage(tr("Timeout waiting for ack: Upload failed")); break; #endif default: { MavlinkFTP::OpCode_t _lastCommand = _waitState; _waitState = MavlinkFTP::kCmdNone; _emitErrorMessage(QString("Timeout waiting for ack: Command failed (%1)").arg(MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(_lastCommand))); } break; } } void FTPManager::_sendResetCommand(void) { MavlinkFTP::Request request; request.hdr.opcode = MavlinkFTP::kCmdResetSessions; request.hdr.size = 0; _sendRequestExpectAck(&request); } void FTPManager::_emitErrorMessage(const QString& msg) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "Error:" << msg; emit commandError(msg); } void FTPManager::_emitListEntry(const QString& entry) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "_emitListEntry" << entry; emit listEntry(entry); } void FTPManager::_sendRequestExpectAck(MavlinkFTP::Request* request) { _setupAckTimeout(); request->hdr.seqNumber = ++_lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber; qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "_sendRequestExpectAck opcode:" << MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(static_cast(request->hdr.opcode)) << "seqNumber:" << request->hdr.seqNumber; if (request->hdr.size <= sizeof(request->data)) { memcpy(&_lastOutgoingRequest, request, sizeof(MavlinkFTP::RequestHeader) + request->hdr.size); } else { // FIXME: Shouldn't this fail something? qCCritical(FTPManagerLog) << "request length too long:" << request->hdr.size; } _sendRequestNoAck(request); } void FTPManager::_sendRequestNoAck(MavlinkFTP::Request* request) { qCDebug(FTPManagerLog) << "_sendRequestNoAck opcode:" << MavlinkFTP::opCodeToString(static_cast(request->hdr.opcode)); mavlink_message_t message; mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_pack_chan(qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId(), qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getComponentId(), _dedicatedLink->mavlinkChannel(), &message, 0, // Target network, 0=broadcast? _vehicle->id(), MAV_COMP_ID_AUTOPILOT1, (uint8_t*)request); // Payload _vehicle->sendMessageOnLinkThreadSafe(_dedicatedLink, message); }