/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ #include "MockMavlinkFileServer.h" const MockMavlinkFileServer::FileTestCase MockMavlinkFileServer::rgFileTestCases[MockMavlinkFileServer::cFileTestCases] = { // File fits one Read Ack packet, partially filling data { "partial.qgc", sizeof(((QGCUASFileManager::Request*)0)->data) - 1 }, // File fits one Read Ack packet, exactly filling all data { "exact.qgc", sizeof(((QGCUASFileManager::Request*)0)->data) }, // File is larger than a single Read Ack packets, requires multiple Reads { "multi.qgc", sizeof(((QGCUASFileManager::Request*)0)->data) + 1 }, }; // We only support a single fixed session const uint8_t MockMavlinkFileServer::_sessionId = 1; MockMavlinkFileServer::MockMavlinkFileServer(void) { } /// @brief Handles List command requests. Only supports root folder paths. /// File list returned is set using the setFileList method. void MockMavlinkFileServer::_listCommand(QGCUASFileManager::Request* request) { // FIXME: Does not support directories that span multiple packets QGCUASFileManager::Request ackResponse; QString path; // We only support root path path = (char *)&request->data[0]; if (!path.isEmpty() && path != "/") { _sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::kErrNotDir); return; } // Offset requested is past the end of the list if (request->hdr.offset > (uint32_t)_fileList.size()) { _sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::kErrEOF); return; } ackResponse.hdr.magic = 'f'; ackResponse.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspAck; ackResponse.hdr.session = 0; ackResponse.hdr.offset = request->hdr.offset; ackResponse.hdr.size = 0; if (request->hdr.offset == 0) { // Requesting first batch of file names Q_ASSERT(_fileList.size()); char *bufPtr = (char *)&ackResponse.data[0]; for (int i=0; i<_fileList.size(); i++) { strcpy(bufPtr, _fileList[i].toStdString().c_str()); size_t cchFilename = strlen(bufPtr); Q_ASSERT(cchFilename); ackResponse.hdr.size += cchFilename + 1; bufPtr += cchFilename + 1; } _emitResponse(&ackResponse); } else { // FIXME: Does not support directories that span multiple packets _sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::kErrEOF); } } /// @brief Handles Open command requests. void MockMavlinkFileServer::_openCommand(QGCUASFileManager::Request* request) { QGCUASFileManager::Request response; QString path; size_t cchPath = strnlen((char *)request->data, sizeof(request->data)); Q_ASSERT(cchPath != sizeof(request->data)); Q_UNUSED(cchPath); // Fix initialized-but-not-referenced warning on release builds path = (char *)request->data; // Check path against one of our known test cases bool found = false; for (size_t i=0; ihdr.session != _sessionId) { _sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::kErrNoSession); return; } uint32_t readOffset = request->hdr.offset; // offset into file for reading uint8_t cDataBytes = 0; // current number of data bytes used if (readOffset >= _readFileLength) { _sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::kErrEOF); return; } // Write length byte if needed if (readOffset == 0) { response.data[0] = _readFileLength; readOffset++; cDataBytes++; } // Write file bytes. Data is a repeating sequence of 0x00, 0x01, .. 0xFF. for (; cDataBytes < sizeof(response.data) && readOffset < _readFileLength; readOffset++, cDataBytes++) { // Subtract one from readOffset to take into account length byte and start file data a 0x00 response.data[cDataBytes] = (readOffset - 1) & 0xFF; } // We should always have written something, otherwise there is something wrong with the code above Q_ASSERT(cDataBytes); response.hdr.magic = 'f'; response.hdr.session = _sessionId; response.hdr.size = cDataBytes; response.hdr.offset = request->hdr.offset; response.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspAck; _emitResponse(&response); } /// @brief Handles Terminate commands void MockMavlinkFileServer::_terminateCommand(QGCUASFileManager::Request* request) { if (request->hdr.session != _sessionId) { _sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::kErrNoSession); return; } _sendAck(); // Let our test harness know that we got a terminate command. This is used to validate the a Terminate is correctly // sent after an Open. emit terminateCommandReceived(); } /// @brief Handles messages sent to the FTP server. void MockMavlinkFileServer::sendMessage(mavlink_message_t message) { QGCUASFileManager::Request ackResponse; Q_ASSERT(message.msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ENCAPSULATED_DATA); mavlink_encapsulated_data_t requestEncapsulatedData; mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_decode(&message, &requestEncapsulatedData); QGCUASFileManager::Request* request = (QGCUASFileManager::Request*)&requestEncapsulatedData.data[0]; // Validate CRC if (request->hdr.crc32 != QGCUASFileManager::crc32(request)) { _sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::kErrCrc); } switch (request->hdr.opcode) { case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdTestNoAck: // ignored, ack not sent back, for testing only break; case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdReset: // terminates all sessions // Fall through to send back Ack case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdNone: // ignored, always acked ackResponse.hdr.magic = 'f'; ackResponse.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspAck; ackResponse.hdr.session = 0; ackResponse.hdr.crc32 = 0; ackResponse.hdr.size = 0; _emitResponse(&ackResponse); break; case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdList: _listCommand(request); break; case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdOpen: _openCommand(request); break; case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdRead: _readCommand(request); break; case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdTerminate: _terminateCommand(request); break; // Remainder of commands are NYI case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdCreate: // creates for writing, returns case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdWrite: // appends bytes at in case QGCUASFileManager::kCmdRemove: // remove file (only if created by server?) default: // nack for all NYI opcodes _sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::kErrUnknownCommand); break; } } /// @brief Sends an Ack void MockMavlinkFileServer::_sendAck(void) { QGCUASFileManager::Request ackResponse; ackResponse.hdr.magic = 'f'; ackResponse.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspAck; ackResponse.hdr.session = 0; ackResponse.hdr.size = 0; _emitResponse(&ackResponse); } /// @brief Sends a Nak with the specified error code. void MockMavlinkFileServer::_sendNak(QGCUASFileManager::ErrorCode error) { QGCUASFileManager::Request nakResponse; nakResponse.hdr.magic = 'f'; nakResponse.hdr.opcode = QGCUASFileManager::kRspNak; nakResponse.hdr.session = 0; nakResponse.hdr.size = 1; nakResponse.data[0] = error; _emitResponse(&nakResponse); } /// @brief Emits a Request through the messageReceived signal. void MockMavlinkFileServer::_emitResponse(QGCUASFileManager::Request* request) { mavlink_message_t mavlinkMessage; request->hdr.crc32 = QGCUASFileManager::crc32(request); mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_pack(250, 0, &mavlinkMessage, 0 /*_encdata_seq*/, (uint8_t*)request); emit messageReceived(NULL, mavlinkMessage); }