#include <airmap/aircraft.h>
#include <airmap/date_time.h>
#include <airmap/optional.h>

#include <cstdint>

#include <map>
#include <string>

namespace airmap {

/// Pilot bundles up all properties describing a pilot on the AirMap services.
struct Pilot {
  /// Aircraft describes a vehicle owned by a Pilot.
  struct Aircraft {
    std::string id;          ///< The unique id of the vehicle in the context of AirMap.
    std::string nick_name;   ///< The human-readable nickname of the vehicle.
    airmap::Aircraft model;  ///< The model of the aircraft.
    DateTime created_at;     ///< Timestamp marking the creation of the device in the AirMap system.

  std::string id;                     ///< The unique id of the pilot in the context of AirMap.
  std::string first_name;             ///< The first name of the pilot.
  std::string last_name;              ///< The last name of the pilot.
  std::string user_name;              ///< The AirMap username of this pilot.
  Optional<std::string> picture_url;  ///< The URL of a picture showing the pilot.

  /// VerificationStatus summarizes the
  /// status of contact detail verification.
  struct VerificationStatus {
    bool email;  ///< true iff the email address of the pilot has been verified
    bool phone;  ///< true iff the phone number of the pilot has been verified
  } verification_status;

  /// Statistics about the pilot and her
  /// flight experience as recorded by the
  /// AirMap services.
  struct Statistics {
    struct Flight {
      std::uint64_t total;        ///< The total number of flights
      DateTime last_flight_time;  ///< Date and time of the last flight
    } flight;                     ///< Statistical details about flights conducted by a pilot.
    struct Aircraft {
      std::uint64_t total;  ///< The total number of aircrafts
    } aircraft;             ///< Statistical details about aircrafts owned by a pilot
  } statistics;

  /// App- and user-specific metadata.
  struct Metadata {
    std::map<std::string, std::string> app;   ///< App-specific meta-data.
    std::map<std::string, std::string> user;  ///< User-specific meta-data.
  } metadata;                                 ///< Metadata associated with a pilot.
  DateTime created_at;                        ///< Timestamp of the creation of this pilot in the AirMap system.

}  // namespace airmap

#endif  // AIRMAP_PILOT_H_