#include "Mouse3DInput.h" #include <QApplication> #define LOGITECH_VENDOR_ID 0x46d #define _CONSTANT_INPUT_PERIOD 0 #ifndef RIDEV_DEVNOTIFY #define RIDEV_DEVNOTIFY 0x00002000 #endif #define _TRACE_WM_INPUT_PERIOD 0 #define _TRACE_RI_TYPE 0 #define _TRACE_RIDI_DEVICENAME 0 #define _TRACE_RIDI_DEVICEINFO 0 #define _TRACE_RI_RAWDATA 0 #define _TRACE_3DINPUT_PERIOD 0 #ifdef _WIN64 typedef unsigned __int64 QWORD; #endif // object angular velocity per mouse tick 0.008 milliradians per second per count static const double k3dmouseAngularVelocity = 8.0e-6; // radians per second per count static const int kTimeToLive = 5; enum e3dconnexion_pid { eSpacePilot = 0xc625, eSpaceNavigator = 0xc626, eSpaceExplorer = 0xc627, eSpaceNavigatorForNotebooks = 0xc628, eSpacePilotPRO = 0xc629 }; enum e3dmouse_virtual_key { V3DK_INVALID=0 , V3DK_MENU=1, V3DK_FIT , V3DK_TOP, V3DK_LEFT, V3DK_RIGHT, V3DK_FRONT, V3DK_BOTTOM, V3DK_BACK , V3DK_CW, V3DK_CCW , V3DK_ISO1, V3DK_ISO2 , V3DK_1, V3DK_2, V3DK_3, V3DK_4, V3DK_5, V3DK_6, V3DK_7, V3DK_8, V3DK_9, V3DK_10 , V3DK_ESC, V3DK_ALT, V3DK_SHIFT, V3DK_CTRL , V3DK_ROTATE, V3DK_PANZOOM, V3DK_DOMINANT , V3DK_PLUS, V3DK_MINUS }; struct tag_VirtualKeys { e3dconnexion_pid pid; size_t nKeys; e3dmouse_virtual_key *vkeys; }; static const e3dmouse_virtual_key SpaceExplorerKeys [] = { V3DK_INVALID // there is no button 0 , V3DK_1, V3DK_2 , V3DK_TOP, V3DK_LEFT, V3DK_RIGHT, V3DK_FRONT , V3DK_ESC, V3DK_ALT, V3DK_SHIFT, V3DK_CTRL , V3DK_FIT, V3DK_MENU , V3DK_PLUS, V3DK_MINUS , V3DK_ROTATE }; static const e3dmouse_virtual_key SpacePilotKeys [] = { V3DK_INVALID , V3DK_1, V3DK_2, V3DK_3, V3DK_4, V3DK_5, V3DK_6 , V3DK_TOP, V3DK_LEFT, V3DK_RIGHT, V3DK_FRONT , V3DK_ESC, V3DK_ALT, V3DK_SHIFT, V3DK_CTRL , V3DK_FIT, V3DK_MENU , V3DK_PLUS, V3DK_MINUS , V3DK_DOMINANT, V3DK_ROTATE }; static const struct tag_VirtualKeys _3dmouseVirtualKeys[]= { eSpacePilot , sizeof(SpacePilotKeys)/sizeof(SpacePilotKeys[0]) , const_cast<e3dmouse_virtual_key *>(SpacePilotKeys), eSpaceExplorer , sizeof(SpaceExplorerKeys)/sizeof(SpaceExplorerKeys[0]) , const_cast<e3dmouse_virtual_key *>(SpaceExplorerKeys) }; /*! Converts a hid device keycode (button identifier) of a pre-2009 3Dconnexion USB device to the standard 3d mouse virtual key definition. \a pid USB Product ID (PID) of 3D mouse device \a hidKeyCode Hid keycode as retrieved from a Raw Input packet \return The standard 3d mouse virtual key (button identifier) or zero if an error occurs. Converts a hid device keycode (button identifier) of a pre-2009 3Dconnexion USB device to the standard 3d mouse virtual key definition. */ unsigned short HidToVirtualKey(unsigned long pid, unsigned short hidKeyCode) { unsigned short virtualkey=hidKeyCode; for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(_3dmouseVirtualKeys)/sizeof(_3dmouseVirtualKeys[0]); ++i) { if (pid == _3dmouseVirtualKeys[i].pid) { if (hidKeyCode < _3dmouseVirtualKeys[i].nKeys) virtualkey = _3dmouseVirtualKeys[i].vkeys[hidKeyCode]; else virtualkey = V3DK_INVALID; break; } } // Remaining devices are unchanged return virtualkey; } static Mouse3DInput* gMouseInput = 0; bool Mouse3DInput::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void* msg, long* result) { Q_UNUSED(eventType); if (gMouseInput == 0) return false; MSG* message = (MSG*)(msg); if (message->message == WM_INPUT) { HRAWINPUT hRawInput = reinterpret_cast<HRAWINPUT>(message->lParam); gMouseInput->OnRawInput(RIM_INPUT,hRawInput); if (result != 0) { result = 0; } return true; } return false; } Mouse3DInput::Mouse3DInput(QWidget* widget) : QObject(widget) { fLast3dmouseInputTime = 0; InitializeRawInput((HWND)widget->winId()); gMouseInput = this; qApp->installNativeEventFilter(this); } Mouse3DInput::~Mouse3DInput() { if (gMouseInput == this) { gMouseInput = 0; } } /*! Access the mouse parameters structure */ I3dMouseParam& Mouse3DInput::MouseParams() { return f3dMouseParams; } /*! Access the mouse parameters structure */ const I3dMouseParam& Mouse3DInput::MouseParams() const { return f3dMouseParams; } /*! Called with the processed motion data when a 3D mouse event is received The default implementation emits a Move3d signal with the motion data */ void Mouse3DInput::Move3d(HANDLE device, std::vector<float>& motionData) { Q_UNUSED(device); emit Move3d(motionData); } /*! Called when a 3D mouse key is pressed The default implementation emits a On3dmouseKeyDown signal with the key code. */ void Mouse3DInput::On3dmouseKeyDown(HANDLE device, int virtualKeyCode) { Q_UNUSED(device); emit On3dmouseKeyDown(virtualKeyCode); } /*! Called when a 3D mouse key is released The default implementation emits a On3dmouseKeyUp signal with the key code. */ void Mouse3DInput::On3dmouseKeyUp(HANDLE device, int virtualKeyCode) { Q_UNUSED(device); emit On3dmouseKeyUp(virtualKeyCode); } /*! Get an initialized array of PRAWINPUTDEVICE for the 3D devices pNumDevices returns the number of devices to register. Currently this is always 1. */ static PRAWINPUTDEVICE GetDevicesToRegister(unsigned int* pNumDevices) { // Array of raw input devices to register static RAWINPUTDEVICE sRawInputDevices[] = { {0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00} // Usage Page = 0x01 Generic Desktop Page, Usage Id= 0x08 Multi-axis Controller }; if (pNumDevices) { *pNumDevices = sizeof(sRawInputDevices) / sizeof(sRawInputDevices[0]); } return sRawInputDevices; } /*! Detect the 3D mouse */ bool Mouse3DInput::Is3dmouseAttached() { unsigned int numDevicesOfInterest = 0; PRAWINPUTDEVICE devicesToRegister = GetDevicesToRegister(&numDevicesOfInterest); unsigned int nDevices = 0; if (::GetRawInputDeviceList(NULL, &nDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) != 0) { return false; } if (nDevices == 0) return false; std::vector<RAWINPUTDEVICELIST> rawInputDeviceList(nDevices); if (::GetRawInputDeviceList(&rawInputDeviceList[0], &nDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) == static_cast<unsigned int>(-1)) { return false; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { RID_DEVICE_INFO rdi = {sizeof(rdi)}; unsigned int cbSize = sizeof(rdi); if (GetRawInputDeviceInfo(rawInputDeviceList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, &rdi, &cbSize) > 0) { //skip non HID and non logitec (3DConnexion) devices if (rdi.dwType != RIM_TYPEHID || rdi.hid.dwVendorId != LOGITECH_VENDOR_ID) { continue; } //check if devices matches Multi-axis Controller for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numDevicesOfInterest; ++j) { if (devicesToRegister[j].usUsage == rdi.hid.usUsage && devicesToRegister[j].usUsagePage == rdi.hid.usUsagePage) { return true; } } } } return false; } /*! Initialize the window to recieve raw-input messages This needs to be called initially so that Windows will send the messages from the 3D mouse to the window. */ bool Mouse3DInput::InitializeRawInput(HWND hwndTarget) { fWindow = hwndTarget; // Simply fail if there is no window if (!hwndTarget) return false; unsigned int numDevices = 0; PRAWINPUTDEVICE devicesToRegister = GetDevicesToRegister(&numDevices); if (numDevices == 0) return false; // Get OS version. OSVERSIONINFO osvi = {sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO),0}; ::GetVersionEx(&osvi); unsigned int cbSize = sizeof (devicesToRegister[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) { // Set the target window to use //devicesToRegister[i].hwndTarget = hwndTarget; // If Vista or newer, enable receiving the WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE message. if (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 6) { devicesToRegister[i].dwFlags |= RIDEV_DEVNOTIFY; } } return (::RegisterRawInputDevices(devicesToRegister, numDevices, cbSize) != FALSE); } /*! Get the raw input data from Windows Includes workaround for incorrect alignment of the RAWINPUT structure on x64 os when running as Wow64 (copied directly from 3DConnexion code) */ UINT Mouse3DInput::GetRawInputBuffer(PRAWINPUT pData, PUINT pcbSize, UINT cbSizeHeader) { #ifdef _WIN64 return ::GetRawInputBuffer(pData, pcbSize, cbSizeHeader); #else BOOL bIsWow64 = FALSE; ::IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow64); if (!bIsWow64 || pData==NULL) { return ::GetRawInputBuffer(pData, pcbSize, cbSizeHeader); } else { HWND hwndTarget = fWindow; //fParent->winId(); size_t cbDataSize=0; UINT nCount=0; PRAWINPUT pri = pData; MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, hwndTarget, WM_INPUT, WM_INPUT, PM_NOREMOVE)) { HRAWINPUT hRawInput = reinterpret_cast<HRAWINPUT>(msg.lParam); size_t cbSize = *pcbSize - cbDataSize; if (::GetRawInputData(hRawInput, RID_INPUT, pri, &cbSize, cbSizeHeader) == static_cast<UINT>(-1)) { if (nCount==0) { return static_cast<UINT>(-1); } else { break; } } ++nCount; // Remove the message for the data just read PeekMessage(&msg, hwndTarget, WM_INPUT, WM_INPUT, PM_REMOVE); pri = NEXTRAWINPUTBLOCK(pri); cbDataSize = reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(pri) - reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(pData); if (cbDataSize >= *pcbSize) { cbDataSize = *pcbSize; break; } } return nCount; } #endif } /*! Process the raw input device data On3dmouseInput() does all the preprocessing of the rawinput device data before finally calling the Move3d method. */ void Mouse3DInput::On3dmouseInput() { // Don't do any data processing in background bool bIsForeground = (::GetActiveWindow() != NULL); if (!bIsForeground) { // set all cached data to zero so that a zero event is seen and the cached data deleted for (std::map<HANDLE, TInputData>::iterator it = fDevice2Data.begin(); it != fDevice2Data.end(); it++) { it->second.fAxes.assign(6, .0); it->second.fIsDirty = true; } } DWORD dwNow = ::GetTickCount(); // Current time; DWORD dwElapsedTime; // Elapsed time since we were last here if (0 == fLast3dmouseInputTime) { dwElapsedTime = 10; // System timer resolution } else { dwElapsedTime = dwNow - fLast3dmouseInputTime; if (fLast3dmouseInputTime > dwNow) { dwElapsedTime = ~dwElapsedTime+1; } if (dwElapsedTime<1) { dwElapsedTime=1; } else if (dwElapsedTime > 500) { // Check for wild numbers because the device was removed while sending data dwElapsedTime = 10; } } #if _TRACE_3DINPUT_PERIOD qDebug("On3DmouseInput() period is %dms\n", dwElapsedTime); #endif float mouseData2Rotation = k3dmouseAngularVelocity; // v = w * r, we don't know r yet so lets assume r=1.) float mouseData2PanZoom = k3dmouseAngularVelocity; // Grab the I3dmouseParam interface I3dMouseParam& i3dmouseParam = f3dMouseParams; // Take a look at the users preferred speed setting and adjust the sensitivity accordingly I3dMouseSensor::ESpeed speedSetting = i3dmouseParam.GetSpeed(); // See "Programming for the 3D Mouse", Section 5.1.3 float speed = (speedSetting == I3dMouseSensor::kLowSpeed ? 0.25f : speedSetting == I3dMouseSensor::kHighSpeed ? 4.f : 1.f); // Multiplying by the following will convert the 3d mouse data to real world units mouseData2PanZoom *= speed; mouseData2Rotation *= speed; std::map<HANDLE, TInputData>::iterator iterator=fDevice2Data.begin(); while (iterator != fDevice2Data.end()) { // If we have not received data for a while send a zero event if ((--(iterator->second.fTimeToLive)) == 0) { iterator->second.fAxes.assign(6, .0); } else if (/*!t_bPoll3dmouse &&*/ !iterator->second.fIsDirty) { // If we are not polling then only handle the data that was actually received ++iterator; continue; } iterator->second.fIsDirty=false; // get a copy of the device HANDLE hdevice = iterator->first; // get a copy of the motion vectors and apply the user filters std::vector<float> motionData = iterator->second.fAxes; // apply the user filters // Pan Zoom filter // See "Programming for the 3D Mouse", Section 5.1.2 if (!i3dmouseParam.IsPanZoom()) { // Pan zoom is switched off so set the translation vector values to zero motionData[0] = motionData[1] = motionData[2] = 0.; } // Rotate filter // See "Programming for the 3D Mouse", Section 5.1.1 if (!i3dmouseParam.IsRotate()) { // Rotate is switched off so set the rotation vector values to zero motionData[3] = motionData[4] = motionData[5] = 0.; } // convert the translation vector into physical data for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { motionData[axis] *= mouseData2PanZoom; } // convert the directed Rotate vector into physical data // See "Programming for the 3D Mouse", Section 7.2.2 for (int axis = 3; axis < 6; axis++) { motionData[axis] *= mouseData2Rotation; } // Now that the data has had the filters and sensitivty settings applied // calculate the displacements since the last view update for (int axis = 0; axis < 6; axis++) { motionData[axis] *= dwElapsedTime; } // Now a bit of book keeping before passing on the data if (iterator->second.IsZero()) { iterator = fDevice2Data.erase(iterator); } else { ++iterator; } // Work out which will be the next device HANDLE hNextDevice = 0; if (iterator != fDevice2Data.end()) { hNextDevice = iterator->first; } // Pass the 3dmouse input to the view controller Move3d(hdevice, motionData); // Because we don't know what happened in the previous call, the cache might have // changed so reload the iterator iterator = fDevice2Data.find(hNextDevice); } if (!fDevice2Data.empty()) { fLast3dmouseInputTime = dwNow; } else { fLast3dmouseInputTime = 0; } } /*! Called when new raw input data is available */ void Mouse3DInput::OnRawInput(UINT nInputCode, HRAWINPUT hRawInput) { const size_t cbSizeOfBuffer=1024; BYTE pBuffer[cbSizeOfBuffer]; PRAWINPUT pRawInput = reinterpret_cast<PRAWINPUT>(pBuffer); UINT cbSize = cbSizeOfBuffer; if (::GetRawInputData(hRawInput, RID_INPUT, pRawInput, &cbSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) == static_cast<UINT>(-1)) { return; } bool b3dmouseInput = TranslateRawInputData(nInputCode, pRawInput); ::DefRawInputProc(&pRawInput, 1, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); // Check for any buffered messages cbSize = cbSizeOfBuffer; UINT nCount = this->GetRawInputBuffer(pRawInput, &cbSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); if (nCount == (UINT)-1) { qDebug ("GetRawInputBuffer returned error %d\n", GetLastError()); } while (nCount>0 && nCount != static_cast<UINT>(-1)) { PRAWINPUT pri = pRawInput; UINT nInput; for (nInput=0; nInput<nCount; ++nInput) { b3dmouseInput |= TranslateRawInputData(nInputCode, pri); // clean the buffer ::DefRawInputProc(&pri, 1, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); pri = NEXTRAWINPUTBLOCK(pri); } cbSize = cbSizeOfBuffer; nCount = this->GetRawInputBuffer(pRawInput, &cbSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); } // If we have mouse input data for the app then tell tha app about it if (b3dmouseInput) { On3dmouseInput(); } } bool Mouse3DInput::TranslateRawInputData(UINT nInputCode, PRAWINPUT pRawInput) { bool bIsForeground = (nInputCode == RIM_INPUT); #if _TRACE_RI_TYPE qDebug("Rawinput.header.dwType=0x%x\n", pRawInput->header.dwType); #endif // We are not interested in keyboard or mouse data received via raw input if (pRawInput->header.dwType != RIM_TYPEHID) return false; #if _TRACE_RIDI_DEVICENAME UINT dwSize=0; if (::GetRawInputDeviceInfo(pRawInput->header.hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, NULL, &dwSize) == 0) { std::vector<wchar_t> szDeviceName(dwSize+1); if (::GetRawInputDeviceInfo(pRawInput->header.hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, &szDeviceName[0], &dwSize) >0) { qDebug("Device Name = %s\nDevice handle = 0x%x\n", &szDeviceName[0], pRawInput->header.hDevice); } } #endif RID_DEVICE_INFO sRidDeviceInfo; sRidDeviceInfo.cbSize = sizeof(RID_DEVICE_INFO); UINT cbSize = sizeof(RID_DEVICE_INFO); if (::GetRawInputDeviceInfo(pRawInput->header.hDevice, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, &sRidDeviceInfo, &cbSize) == cbSize) { #if _TRACE_RIDI_DEVICEINFO switch (sRidDeviceInfo.dwType) { case RIM_TYPEMOUSE: qDebug("\tsRidDeviceInfo.dwType=RIM_TYPEMOUSE\n"); break; case RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD: qDebug("\tsRidDeviceInfo.dwType=RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD\n"); break; case RIM_TYPEHID: qDebug("\tsRidDeviceInfo.dwType=RIM_TYPEHID\n"); qDebug("\tVendor=0x%x\n\tProduct=0x%x\n\tUsagePage=0x%x\n\tUsage=0x%x\n", sRidDeviceInfo.hid.dwVendorId, sRidDeviceInfo.hid.dwProductId, sRidDeviceInfo.hid.usUsagePage, sRidDeviceInfo.hid.usUsage); break; } #endif if (sRidDeviceInfo.hid.dwVendorId == LOGITECH_VENDOR_ID) { if (pRawInput->data.hid.bRawData[0] == 0x01) { // Translation vector TInputData& deviceData = fDevice2Data[pRawInput->header.hDevice]; deviceData.fTimeToLive = kTimeToLive; if (bIsForeground) { short* pnRawData = reinterpret_cast<short*>(&pRawInput->data.hid.bRawData[1]); // Cache the pan zoom data deviceData.fAxes[0] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[0]); deviceData.fAxes[1] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[1]); deviceData.fAxes[2] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[2]); #if _TRACE_RI_RAWDATA qDebug("Pan/Zoom RI Data =\t0x%x,\t0x%x,\t0x%x\n", pnRawData[0], pnRawData[1], pnRawData[2]); #endif if (pRawInput->data.hid.dwSizeHid >= 13) {// Highspeed package // Cache the rotation data deviceData.fAxes[3] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[3]); deviceData.fAxes[4] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[4]); deviceData.fAxes[5] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[5]); deviceData.fIsDirty = true; #if _TRACE_RI_RAWDATA qDebug("Rotation RI Data =\t0x%x,\t0x%x,\t0x%x\n", pnRawData[3], pnRawData[4], pnRawData[5]); #endif return true; } } else { // Zero out the data if the app is not in forground deviceData.fAxes.assign(6, 0.f); } } else if (pRawInput->data.hid.bRawData[0] == 0x02) { // Rotation vector // If we are not in foreground do nothing // The rotation vector was zeroed out with the translation vector in the previous message if (bIsForeground) { TInputData& deviceData = fDevice2Data[pRawInput->header.hDevice]; deviceData.fTimeToLive = kTimeToLive; short* pnRawData = reinterpret_cast<short*>(&pRawInput->data.hid.bRawData[1]); // Cache the rotation data deviceData.fAxes[3] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[0]); deviceData.fAxes[4] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[1]); deviceData.fAxes[5] = static_cast<float>(pnRawData[2]); deviceData.fIsDirty = true; #if _TRACE_RI_RAWDATA qDebug("Rotation RI Data =\t0x%x,\t0x%x,\t0x%x\n", pnRawData[0], pnRawData[1], pnRawData[2]); #endif return true; } } else if (pRawInput->data.hid.bRawData[0] == 0x03) { // Keystate change // this is a package that contains 3d mouse keystate information // bit0=key1, bit=key2 etc. unsigned long dwKeystate = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned long*>(&pRawInput->data.hid.bRawData[1]); #if _TRACE_RI_RAWDATA qDebug("ButtonData =0x%x\n", dwKeystate); #endif // Log the keystate changes unsigned long dwOldKeystate = fDevice2Keystate[pRawInput->header.hDevice]; if (dwKeystate != 0) { fDevice2Keystate[pRawInput->header.hDevice] = dwKeystate; } else { fDevice2Keystate.erase(pRawInput->header.hDevice); } // Only call the keystate change handlers if the app is in foreground if (bIsForeground) { unsigned long dwChange = dwKeystate ^ dwOldKeystate; for (int nKeycode=1; nKeycode<33; nKeycode++) { if (dwChange & 0x01) { int nVirtualKeyCode = HidToVirtualKey(sRidDeviceInfo.hid.dwProductId, nKeycode); if (nVirtualKeyCode) { if (dwKeystate&0x01) { On3dmouseKeyDown(pRawInput->header.hDevice, nVirtualKeyCode); } else { On3dmouseKeyUp(pRawInput->header.hDevice, nVirtualKeyCode); } } } dwChange >>=1; dwKeystate >>=1; } } } } } return false; }