Commit fd4f80dd authored by Beat Küng's avatar Beat Küng

FileManager: add retry handling

This stores the last request and resends it after a timeout, with a max
of 6 retries.
It also checks for old incoming packets and drops them.
parent f4f033ec
......@@ -26,12 +26,13 @@ FileManager::FileManager(QObject* parent, Vehicle* vehicle)
, _currentOperation(kCOIdle)
, _vehicle(vehicle)
, _dedicatedLink(NULL)
, _lastOutgoingSeqNumber(0)
, _activeSession(0)
, _systemIdQGC(0)
connect(&_ackTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &FileManager::_ackTimeout);
_lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber = 0;
_systemIdServer = _vehicle->id();
// Make sure we don't have bad structure packing
......@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ void FileManager::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t data;
mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_decode(&message, &data);
......@@ -314,15 +315,22 @@ void FileManager::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
Request* request = (Request*)&data.payload[0];
uint16_t incomingSeqNumber = request->hdr.seqNumber;
// Make sure we have a good sequence number
uint16_t expectedSeqNumber = _lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber + 1;
// ignore old/reordered packets (handle wrap-around properly)
if ((uint16_t)((expectedSeqNumber - 1) - incomingSeqNumber) < (std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()/2)) {
qDebug() << "Received old packet: expected seq:" << expectedSeqNumber << "got:" << incomingSeqNumber;
qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "receiveMessage" << request->hdr.opcode;
uint16_t incomingSeqNumber = request->hdr.seqNumber;
// Make sure we have a good sequence number
uint16_t expectedSeqNumber = _lastOutgoingSeqNumber + 1;
if (incomingSeqNumber != expectedSeqNumber) {
switch (_currentOperation) {
case kCOBurst:
......@@ -353,7 +361,7 @@ void FileManager::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
// Move past the incoming sequence number for next request
_lastOutgoingSeqNumber = incomingSeqNumber;
_lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber = incomingSeqNumber;
if (request->hdr.opcode == kRspAck) {
switch (request->hdr.req_opcode) {
......@@ -541,7 +549,7 @@ void FileManager::_downloadWorker(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir,
void FileManager::uploadPath(const QString& toPath, const QFileInfo& uploadFile)
if(_currentOperation != kCOIdle){
_emitErrorMessage(tr("UAS File manager busy. Try again later"));
_emitErrorMessage(tr("UAS File manager busy. Try again later"));
......@@ -664,7 +672,8 @@ void FileManager::_setupAckTimeout(void)
_ackNumTries = 0;
......@@ -680,6 +689,26 @@ void FileManager::_ackTimeout(void)
qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "_ackTimeout";
if (++_ackNumTries <= ackTimerMaxRetries) {
qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "ack timeout - retrying";
if (_currentOperation == kCOBurst) {
// for burst downloads try to initiate a new burst
Request request;
request.hdr.session = _activeSession;
request.hdr.opcode = kCmdBurstReadFile;
request.hdr.offset = _downloadOffset;
request.hdr.size = 0;
request.hdr.seqNumber = ++_lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber;
} else {
// Make sure to set _currentOperation state before emitting error message. Code may respond
// to error message signal by sending another command, which will fail if state is not back
// to idle. FileView UI works this way with the List command.
......@@ -710,8 +739,11 @@ void FileManager::_ackTimeout(void)
OperationState currentOperation = _currentOperation;
_currentOperation = kCOIdle;
_emitErrorMessage(QString("Timeout waiting for ack: Command failed (%1)").arg(_currentOperation));
_emitErrorMessage(QString("Timeout waiting for ack: Command failed (%1)").arg(currentOperation));
......@@ -740,19 +772,28 @@ void FileManager::_emitListEntry(const QString& entry)
void FileManager::_sendRequest(Request* request)
mavlink_message_t message;
request->hdr.seqNumber = _lastOutgoingSeqNumber;
request->hdr.seqNumber = ++_lastOutgoingRequest.hdr.seqNumber;
// store the current request
if (request->hdr.size <= sizeof(request->data)) {
memcpy(&_lastOutgoingRequest, request, sizeof(RequestHeader) + request->hdr.size);
} else {
qCCritical(FileManagerLog) << "request length too long:" << request->hdr.size;
qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "_sendRequest opcode:" << request->hdr.opcode << "seqNumber:" << request->hdr.seqNumber;
if (_systemIdQGC == 0) {
_systemIdQGC = qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol()->getSystemId();
/// @brief Sends the specified Request out to the UAS, without ack timeout handling
void FileManager::_sendRequestNoAck(Request* request)
mavlink_message_t message;
// Unit testing code can end up here without _dedicateLink set since it tests inidividual commands.
LinkInterface* link;
......@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@ public:
/// Timeout in msecs to wait for an Ack time come back. This is public so we can write unit tests which wait long enough
/// for the FileManager to timeout.
static const int ackTimerTimeoutMsecs = 10000;
static const int ackTimerTimeoutMsecs = 50;
static const int ackTimerMaxRetries = 6;
/// Downloads the specified file.
/// @param from File to download from UAS, fully qualified path
......@@ -186,6 +188,7 @@ private:
void _emitErrorMessage(const QString& msg);
void _emitListEntry(const QString& entry);
void _sendRequest(Request* request);
void _sendRequestNoAck(Request* request);
void _fillRequestWithString(Request* request, const QString& str);
void _openAckResponse(Request* openAck);
void _downloadAckResponse(Request* readAck, bool readFile);
......@@ -203,11 +206,12 @@ private:
OperationState _currentOperation; ///< Current operation of state machine
QTimer _ackTimer; ///< Used to signal a timeout waiting for an ack
int _ackNumTries; ///< current number of tries
Vehicle* _vehicle;
LinkInterface* _dedicatedLink; ///< Link to use for communication
uint16_t _lastOutgoingSeqNumber; ///< Sequence number sent in last outgoing packet
Request _lastOutgoingRequest; ///< contains the last outgoing packet
unsigned _listOffset; ///< offset for the current List operation
QString _listPath; ///< path for the current List operation
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