[ { "name": "VideoSource", "shortDescription": "Video source", "longDescription": "Source for video. UDP, TCP, RTSP and UVC Cameras may be supported depending on Vehicle and ground station version.", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "" }, { "name": "VideoUDPPort", "shortDescription": "Video UDP Port", "longDescription": "UDP port to bind to for video stream.", "type": "uint16", "min": 1025, "defaultValue": 5600 }, { "name": "VideoRTSPUrl", "shortDescription": "Video RTSP Url", "longDescription": "RTSP url address and port to bind to for video stream. Example: rtsp://", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "" }, { "name": "VideoTCPUrl", "shortDescription": "Video TCP Url", "longDescription": "TCP url address and port to bind to for video stream. Example:", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "" }, { "name": "VideoSavePath", "shortDescription": "Video save directory", "longDescription": "Directory to save videos to.", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "" }, { "name": "VideoAspectRatio", "shortDescription": "Video Aspect Ratio", "longDescription": "Video Aspect Ratio (width / height). Use 0.0 to ignore it.", "type": "float", "decimalPlaces": 6, "defaultValue": 1.777777 }, { "name": "VideoGridLines", "shortDescription": "Video Grid Lines", "longDescription": "Displays a grid overlaid over the video view.", "type": "uint32", "enumStrings": "Hide,Show", "enumValues": "1,0", "defaultValue": 0 }, { "name": "ShowRecControl", "shortDescription": "Show Video Record Control", "longDescription": "Show recording control in the UI.", "type": "bool", "defaultValue": true }, { "name": "RecordingFormat", "shortDescription": "Video Recording Format", "longDescription": "Video recording file format.", "type": "uint32", "enumStrings": "mkv,mov,mp4", "enumValues": "0,1,2", "defaultValue": 0 }, { "name": "MaxVideoSize", "shortDescription": "Max Video Storage Usage", "longDescription": "Maximum amount of disk space used by video recording.", "type": "uint32", "min": 100, "units": "MB", "defaultValue": 2048 }, { "name": "RtspTimeout", "shortDescription": "RTSP Video Timeout", "longDescription": "How long to wait before assuming RTSP link is gone.", "type": "uint32", "min": 1, "units": "s", "defaultValue": 2 } ]