/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* */ /* This file is part of the program and library */ /* SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum */ /* fuer Informationstechnik Berlin */ /* */ /* SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License */ /* along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org. */ /* */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /**@file heur.h * @ingroup INTERNALAPI * @brief internal methods for primal heuristics * @author Tobias Achterberg */ /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/ #ifndef __SCIP_HEUR_H__ #define __SCIP_HEUR_H__ #include "scip/def.h" #include "blockmemshell/memory.h" #include "scip/type_retcode.h" #include "scip/type_result.h" #include "scip/type_set.h" #include "scip/type_primal.h" #include "scip/type_heur.h" #include "scip/pub_heur.h" #include "scip/stat.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** create a set of diving heuristic settings */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdivesetCreate( SCIP_DIVESET** divesetptr, /**< pointer to the freshly created diveset */ SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< the heuristic to which this dive setting belongs */ const char* name, /**< name for the diveset, or NULL if the name of the heuristic should be used */ SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */ SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR* messagehdlr, /**< message handler */ BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory for parameter settings */ SCIP_Real minreldepth, /**< minimal relative depth to start diving */ SCIP_Real maxreldepth, /**< maximal relative depth to start diving */ SCIP_Real maxlpiterquot, /**< maximal fraction of diving LP iterations compared to node LP iterations */ SCIP_Real maxdiveubquot, /**< maximal quotient (curlowerbound - lowerbound)/(cutoffbound - lowerbound) * where diving is performed (0.0: no limit) */ SCIP_Real maxdiveavgquot, /**< maximal quotient (curlowerbound - lowerbound)/(avglowerbound - lowerbound) * where diving is performed (0.0: no limit) */ SCIP_Real maxdiveubquotnosol, /**< maximal UBQUOT when no solution was found yet (0.0: no limit) */ SCIP_Real maxdiveavgquotnosol,/**< maximal AVGQUOT when no solution was found yet (0.0: no limit) */ SCIP_Real lpresolvedomchgquot,/**< percentage of immediate domain changes during probing to trigger LP resolve */ int lpsolvefreq, /**< LP solve frequency for (0: only if enough domain reductions are found by propagation)*/ int maxlpiterofs, /**< additional number of allowed LP iterations */ unsigned int initialseed, /**< initial seed for random number generation */ SCIP_Bool backtrack, /**< use one level of backtracking if infeasibility is encountered? */ SCIP_Bool onlylpbranchcands, /**< should only LP branching candidates be considered instead of the slower but * more general constraint handler diving variable selection? */ SCIP_Bool ispublic, /**< is this dive set publicly available (ie., can be used by other primal heuristics?) */ SCIP_DIVETYPE divetypemask, /**< bit mask that represents the supported dive types by this dive set */ SCIP_DECL_DIVESETGETSCORE((*divesetgetscore)), /**< method for candidate score and rounding direction */ SCIP_DECL_DIVESETAVAILABLE((*divesetavailable)) /**< callback to check availability of dive set at the current stage, or NULL if always available */ ); /** resets diving settings counters */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdivesetReset( SCIP_DIVESET* diveset, /**< diveset to be reset */ SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */ ); /** update diveset statistics and global diveset statistics */ void SCIPdivesetUpdateStats( SCIP_DIVESET* diveset, /**< diveset to be reset */ SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< global SCIP statistics */ int depth, /**< the depth reached this time */ int nprobingnodes, /**< the number of probing nodes explored this time */ int nbacktracks, /**< the number of backtracks during probing this time */ SCIP_Longint nsolsfound, /**< number of new solutions found this time */ SCIP_Longint nbestsolsfound, /**< number of new best solutions found this time */ SCIP_Longint nconflictsfound, /**< number of new conflicts found this time */ SCIP_Bool leavesol, /**< has the diving heuristic reached a feasible leaf */ SCIP_DIVECONTEXT divecontext /**< context for diving statistics */ ); /** get the candidate score and preferred rounding direction for a candidate variable */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdivesetGetScore( SCIP_DIVESET* diveset, /**< general diving settings */ SCIP_SET* set, /**< SCIP settings */ SCIP_DIVETYPE divetype, /**< the type of diving that should be applied */ SCIP_VAR* divecand, /**< the candidate for which the branching direction is requested */ SCIP_Real divecandsol, /**< LP solution value of the candidate */ SCIP_Real divecandfrac, /**< fractionality of the candidate */ SCIP_Real* candscore, /**< pointer to store the candidate score */ SCIP_Bool* roundup /**< pointer to store whether preferred direction for diving is upwards */ ); /** check specific preconditions for diving, e.g., if an incumbent solution is available */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdivesetIsAvailable( SCIP_DIVESET* diveset, /**< diving heuristic settings */ SCIP_SET* set, /**< SCIP settings */ SCIP_Bool* available /**< pointer to store if the diving can run at the current solving stage */ ); /** update diveset LP statistics, should be called after every LP solved by this diving heuristic */ void SCIPdivesetUpdateLPStats( SCIP_DIVESET* diveset, /**< diving settings */ SCIP_STAT* stat, /**< global SCIP statistics */ SCIP_Longint niterstoadd, /**< additional number of LP iterations to be added */ SCIP_DIVECONTEXT divecontext /**< context for diving statistics */ ); /** copies the given primal heuristic to a new scip */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurCopyInclude( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_SET* set /**< SCIP_SET of SCIP to copy to */ ); /** creates a primal heuristic */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurCreate( SCIP_HEUR** heur, /**< pointer to primal heuristic data structure */ SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */ SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR* messagehdlr, /**< message handler */ BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem, /**< block memory for parameter settings */ const char* name, /**< name of primal heuristic */ const char* desc, /**< description of primal heuristic */ char dispchar, /**< display character of primal heuristic */ int priority, /**< priority of the primal heuristic */ int freq, /**< frequency for calling primal heuristic */ int freqofs, /**< frequency offset for calling primal heuristic */ int maxdepth, /**< maximal depth level to call heuristic at (-1: no limit) */ SCIP_HEURTIMING timingmask, /**< positions in the node solving loop where heuristic should be executed */ SCIP_Bool usessubscip, /**< does the heuristic use a secondary SCIP instance? */ SCIP_DECL_HEURCOPY ((*heurcopy)), /**< copy method of primal heuristic or NULL if you don't want to copy your plugin into sub-SCIPs */ SCIP_DECL_HEURFREE ((*heurfree)), /**< destructor of primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEURINIT ((*heurinit)), /**< initialize primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEUREXIT ((*heurexit)), /**< deinitialize primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEURINITSOL ((*heurinitsol)), /**< solving process initialization method of primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEUREXITSOL ((*heurexitsol)), /**< solving process deinitialization method of primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC ((*heurexec)), /**< execution method of primal heuristic */ SCIP_HEURDATA* heurdata /**< primal heuristic data */ ); /** calls destructor and frees memory of primal heuristic */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurFree( SCIP_HEUR** heur, /**< pointer to primal heuristic data structure */ SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */ BMS_BLKMEM* blkmem /**< block memory */ ); /** initializes primal heuristic */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurInit( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */ ); /** calls exit method of primal heuristic */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurExit( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */ ); /** informs primal heuristic that the branch and bound process is being started */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurInitsol( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */ ); /** informs primal heuristic that the branch and bound process data is being freed */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurExitsol( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_SET* set /**< global SCIP settings */ ); /** should the heuristic be executed at the given depth, frequency, timing, ... */ SCIP_Bool SCIPheurShouldBeExecuted( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ int depth, /**< depth of current node */ int lpstateforkdepth, /**< depth of the last node with solved LP */ SCIP_HEURTIMING heurtiming, /**< current point in the node solving process */ SCIP_Bool* delayed /**< pointer to store whether the heuristic should be delayed */ ); /** calls execution method of primal heuristic */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurExec( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */ SCIP_PRIMAL* primal, /**< primal data */ int depth, /**< depth of current node */ int lpstateforkdepth, /**< depth of the last node with solved LP */ SCIP_HEURTIMING heurtiming, /**< current point in the node solving process */ SCIP_Bool nodeinfeasible, /**< was the current node already detected to be infeasible? */ int* ndelayedheurs, /**< pointer to count the number of delayed heuristics */ SCIP_RESULT* result /**< pointer to store the result of the callback method */ ); /** sets priority of primal heuristic */ void SCIPheurSetPriority( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_SET* set, /**< global SCIP settings */ int priority /**< new priority of the primal heuristic */ ); /** sets copy callback of primal heuristic */ void SCIPheurSetCopy( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEURCOPY ((*heurcopy)) /**< copy callback of primal heuristic or NULL if you don't want to copy your plugin into sub-SCIPs */ ); /** sets destructor callback of primal heuristic */ void SCIPheurSetFree( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEURFREE ((*heurfree)) /**< destructor of primal heuristic */ ); /** sets initialization callback of primal heuristic */ void SCIPheurSetInit( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEURINIT ((*heurinit)) /**< initialize primal heuristic */ ); /** sets deinitialization callback of primal heuristic */ void SCIPheurSetExit( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEUREXIT ((*heurexit)) /**< deinitialize primal heuristic */ ); /** sets solving process initialization callback of primal heuristic */ void SCIPheurSetInitsol( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEURINITSOL ((*heurinitsol)) /**< solving process initialization callback of primal heuristic */ ); /** sets solving process deinitialization callback of primal heuristic */ void SCIPheurSetExitsol( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< primal heuristic */ SCIP_DECL_HEUREXITSOL ((*heurexitsol)) /**< solving process deinitialization callback of primal heuristic */ ); /** enables or disables all clocks of \p heur, depending on the value of the flag */ void SCIPheurEnableOrDisableClocks( SCIP_HEUR* heur, /**< the heuristic for which all clocks should be enabled or disabled */ SCIP_Bool enable /**< should the clocks of the heuristic be enabled? */ ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif