/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ /// @file /// @author Gus Grubba <mavlink@grubba.com> #ifndef OfflineMapsManager_H #define OfflineMapsManager_H #include "QmlObjectListModel.h" #include "QGCToolbox.h" #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h" #include "QGCMapEngine.h" #include "QGCMapTileSet.h" Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(QGCMapEngineManagerLog) class QGCMapEngineManager : public QGCTool { Q_OBJECT public: QGCMapEngineManager(QGCApplication* app, QGCToolbox* toolbox); ~QGCMapEngineManager(); enum ImportAction { ActionNone, ActionImporting, ActionExporting, ActionDone, }; Q_ENUMS(ImportAction) Q_PROPERTY(int tileX0 READ tileX0 NOTIFY tileX0Changed) Q_PROPERTY(int tileX1 READ tileX1 NOTIFY tileX1Changed) Q_PROPERTY(int tileY0 READ tileY0 NOTIFY tileY0Changed) Q_PROPERTY(int tileY1 READ tileY1 NOTIFY tileY1Changed) Q_PROPERTY(quint64 tileCount READ tileCount NOTIFY tileCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString tileCountStr READ tileCountStr NOTIFY tileCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(quint64 tileSize READ tileSize NOTIFY tileSizeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString tileSizeStr READ tileSizeStr NOTIFY tileSizeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* tileSets READ tileSets NOTIFY tileSetsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList mapList READ mapList CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(quint32 maxMemCache READ maxMemCache WRITE setMaxMemCache NOTIFY maxMemCacheChanged) Q_PROPERTY(quint32 maxDiskCache READ maxDiskCache WRITE setMaxDiskCache NOTIFY maxDiskCacheChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString errorMessage READ errorMessage NOTIFY errorMessageChanged) //-- Disk Space in MB Q_PROPERTY(quint32 freeDiskSpace READ freeDiskSpace NOTIFY freeDiskSpaceChanged) Q_PROPERTY(quint32 diskSpace READ diskSpace CONSTANT) //-- Tile set export Q_PROPERTY(int selectedCount READ selectedCount NOTIFY selectedCountChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int actionProgress READ actionProgress NOTIFY actionProgressChanged) Q_PROPERTY(ImportAction importAction READ importAction WRITE setImportAction NOTIFY importActionChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool importReplace READ importReplace WRITE setImportReplace NOTIFY importReplaceChanged) Q_INVOKABLE void loadTileSets (); Q_INVOKABLE void updateForCurrentView (double lon0, double lat0, double lon1, double lat1, int minZoom, int maxZoom, const QString& mapName); Q_INVOKABLE void startDownload (const QString& name, const QString& mapType); Q_INVOKABLE void saveSetting (const QString& key, const QString& value); Q_INVOKABLE QString loadSetting (const QString& key, const QString& defaultValue); Q_INVOKABLE void deleteTileSet (QGCCachedTileSet* tileSet); Q_INVOKABLE QString getUniqueName (); Q_INVOKABLE bool findName (const QString& name); Q_INVOKABLE void selectAll (); Q_INVOKABLE void selectNone (); Q_INVOKABLE bool exportSets (QString path = QString()); Q_INVOKABLE bool importSets (QString path = QString()); Q_INVOKABLE void resetAction (); int tileX0 () { return _totalSet.tileX0; } int tileX1 () { return _totalSet.tileX1; } int tileY0 () { return _totalSet.tileY0; } int tileY1 () { return _totalSet.tileY1; } quint64 tileCount () { return _totalSet.tileCount; } QString tileCountStr (); quint64 tileSize () { return _totalSet.tileSize; } QString tileSizeStr (); QStringList mapList (); QmlObjectListModel* tileSets () { return &_tileSets; } quint32 maxMemCache (); quint32 maxDiskCache (); QString errorMessage () { return _errorMessage; } quint64 freeDiskSpace () { return _freeDiskSpace; } quint64 diskSpace () { return _diskSpace; } int selectedCount (); int actionProgress () { return _actionProgress; } ImportAction importAction () { return _importAction; } bool importReplace () { return _importReplace; } void setMaxMemCache (quint32 size); void setMaxDiskCache (quint32 size); void setImportReplace (bool replace) { _importReplace = replace; emit importReplaceChanged(); } void setImportAction (ImportAction action) {_importAction = action; emit importActionChanged(); } void setErrorMessage (const QString& error) { _errorMessage = error; emit errorMessageChanged(); } // Override from QGCTool void setToolbox(QGCToolbox *toolbox); signals: void tileX0Changed (); void tileX1Changed (); void tileY0Changed (); void tileY1Changed (); void tileCountChanged (); void tileSizeChanged (); void tileSetsChanged (); void maxMemCacheChanged (); void maxDiskCacheChanged (); void errorMessageChanged (); void freeDiskSpaceChanged (); void selectedCountChanged (); void actionProgressChanged (); void importActionChanged (); void importReplaceChanged (); public slots: void taskError (QGCMapTask::TaskType type, QString error); private slots: void _tileSetSaved (QGCCachedTileSet* set); void _tileSetFetched (QGCCachedTileSet* tileSets); void _tileSetDeleted (quint64 setID); void _updateTotals (quint32 totaltiles, quint64 totalsize, quint32 defaulttiles, quint64 defaultsize); void _resetCompleted (); void _actionCompleted (); void _actionProgressHandler (int percentage); private: void _updateDiskFreeSpace (); private: QGCTileSet _totalSet; double _topleftLat; double _topleftLon; double _bottomRightLat; double _bottomRightLon; int _minZoom; int _maxZoom; quint64 _setID; quint32 _freeDiskSpace; quint32 _diskSpace; QmlObjectListModel _tileSets; QString _errorMessage; int _actionProgress; ImportAction _importAction; bool _importReplace; }; #endif