// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Utilities used by frequency_assignment_problem.cc. // #ifndef OR_TOOLS_EXAMPLES_FAP_UTILITIES_H_ #define OR_TOOLS_EXAMPLES_FAP_UTILITIES_H_ #include #include #include #include "absl/strings/str_format.h" #include "examples/cpp/fap_parser.h" #include "ortools/constraint_solver/constraint_solver.h" #include "ortools/base/logging.h" #include "ortools/base/map_util.h" namespace operations_research { // Checks if the solution given from the Solver satisfies all // the hard binary constraints specified in the ctr.txt. bool CheckConstraintSatisfaction( const std::vector& data_constraints, const std::vector& variables, const std::map& index_from_key); // Checks if the solution given from the Solver has not modified the values of // the variables that were initially assigned and denoted as hard in var.txt. bool CheckVariablePosition(const std::map& data_variables, const std::vector& variables, const std::map& index_from_key); // Counts the number of different values in the variable vector. int NumberOfAssignedValues(const std::vector& variables); // Prints the duration of the solving process. void PrintElapsedTime(const int64 time1, const int64 time2); // Prints the solution found by the Hard Solver for feasible instances. void PrintResultsHard(SolutionCollector* const collector, const std::vector& variables, IntVar* const objective_var, const std::map& data_variables, const std::vector& data_constraints, const std::map& index_from_key, const std::vector& key_from_index); // Prints the solution found by the Soft Solver for unfeasible instances. void PrintResultsSoft(SolutionCollector* const collector, const std::vector& variables, IntVar* const total_cost, const std::map& hard_variables, const std::vector& hard_constraints, const std::map& soft_variables, const std::vector& soft_constraints, const std::map& index_from_key, const std::vector& key_from_index); bool CheckConstraintSatisfaction( const std::vector& data_constraints, const std::vector& variables, const std::map& index_from_key) { bool status = true; for (const FapConstraint& ct : data_constraints) { const int index1 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key, ct.variable1); const int index2 = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key, ct.variable2); CHECK_LT(index1, variables.size()); CHECK_LT(index2, variables.size()); const int var1 = variables[index1]; const int var2 = variables[index2]; const int absolute_difference = abs(var1 - var2); if ((ct.operation == ">") && (absolute_difference <= ct.value)) { LOG(INFO) << " Violation of contraint between variable " << ct.variable1 << " and variable " << ct.variable2 << "."; LOG(INFO) << " Expected |" << var1 << " - " << var2 << "| (= " << absolute_difference << ") > " << ct.value << "."; status = false; } else if ((ct.operation == "=") && (absolute_difference != ct.value)) { LOG(INFO) << " Violation of contraint between variable " << ct.variable1 << " and variable " << ct.variable2 << "."; LOG(INFO) << " Expected |" << var1 << " - " << var2 << "| (= " << absolute_difference << ") = " << ct.value << "."; status = false; } } return status; } bool CheckVariablePosition(const std::map& data_variables, const std::vector& variables, const std::map& index_from_key) { bool status = true; for (const auto& it : data_variables) { const int index = gtl::FindOrDie(index_from_key, it.first); CHECK_LT(index, variables.size()); const int var = variables[index]; if (it.second.hard && (it.second.initial_position != -1) && (var != it.second.initial_position)) { LOG(INFO) << " Change of position of hard variable " << it.first << "."; LOG(INFO) << " Expected " << it.second.initial_position << " instead of given " << var << "."; status = false; } } return status; } int NumberOfAssignedValues(const std::vector& variables) { std::set assigned(variables.begin(), variables.end()); return static_cast(assigned.size()); } void PrintElapsedTime(const int64 time1, const int64 time2) { LOG(INFO) << "End of solving process."; LOG(INFO) << "The Solve method took " << (time2 - time1) / 1000.0 << " seconds."; } void PrintResultsHard(SolutionCollector* const collector, const std::vector& variables, IntVar* const objective_var, const std::map& data_variables, const std::vector& data_constraints, const std::map& index_from_key, const std::vector& key_from_index) { LOG(INFO) << "Printing..."; LOG(INFO) << "Number of Solutions: " << collector->solution_count(); for (int solution_index = 0; solution_index < collector->solution_count(); ++solution_index) { Assignment* const solution = collector->solution(solution_index); std::vector results(variables.size()); LOG(INFO) << "------------------------------------------------------------"; LOG(INFO) << "Solution " << solution_index + 1; LOG(INFO) << "Cost: " << solution->Value(objective_var); for (int i = 0; i < variables.size(); ++i) { results[i] = solution->Value(variables[i]); LOG(INFO) << " Variable " << key_from_index[i] << ": " << results[i]; } if (CheckConstraintSatisfaction(data_constraints, results, index_from_key)) { LOG(INFO) << "All hard constraints satisfied."; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Warning! Hard constraint violation detected."; } if (CheckVariablePosition(data_variables, results, index_from_key)) { LOG(INFO) << "All hard variables stayed unharmed."; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Warning! Hard variable modification detected."; } LOG(INFO) << "Values used: " << NumberOfAssignedValues(results); LOG(INFO) << "Maximum value used: " << *std::max_element(results.begin(), results.end()); LOG(INFO) << " Failures: " << collector->failures(solution_index); } LOG(INFO) << " ============================================================"; } void PrintResultsSoft(SolutionCollector* const collector, const std::vector& variables, IntVar* const total_cost, const std::map& hard_variables, const std::vector& hard_constraints, const std::map& soft_variables, const std::vector& soft_constraints, const std::map& index_from_key, const std::vector& key_from_index) { LOG(INFO) << "Printing..."; LOG(INFO) << "Number of Solutions: " << collector->solution_count(); for (int solution_index = 0; solution_index < collector->solution_count(); ++solution_index) { Assignment* const solution = collector->solution(solution_index); std::vector results(variables.size()); LOG(INFO) << "------------------------------------------------------------"; LOG(INFO) << "Solution"; for (int i = 0; i < variables.size(); ++i) { results[i] = solution->Value(variables[i]); LOG(INFO) << " Variable " << key_from_index[i] << ": " << results[i]; } if (CheckConstraintSatisfaction(hard_constraints, results, index_from_key)) { LOG(INFO) << "All hard constraints satisfied."; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Warning! Hard constraint violation detected."; } if (CheckVariablePosition(hard_variables, results, index_from_key)) { LOG(INFO) << "All hard variables stayed unharmed."; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Warning! Hard constraint violation detected."; } if (CheckConstraintSatisfaction(soft_constraints, results, index_from_key) && CheckVariablePosition(soft_variables, results, index_from_key)) { LOG(INFO) << "Problem feasible: " "Soft constraints and soft variables satisfied."; LOG(INFO) << " Weighted Sum: " << solution->Value(total_cost); } else { LOG(INFO) << "Problem unfeasible. Optimized weighted sum of violations."; LOG(INFO) << " Weighted Sum: " << solution->Value(total_cost); } LOG(INFO) << "Values used: " << NumberOfAssignedValues(results); LOG(INFO) << "Maximum value used: " << *std::max_element(results.begin(), results.end()); LOG(INFO) << " Failures: " << collector->failures(solution_index); } LOG(INFO) << " ============================================================"; } } // namespace operations_research #endif // OR_TOOLS_EXAMPLES_FAP_UTILITIES_H_