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  1. Oct 31, 2018
  2. Sep 02, 2018
    • Gus Grubba's avatar
      Added option to enable/disable Airspaces on map · 5c956faa
      Gus Grubba authored
      Limit all queries to areas smaller than 500km^2. If an area of interest is greater, clip to 500km^2 centered on current ROI's center.
      Removed the identifier "Airmap" from error messages coming from Airmap.
      Added a clipping function to QGCGeoBoundingCube (clip polygon to given area)
  3. Mar 07, 2018
  4. Feb 27, 2018
    • Gus Grubba's avatar
      Cleaning up old vehicle manager and getting it ready to actually provide... · 9359c154
      Gus Grubba authored
      Cleaning up old vehicle manager and getting it ready to actually provide services for a vehicle (flight management)
      Added submit flight plan
      Added update flight plan
      Disable flight features as these don't seem to be quite working (values must be initialized and validated before submission as backend doesn't validate and the objects don't initialize their members)
  5. Feb 22, 2018
  6. Feb 18, 2018