// Copyright 2010-2018 Google LLC // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef OR_TOOLS_SAT_CUTS_H_ #define OR_TOOLS_SAT_CUTS_H_ #include #include #include "ortools/base/int_type.h" #include "ortools/sat/implied_bounds.h" #include "ortools/sat/integer.h" #include "ortools/sat/linear_constraint.h" #include "ortools/sat/linear_constraint_manager.h" #include "ortools/sat/model.h" #include "ortools/util/time_limit.h" namespace operations_research { namespace sat { // A "cut" generator on a set of IntegerVariable. // // The generate_cuts() function will usually be called with the current LP // optimal solution (but should work for any lp_values). Note that a // CutGenerator should: // - Only look at the lp_values positions that corresponds to its 'vars' or // their negation. // - Only add cuts in term of the same variables or their negation. struct CutGenerator { std::vector vars; std::function& lp_values, LinearConstraintManager* manager)> generate_cuts; }; // Given an upper-bounded linear relation (sum terms <= ub), this algorithm // inspects the integer variable appearing in the sum and try to replace each of // them by a tight lower bound (>= coeff * binary + lb) using the implied bound // repository. By tight, we mean that it will take the same value under the // current LP solution. // // We use a class to reuse memory of the tmp terms. class ImpliedBoundsProcessor { public: // We will only replace IntegerVariable appearing in lp_vars_. ImpliedBoundsProcessor(absl::Span lp_vars_, IntegerTrail* integer_trail, ImpliedBounds* implied_bounds) : lp_vars_(lp_vars_.begin(), lp_vars_.end()), integer_trail_(integer_trail), implied_bounds_(implied_bounds) {} // Processes and updates the given cut. void ProcessUpperBoundedConstraint( const gtl::ITIVector& lp_values, LinearConstraint* cut) const; // Same as ProcessUpperBoundedConstraint() but instead of just using // var >= coeff * binary + lb we use var == slack + coeff * binary + lb where // slack is a new temporary variable that we create. // // The new slack will be such that slack_infos[(slack - first_slack) / 2] // contains its definition so that we can properly handle it in the cut // generation and substitute it back later. struct SlackInfo { // This slack is equal to sum of terms + offset. std::vector> terms; IntegerValue offset; // The slack bounds and current lp_value. IntegerValue lb = IntegerValue(0); IntegerValue ub = IntegerValue(0); double lp_value = 0.0; }; void ProcessUpperBoundedConstraintWithSlackCreation( bool substitute_only_inner_variables, IntegerVariable first_slack, const gtl::ITIVector& lp_values, LinearConstraint* cut, std::vector* slack_infos, std::vector* implied_bound_cuts) const; // Only used for debugging. // // Substituting back the slack created by the function above should give // exactly the same cut as the original one. bool DebugSlack(IntegerVariable first_slack, const LinearConstraint& initial_cut, const LinearConstraint& cut, const std::vector& info); // Add a new variable that could be used in the new cuts. void AddLpVariable(IntegerVariable var) { lp_vars_.insert(var); } // Must be called before we process any constraints with a different // lp_values or level zero bounds. void ClearCache() const { cache_.clear(); } struct BestImpliedBoundInfo { double bool_lp_value = 0.0; double slack_lp_value = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); bool is_positive; IntegerValue bound_diff; IntegerVariable bool_var = kNoIntegerVariable; }; BestImpliedBoundInfo GetCachedImpliedBoundInfo(IntegerVariable var); private: BestImpliedBoundInfo ComputeBestImpliedBound( IntegerVariable var, const gtl::ITIVector& lp_values, std::vector* implied_bound_cuts) const; absl::flat_hash_set lp_vars_; mutable absl::flat_hash_map cache_; // Data from the constructor. IntegerTrail* integer_trail_; ImpliedBounds* implied_bounds_; // Temporary memory used by ProcessUpperBoundedConstraint(). mutable std::vector> tmp_terms_; }; // Visible for testing. Returns a function f on integers such that: // - f is non-decreasing. // - f is super-additive: f(a) + f(b) <= f(a + b) // - 1 <= f(divisor) <= max_scaling // - For all x, f(x * divisor) = x * f(divisor) // - For all x, f(x * divisor + remainder) = x * f(divisor) // // Preconditions: // - 0 <= remainder < divisor. // - 1 <= max_scaling. // // This is used in IntegerRoundingCut() and is responsible for "strengthening" // the cut. Just taking f(x) = x / divisor result in the non-strengthened cut // and using any function that stricly dominate this one is better. // // Algorithm: // - We first scale by a factor t so that rhs_remainder >= divisor / 2. // - Then, if max_scaling == 2, we use the function described // in "Strenghtening Chvatal-Gomory cuts and Gomory fractional cuts", Adam N. // Letchfrod, Andrea Lodi. // - Otherwise, we use a generalization of this which is a discretized version // of the classical MIR rounding function that only take the value of the // form "an_integer / max_scaling". As max_scaling goes to infinity, this // converge to the real-valued MIR function. // // Note that for each value of max_scaling we will get a different function. // And that there is no dominance relation between any of these functions. So // it could be nice to try to generate a cut using different values of // max_scaling. IntegerValue GetFactorT(IntegerValue rhs_remainder, IntegerValue divisor, IntegerValue max_t); std::function GetSuperAdditiveRoundingFunction( IntegerValue rhs_remainder, IntegerValue divisor, IntegerValue t, IntegerValue max_scaling); // Given an upper bounded linear constraint, this function tries to transform it // to a valid cut that violate the given LP solution using integer rounding. // Note that the returned cut might not always violate the LP solution, in which // case it can be discarded. // // What this does is basically take the integer division of the constraint by an // integer. If the coefficients where doubles, this would be the same as scaling // the constraint and then rounding. We choose the coefficient of the most // fractional variable (rescaled by its coefficient) as the divisor, but there // are other possible alternatives. // // Note that if the constraint is tight under the given lp solution, and if // there is a unique variable not at one of its bounds and fractional, then we // are guaranteed to generate a cut that violate the current LP solution. This // should be the case for Chvatal-Gomory base constraints modulo our loss of // precision while doing exact integer computations. // // Precondition: // - We assumes that the given initial constraint is tight using the given lp // values. This could be relaxed, but for now it should always be the case, so // we log a message and abort if not, to ease debugging. // - The IntegerVariable of the cuts are not used here. We assumes that the // first three vectors are in one to one correspondence with the initial order // of the variable in the cut. // // TODO(user): There is a bunch of heuristic involved here, and we could spend // more effort tunning them. In particular, one can try many heuristics and keep // the best looking cut (or more than one). This is not on the critical code // path, so we can spend more effort in finding good cuts. struct RoundingOptions { IntegerValue max_scaling = IntegerValue(60); }; class IntegerRoundingCutHelper { public: void ComputeCut(RoundingOptions options, const std::vector& lp_values, const std::vector& lower_bounds, const std::vector& upper_bounds, ImpliedBoundsProcessor* ib_processor, LinearConstraint* cut); // Returns the number of implied bound lifted Booleans in the last // ComputeCut() call. Useful for investigation. int NumLiftedBooleans() const { return num_lifted_booleans_; } private: // The helper is just here to reuse the memory for these vectors. std::vector relevant_indices_; std::vector relevant_lp_values_; std::vector relevant_coeffs_; std::vector relevant_bound_diffs_; std::vector divisors_; std::vector> adjusted_coeffs_; std::vector remainders_; std::vector change_sign_at_postprocessing_; std::vector rs_; std::vector best_rs_; int num_lifted_booleans_ = 0; std::vector> tmp_terms_; }; // If a variable is away from its upper bound by more than value 1.0, then it // cannot be part of a cover that will violate the lp solution. This method // returns a reduced constraint by removing such variables from the given // constraint. LinearConstraint GetPreprocessedLinearConstraint( const LinearConstraint& constraint, const gtl::ITIVector& lp_values, const IntegerTrail& integer_trail); // Returns true if sum of all the variables in the given constraint is less than // or equal to constraint upper bound. This method assumes that all the // coefficients are non negative. bool ConstraintIsTriviallyTrue(const LinearConstraint& constraint, const IntegerTrail& integer_trail); // If the left variables in lp solution satisfies following inequality, we prove // that there does not exist any knapsack cut which is violated by the solution. // Let |Cmin| = smallest possible cover size. // Let S = smallest (var_ub - lp_values[var]) first |Cmin| variables. // Let cut lower bound = sum_(var in S)(var_ub - lp_values[var]) // For any cover, // If cut lower bound >= 1 // ==> sum_(var in S)(var_ub - lp_values[var]) >= 1 // ==> sum_(var in cover)(var_ub - lp_values[var]) >= 1 // ==> The solution already satisfies cover. Since this is true for all covers, // this method returns false in such cases. // This method assumes that the constraint is preprocessed and has only non // negative coefficients. bool CanBeFilteredUsingCutLowerBound( const LinearConstraint& preprocessed_constraint, const gtl::ITIVector& lp_values, const IntegerTrail& integer_trail); // Struct to help compute upper bound for knapsack instance. struct KnapsackItem { double profit; double weight; bool operator>(const KnapsackItem& other) const { return profit * other.weight > other.profit * weight; } }; // Gets upper bound on profit for knapsack instance by solving the linear // relaxation. double GetKnapsackUpperBound(std::vector items, double capacity); // Returns true if the linear relaxation upper bound for the knapsack instance // shows that this constraint cannot be used to form a cut. This method assumes // that all the coefficients are non negative. bool CanBeFilteredUsingKnapsackUpperBound( const LinearConstraint& constraint, const gtl::ITIVector& lp_values, const IntegerTrail& integer_trail); // Returns true if the given constraint passes all the filters described above. // This method assumes that the constraint is preprocessed and has only non // negative coefficients. bool CanFormValidKnapsackCover( const LinearConstraint& preprocessed_constraint, const gtl::ITIVector& lp_values, const IntegerTrail& integer_trail); // Converts the given constraint into canonical knapsack form (described // below) and adds it to 'knapsack_constraints'. // Canonical knapsack form: // - Constraint has finite upper bound. // - All coefficients are positive. // For constraint with finite lower bound, this method also adds the negation of // the given constraint after converting it to canonical knapsack form. void ConvertToKnapsackForm(const LinearConstraint& constraint, std::vector* knapsack_constraints, IntegerTrail* integer_trail); // Returns true if the cut is lifted. Lifting procedure is described below. // // First we decide a lifting sequence for the binary variables which are not // already in cut. We lift the cut for each lifting candidate one by one. // // Given the original constraint where the lifting candidate is fixed to one, we // compute the maximum value the cut can take and still be feasible using a // knapsack problem. We can then lift the variable in the cut using the // difference between the cut upper bound and this maximum value. bool LiftKnapsackCut( const LinearConstraint& constraint, const gtl::ITIVector& lp_values, const std::vector& cut_vars_original_coefficients, const IntegerTrail& integer_trail, TimeLimit* time_limit, LinearConstraint* cut); // A cut generator that creates knpasack cover cuts. // // For a constraint of type // \sum_{i=1..n}(a_i * x_i) <= b // where x_i are integer variables with upper bound u_i, a cover of size k is a // subset C of {1 , .. , n} such that \sum_{c \in C}(a_c * u_c) > b. // // A knapsack cover cut is a constraint of the form // \sum_{c \in C}(u_c - x_c) >= 1 // which is equivalent to \sum_{c \in C}(x_c) <= \sum_{c \in C}(u_c) - 1. // In other words, in a feasible solution, at least some of the variables do // not take their maximum value. // // If all x_i are binary variables then the cover cut becomes // \sum_{c \in C}(x_c) <= |C| - 1. // // The major difficulty for generating Knapsack cover cuts is finding a minimal // cover set C that cut a given floating point solution. There are many ways to // heuristically generate the cover but the following method that uses a // solution of the LP relaxation of the constraint works the best. // // Look at a given linear relaxation solution for the integer problem x' // and try to solve the following knapsack problem: // Minimize \sum_{i=1..n}(z_i * (u_i - x_i')), // such that \sum_{i=1..n}(a_i * u_i * z_i) > b, // where z_i is a binary decision variable and x_i' are values of the variables // in the given relaxation solution x'. If the objective of the optimal solution // of this problem is less than 1, this algorithm does not generate any cuts. // Otherwise, it adds a knapsack cover cut in the form // \sum_{i=1..n}(z_i' * x_i) <= cb, // where z_i' is the value of z_i in the optimal solution of the above // problem and cb is the upper bound for the cut constraint. Note that the above // problem can be converted into a standard kanpsack form by replacing z_i by 1 // - y_i. In that case the problem becomes // Maximize \sum_{i=1..n}((u_i - x_i') * (y_i - 1)), // such that // \sum_{i=1..n}(a_i * u_i * y_i) <= \sum_{i=1..n}(a_i * u_i) - b - 1. // // Solving this knapsack instance would help us find the smallest cover with // maximum LP violation. // // Cut strengthning: // Let lambda = \sum_{c \in C}(a_c * u_c) - b and max_coeff = \max_{c // \in C}(a_c), then cut can be strengthened as // \sum_{c \in C}(u_c - x_c) >= ceil(lambda / max_coeff) // // For further information about knapsack cover cuts see // A. Atamtürk, Cover and Pack Inequalities for (Mixed) Integer Programming // Annals of Operations Research Volume 139, Issue 1 , pp 21-38, 2005. // TODO(user): Implement cut lifting. CutGenerator CreateKnapsackCoverCutGenerator( const std::vector& base_constraints, const std::vector& vars, Model* model); // A cut generator for z = x * y (x and y >= 0). CutGenerator CreatePositiveMultiplicationCutGenerator(IntegerVariable z, IntegerVariable x, IntegerVariable y, Model* model); // A cut generator for y = x ^ 2 (x >= 0). // It will dynamically add a linear inequality to push y closer to the parabola. CutGenerator CreateSquareCutGenerator(IntegerVariable y, IntegerVariable x, Model* model); // A cut generator for all_diff(xi). Let the united domain of all xi be D. Sum // of any k-sized subset of xi need to be greater or equal to the sum of // smallest k values in D and lesser or equal to the sum of largest k values in // D. The cut generator first sorts the variables based on LP values and adds // cuts of the form described above if they are violated by lp solution. Note // that all the fixed variables are ignored while generating cuts. CutGenerator CreateAllDifferentCutGenerator( const std::vector& vars, Model* model); // Consider the Lin Max constraint with d expressions and n variables in the // form: target = max {exprs[k] = Sum (wki * xi + bk)}. k in {1,..,d}. // Li = lower bound of xi // Ui = upper bound of xi. // Let zk be in {0,1} for all k in {1,..,d}. // The target = exprs[k] when zk = 1. // // The following is a valid linearization for Lin Max. // target >= exprs[k], for all k in {1,..,d} // target <= Sum (wli * xi) + Sum((Nlk + bk) * zk), for all l in {1,..,d} // Where Nlk is a large number defined as: // Nlk = Sum (max((wki - wli)*Li, (wki - wli)*Ui)) // = Sum (max corner difference for variable i, target expr l, max expr k) // // Consider a partition of variables xi into set {1,..,d} as I. // i.e. I(i) = j means xi is mapped to jth index. // The following inequality is valid and sharp cut for the lin max constraint // described above. // // target <= Sum(i=1..n)(wI(i)i * xi + Sum(k=1..d)(MPlusCoefficient_ki * zk)) // + Sum(k=1..d)(bk * zk) , // Where MPlusCoefficient_ki = max((wki - wI(i)i) * Li, // (wki - wI(i)i) * Ui) // = max corner difference for variable i, // target expr I(i), max expr k. // // For detailed proof of validity, refer // Reference: "Strong mixed-integer programming formulations for trained neural // networks" by Ross Anderson et. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.01988.pdf). // // In the cut generator, we compute the most violated partition I by computing // the rhs value (wI(i)i * lp_value(xi) + Sum(k=1..d)(MPlusCoefficient_ki * zk)) // for each variable for each partition index. We choose the partition index // that gives lowest rhs value for a given variable. // // Note: This cut generator requires all expressions to contain only positive // vars. CutGenerator CreateLinMaxCutGenerator( const IntegerVariable target, const std::vector& exprs, const std::vector& z_vars, Model* model); } // namespace sat } // namespace operations_research #endif // OR_TOOLS_SAT_CUTS_H_