// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Reader and solver for the shift minimization personnel task // scheduling problem (see // https://publications.csiro.au/rpr/download?pid=csiro:EP104071&dsid=DS2)/ // // Data files are in // examples/data/shift_scheduling/minization // // The problem is the following: // - There is a list of jobs. Each job has a start date and an end date. They // must all be performed. // - There is a set of workers. Each worker can perform one or more jobs among // a subset of job. One worker cannot perform two jobs that overlaps. // - The objective it to minimize the number of active workers, while // performing all the jobs. #include #include #include #include #include "absl/strings/numbers.h" #include "absl/strings/str_split.h" #include "ortools/base/commandlineflags.h" #include "ortools/base/filelineiter.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h" #include "ortools/sat/model.h" DEFINE_string(input, "", "Input file."); DEFINE_string(params, "", "Sat parameters in text proto format."); namespace operations_research { namespace sat { class ShiftMinimizationParser { public: struct Job { int start; int end; }; struct Assignment { int worker_id; int job_index; }; ShiftMinimizationParser() : load_status_(NOT_STARTED), declared_num_jobs_(0), declared_num_workers_(0), num_workers_read_(0) {} const std::vector& jobs() const { return jobs_; } const std::vector>& possible_jobs_per_worker() const { return possible_jobs_per_worker_; } const std::vector>& possible_assignments_per_job() const { return possible_assignments_per_job_; } // The file format is the following // # comments... // Type = 1 // Jobs = // // Repeated n times // Qualifications = // c: job_1 .. job_c // repeated k times (a counter and job ids after). bool LoadFile(const std::string& file_name) { if (load_status_ != NOT_STARTED) { return false; } load_status_ = STARTED; for (const std::string& line : FileLines(file_name, FileLineIterator::REMOVE_LINEFEED | FileLineIterator::REMOVE_INLINE_CR)) { ProcessLine(line); } LOG(INFO) << "Read file " << file_name << " with " << declared_num_jobs_ << " jobs, and " << declared_num_workers_ << " workers."; return declared_num_jobs_ != 0 && jobs_.size() == declared_num_jobs_ && declared_num_workers_ != 0 && declared_num_workers_ == num_workers_read_; } private: enum LoadStatus { NOT_STARTED, STARTED, JOBS_SEEN, WORKERS_SEEN }; int strtoint32(const std::string& word) { int result; CHECK(absl::SimpleAtoi(word, &result)); return result; } void ProcessLine(const std::string& line) { if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') { return; } const std::vector words = absl::StrSplit(line, absl::ByAnyChar(" :\t"), absl::SkipEmpty()); switch (load_status_) { case NOT_STARTED: { LOG(FATAL) << "Wrong status: NOT_STARTED"; break; } case STARTED: { if (words.size() == 3 && words[0] == "Type") { CHECK_EQ(1, strtoint32(words[2])); } else if (words.size() == 3 && words[0] == "Jobs") { declared_num_jobs_ = strtoint32(words[2]); possible_assignments_per_job_.resize(declared_num_jobs_); load_status_ = JOBS_SEEN; } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Wrong state STARTED with line " << line; } break; } case JOBS_SEEN: { if (words.size() == 2) { jobs_.push_back({strtoint32(words[0]), strtoint32(words[1])}); } else if (words.size() == 3 && words[0] == "Qualifications") { declared_num_workers_ = strtoint32(words[2]); possible_jobs_per_worker_.resize(declared_num_workers_); load_status_ = WORKERS_SEEN; } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Wrong state JOBS_SEEN with line " << line; } break; } case WORKERS_SEEN: { CHECK_EQ(strtoint32(words[0]), words.size() - 1); for (int i = 1; i < words.size(); ++i) { const int job = strtoint32(words[i]); const int pos = possible_jobs_per_worker_[num_workers_read_].size(); possible_jobs_per_worker_[num_workers_read_].push_back(job); possible_assignments_per_job_[job].push_back( {num_workers_read_, pos}); } num_workers_read_++; break; } } } std::vector jobs_; std::vector> possible_jobs_per_worker_; std::vector> possible_assignments_per_job_; LoadStatus load_status_; int declared_num_jobs_; int declared_num_workers_; int num_workers_read_; }; bool Overlaps(const ShiftMinimizationParser::Job& j1, const ShiftMinimizationParser::Job& j2) { // TODO(user): Are end date inclusive or exclusive? To check. // For now, we assume that they are exclusive. return !(j1.start > j2.end || j2.start > j1.end); } void LoadAndSolve(const std::string& file_name) { ShiftMinimizationParser parser; CHECK(parser.LoadFile(file_name)); CpModelBuilder cp_model; const int num_workers = parser.possible_jobs_per_worker().size(); const std::vector& jobs = parser.jobs(); const int num_jobs = jobs.size(); std::vector active_workers(num_workers); std::vector> worker_job_vars(num_workers); std::vector> possible_workers_per_job(num_jobs); for (int w = 0; w < num_workers; ++w) { // Status variables for workers, are they active or not? active_workers[w] = cp_model.NewBoolVar(); // Job-Worker variable. worker_job_vars[w][i] is true iff worker w // performs it's ith possible job. const std::vector& possible = parser.possible_jobs_per_worker()[w]; for (int p : possible) { const BoolVar var = cp_model.NewBoolVar(); worker_job_vars[w].push_back(var); possible_workers_per_job[p].push_back(var); } // Add conflicts on overlapping jobs for the same worker. for (int i = 0; i < possible.size() - 1; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < possible.size(); ++j) { const int job1 = possible[i]; const int job2 = possible[j]; if (Overlaps(jobs[job1], jobs[job2])) { const BoolVar v1 = worker_job_vars[w][i]; const BoolVar v2 = worker_job_vars[w][j]; cp_model.AddBoolOr({Not(v1), Not(v2)}); } } } // Maintain active_workers variable. cp_model.AddBoolOr(worker_job_vars[w]).OnlyEnforceIf(active_workers[w]); for (const BoolVar& var : worker_job_vars[w]) { cp_model.AddImplication(var, active_workers[w]); } } // All jobs must be performed. for (int j = 0; j < num_jobs; ++j) { // this does not enforce that at most one worker performs one job. // It should not change the solution cost. // TODO(user): Checks if sum() == 1 improves the solving speed. cp_model.AddBoolOr(possible_workers_per_job[j]); } // Redundant constraint: // For each time point, count the number of active jobs at that time, // then the number of active workers on these jobs is equal to the number of // active jobs. std::set time_points; std::set> visited_job_lists; for (int j = 0; j < num_jobs; ++j) { time_points.insert(parser.jobs()[j].start); time_points.insert(parser.jobs()[j].end); } int num_count_constraints = 0; int max_intersection_size = 0; // Add one counting constraint per time point. for (int t : time_points) { // Collect all jobs that intersects with this time point. std::vector intersecting_jobs; for (int j = 0; j < num_jobs; ++j) { const ShiftMinimizationParser::Job& job = parser.jobs()[j]; // Assumption: End date are inclusive. if (t >= job.start && t <= job.end) { intersecting_jobs.push_back(j); } } // Check that we have not already visited this exact set of candidate jobs. if (gtl::ContainsKey(visited_job_lists, intersecting_jobs)) continue; visited_job_lists.insert(intersecting_jobs); // Collect the relevant worker job vars. std::vector overlapping_worker_jobs; for (int j : intersecting_jobs) { for (const auto& p : parser.possible_assignments_per_job()[j]) { const BoolVar var = worker_job_vars[p.worker_id][p.job_index]; overlapping_worker_jobs.push_back(var); } } // Add the count constraints: We have as many active workers as jobs. const int num_jobs = intersecting_jobs.size(); cp_model.AddEquality(LinearExpr::BooleanSum(overlapping_worker_jobs), num_jobs); // Book keeping. max_intersection_size = std::max(max_intersection_size, num_jobs); num_count_constraints++; } LOG(INFO) << "Added " << num_count_constraints << " count constraints while processing " << time_points.size() << " time points."; LOG(INFO) << "Lower bound = " << max_intersection_size; // Objective. const IntVar objective_var = cp_model.NewIntVar(Domain(max_intersection_size, num_workers)); cp_model.AddEquality(LinearExpr::BooleanSum(active_workers), objective_var); cp_model.Minimize(objective_var); // Solve. Model model; model.Add(NewSatParameters(FLAGS_params)); const CpSolverResponse response = SolveCpModel(cp_model.Build(), &model); LOG(INFO) << CpSolverResponseStats(response); } } // namespace sat } // namespace operations_research int main(int argc, char** argv) { absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_logtostderr, true); gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); if (FLAGS_input.empty()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Please supply a data file with --input="; } operations_research::sat::LoadAndSolve(FLAGS_input); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }