Commit fd9e128e authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Merge pull request #3094 from DonLakeFlyer/MavlinkChannel

Don't use channel 0 to avoid sequence number problems
parents f803ac47 454de718
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ LinkManager::LinkManager(QGCApplication* app)
, _configUpdateSuspended(false)
, _configurationsLoaded(false)
, _connectionsSuspended(false)
, _mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask(0)
, _mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask(1) // We never use channel 0 to avoid sequence numbering problems
, _mavlinkProtocol(NULL)
, _autoconnectUDP(true)
, _autoconnectPixhawk(true)
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