// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "absl/strings/numbers.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include "absl/strings/str_split.h" #include "google/protobuf/text_format.h" #include "ortools/base/commandlineflags.h" #include "ortools/base/filelineiter.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/base/timer.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h" #include "ortools/sat/model.h" DEFINE_string(input, "examples/data/weighted_tardiness/wt40.txt", "wt data file name."); DEFINE_int32(size, 40, "Size of the problem in the wt file."); DEFINE_int32(n, 28, "1-based instance number in the wt file."); DEFINE_string(params, "", "Sat parameters in text proto format."); DEFINE_int32(upper_bound, -1, "If positive, look for a solution <= this."); namespace operations_research { namespace sat { // Solve a single machine problem with weighted tardiness cost. void Solve(const std::vector& durations, const std::vector& due_dates, const std::vector& weights) { const int num_tasks = durations.size(); CHECK_EQ(due_dates.size(), num_tasks); CHECK_EQ(weights.size(), num_tasks); // Display some statistics. int horizon = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; ++i) { horizon += durations[i]; LOG(INFO) << "#" << i << " duration:" << durations[i] << " due_date:" << due_dates[i] << " weight:" << weights[i]; } // An simple heuristic solution: We choose the tasks from last to first, and // always take the one with smallest cost. std::vector is_taken(num_tasks, false); int64 heuristic_bound = 0; int64 end = horizon; for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; ++i) { int next_task = -1; int64 next_cost; for (int j = 0; j < num_tasks; ++j) { if (is_taken[j]) continue; const int64 cost = weights[j] * std::max(0, end - due_dates[j]); if (next_task == -1 || cost < next_cost) { next_task = j; next_cost = cost; } } CHECK_NE(-1, next_task); is_taken[next_task] = true; end -= durations[next_task]; heuristic_bound += next_cost; } LOG(INFO) << "num_tasks: " << num_tasks; LOG(INFO) << "The time horizon is " << horizon; LOG(INFO) << "Trival cost bound = " << heuristic_bound; // Create the model. CpModelBuilder cp_model; std::vector task_intervals(num_tasks); std::vector task_starts(num_tasks); std::vector task_durations(num_tasks); std::vector task_ends(num_tasks); std::vector tardiness_vars(num_tasks); for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; ++i) { task_starts[i] = cp_model.NewIntVar(Domain(0, horizon - durations[i])); task_durations[i] = cp_model.NewConstant(durations[i]); task_ends[i] = cp_model.NewIntVar(Domain(durations[i], horizon)); task_intervals[i] = cp_model.NewIntervalVar( task_starts[i], task_durations[i], task_ends[i]); if (due_dates[i] == 0) { tardiness_vars[i] = task_ends[i]; } else { tardiness_vars[i] = cp_model.NewIntVar( Domain(0, std::max(0, horizon - due_dates[i]))); // tardiness_vars >= end - due_date cp_model.AddGreaterOrEqual(tardiness_vars[i], LinearExpr(end).AddConstant(-due_dates[i])); } } // Decision heuristic. Note that we don't instantiate all the variables. As a // consequence, in the values returned by the solution observer for the // non-fully instantiated variable will be the variable lower bounds after // propagation. cp_model.AddDecisionStrategy(task_starts, DecisionStrategyProto::CHOOSE_HIGHEST_MAX, DecisionStrategyProto::SELECT_MAX_VALUE); cp_model.AddNoOverlap(task_intervals); // TODO(user): We can't set an objective upper bound with the current cp_model // interface, so we can't use heuristic or FLAGS_upper_bound here. The best is // probably to provide a "solution hint" instead. // // Set a known upper bound (or use the flag). This has a bigger impact than // can be expected at first: // - It avoid spending time finding not so good solution. // - More importantly, because we lazily create the associated Boolean // variables, we end up creating less of them, and that speed up the search // for the optimal and the proof of optimality. // // Note however than for big problem, this will drastically augment the time // to get a first feasible solution (but then the heuristic gave one to us). cp_model.Minimize(LinearExpr::ScalProd(tardiness_vars, weights)); // Optional preprocessing: add precedences that don't change the optimal // solution value. // // Proof: in any schedule, if such precedence between task A and B is not // satisfied, then it is always better (or the same) to swap A and B. This is // because the tasks between A and B will be completed earlier (because the // duration of A is smaller), and the cost of the swap itself is also smaller. int num_added_precedences = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < num_tasks; ++j) { if (i == j) continue; if (due_dates[i] <= due_dates[j] && durations[i] <= durations[j] && weights[i] >= weights[j]) { // If two jobs have exactly the same specs, we don't add both // precedences! if (due_dates[i] == due_dates[j] && durations[i] == durations[j] && weights[i] == weights[j] && i > j) { continue; } ++num_added_precedences; cp_model.AddLessOrEqual(task_ends[i], task_starts[j]); } } } LOG(INFO) << "Added " << num_added_precedences << " precedences that will not affect the optimal solution value."; // Solve it. // // Note that we only fully instantiate the start/end and only look at the // lower bound for the objective and the tardiness variables. Model model; model.Add(NewSatParameters(FLAGS_params)); model.Add(NewFeasibleSolutionObserver([&](const CpSolverResponse& r) { // Note that we compute the "real" cost here and do not use the tardiness // variables. This is because in the core based approach, the tardiness // variable might be fixed before the end date, and we just have a >= // relation. int64 objective = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; ++i) { const int64 end = SolutionIntegerMin(r, task_ends[i]); CHECK_EQ(end, SolutionIntegerMax(r, task_ends[i])); objective += weights[i] * std::max(0ll, end - due_dates[i]); } LOG(INFO) << "Cost " << objective; // Print the current solution. std::vector sorted_tasks(num_tasks); std::iota(sorted_tasks.begin(), sorted_tasks.end(), 0); std::sort(sorted_tasks.begin(), sorted_tasks.end(), [&](int v1, int v2) { CHECK_EQ(SolutionIntegerMin(r, task_starts[v1]), SolutionIntegerMax(r, task_starts[v1])); CHECK_EQ(SolutionIntegerMin(r, task_starts[v2]), SolutionIntegerMax(r, task_starts[v2])); return SolutionIntegerMin(r, task_starts[v1]) < SolutionIntegerMin(r, task_starts[v2]); }); std::string solution = "0"; int end = 0; for (const int i : sorted_tasks) { const int64 cost = weights[i] * SolutionIntegerMin(r, tardiness_vars[i]); absl::StrAppend(&solution, "| #", i, " "); if (cost > 0) { // Display the cost in red. absl::StrAppend(&solution, "\033[1;31m(+", cost, ") \033[0m"); } absl::StrAppend(&solution, "|", SolutionIntegerMin(r, task_ends[i])); CHECK_EQ(end, SolutionIntegerMin(r, task_starts[i])); end += durations[i]; CHECK_EQ(end, SolutionIntegerMin(r, task_ends[i])); } LOG(INFO) << "solution: " << solution; })); // Solve. const CpSolverResponse response = SolveCpModel(cp_model.Build(), &model); LOG(INFO) << CpSolverResponseStats(response); } void ParseAndSolve() { std::vector numbers; std::vector entries; for (const std::string& line : FileLines(FLAGS_input)) { entries = absl::StrSplit(line, ' ', absl::SkipEmpty()); for (const std::string& entry : entries) { numbers.push_back(0); CHECK(absl::SimpleAtoi(entry, &numbers.back())); } } const int instance_size = FLAGS_size * 3; LOG(INFO) << numbers.size() << " numbers in '" << FLAGS_input << "'."; LOG(INFO) << "This correspond to " << numbers.size() / instance_size << " instances of size " << FLAGS_size; LOG(INFO) << "Loading instance #" << FLAGS_n; CHECK_GE(FLAGS_n, 0); CHECK_LE(FLAGS_n * instance_size, numbers.size()); // The order in a wt file is: duration, tardiness weights and then due_dates. int index = (FLAGS_n - 1) * instance_size; std::vector durations; for (int j = 0; j < FLAGS_size; ++j) durations.push_back(numbers[index++]); std::vector weights; for (int j = 0; j < FLAGS_size; ++j) weights.push_back(numbers[index++]); std::vector due_dates; for (int j = 0; j < FLAGS_size; ++j) due_dates.push_back(numbers[index++]); Solve(durations, due_dates, weights); } } // namespace sat } // namespace operations_research int main(int argc, char** argv) { absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_logtostderr, true); gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); if (FLAGS_input.empty()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Please supply a data file with --input="; } operations_research::sat::ParseAndSolve(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }