Code Generator for the MAVLink Micro Air Vehicle Message Marshalling Library

This is a code generator for the library for lightweight communication between
Micro Air Vehicles and/or ground control stations.
It serializes C-structs for serial channels and can be used with
any type of radio modem.

*  NEWS  *

MAVLink has been ported to Python and Java. MAVLinkGen will soon support the output of Python and Java code as well.

For help, please visit the mailing list:

MAVLink is licensed under the terms of the Lesser General Public License of the Free Software Foundation (LGPL).

MAVLink's reference implementation is done in the QGroundControl operator control unit. MAVLink is however not tied in any way to QGroundControl nor does it depend on it. Many other groundstations (APM Planner, HK GCS, Copter-GCS) support it and might be better suited for your application than QGC - check them out.



(c) 2009-2011 Lorenz Meier <>