Commit fd497bc6 authored by Anton Babushkin's avatar Anton Babushkin

Merge branch 'master' into alt_speed_fix

parents b9d8484f 9dea5ac9
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -32,8 +32,15 @@ QT += network \
sql \
TARGET = qgroundcontrol
# Setting this variable allows you to include this .pro file in another such that
# you can set your own TARGET and main() function. This is used by the unit test
# build files to build unit test using all built parts of QGCS except for main.
TARGET = qgroundcontrol
SOURCES += src/
debug {
......@@ -556,7 +563,7 @@ contains(DEPENDENCIES_PRESENT, libfreenect) {
# Enable only if libfreenect is available
HEADERS += src/input/Freenect.h
SOURCES += src/ \
src/ \
src/uas/ \
src/uas/ \
......@@ -44,14 +44,6 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
// Speech synthesis is only supported with MSVC compiler
#if _MSC_VER
// Documentation:
#include <atlbase.h>
//You may derive a class from CComModule and use it if you want to override something,
//but do not change the name of _Module
extern CComModule _Module;
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <sapi.h>
//using System;
......@@ -65,12 +65,6 @@ extern "C" {
#if _MSC_VER
// Documentation:
#include <atlbase.h>
//You may derive a class from CComModule and use it if you want to override something,
//but do not change the name of _Module
extern CComModule _Module;
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <sapi.h>
......@@ -80,88 +80,9 @@ public:
* Bit/s, NOT 104'857'600 Bit/s).
* @return The nominal data rate of the interface in bit per second, 0 if unknown
* @see getLongTermDataRate() For the mean data rate
* @see getShortTermDataRate() For a the mean data rate of the last seconds
* @see getCurrentDataRate() For the data rate of the last transferred chunk
* @see getMaxDataRate() For the maximum data rate
virtual qint64 getNominalDataRate() const = 0;
* @brief Full duplex support of this interface.
* This method returns true if the interface supports full duplex, which implies
* the full datarate when sending and receiving data simultaneously.
* @return True if the interface supports full duplex, false otherwise
virtual bool isFullDuplex() const = 0;
* @brief Get the link quality.
* The link quality is reported as percent, on a scale from 0 to 100% in 1% increments.
* If this feature is not supported by the interface, a call to this method return -1.
* @return The link quality in integer percent or -1 if not supported
virtual int getLinkQuality() const = 0;
* @Brief Get the long term (complete) mean of the data rate
* The mean of the total data rate. It is calculated as
* all transferred bits / total link uptime.
* @return The mean data rate of the interface in bit per second, 0 if unknown
* @see getNominalDataRate() For the nominal data rate of the interface
* @see getShortTermDataRate() For a the mean data rate of the last seconds
* @see getCurrentDataRate() For the data rate of the last transferred chunk
* @see getMaxDataRate() For the maximum data rate
virtual qint64 getTotalUpstream() = 0;
* @Brief Get the current data rate
* The datarate of the last 100 ms
* @return The mean data rate of the interface in bit per second, 0 if unknown
* @see getNominalDataRate() For the nominal data rate of the interface
* @see getLongTermDataRate() For the mean data rate
* @see getShortTermDataRate() For a the mean data rate of the last seconds
* @see getMaxDataRate() For the maximum data rate
virtual qint64 getCurrentUpstream() = 0;
* @Brief Get the maximum data rate
* The maximum peak data rate.
* @return The mean data rate of the interface in bit per second, 0 if unknown
* @see getNominalDataRate() For the nominal data rate of the interface
* @see getLongTermDataRate() For the mean data rate
* @see getShortTermDataRate() For a the mean data rate of the last seconds
* @see getCurrentDataRate() For the data rate of the last transferred chunk
virtual qint64 getMaxUpstream() = 0;
* @Brief Get the total number of bits sent
* @return The number of sent bits
virtual qint64 getBitsSent() const = 0;
* @Brief Get the total number of bits received
* @return The number of received bits
* @bug Decide if the bits should be counted fromt the instantiation of the interface or if the counter should reset on disconnect.
virtual qint64 getBitsReceived() const = 0;
* @brief Connect this interface logically
......@@ -1005,67 +1005,3 @@ qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getNominalDataRate() const
/* 100 Mbit is reasonable fast and sufficient for all embedded applications */
return 100000000;
\ No newline at end of file
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getTotalUpstream()
return 0;
//TODO Add functionality here
// @todo Add functionality here
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getShortTermUpstream()
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getCurrentUpstream()
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getMaxUpstream()
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getBitsSent() const
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getBitsReceived() const
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getTotalDownstream()
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getShortTermDownstream()
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getCurrentDownstream()
return 0;
qint64 MAVLinkSimulationLink::getMaxDownstream()
return 0;
bool MAVLinkSimulationLink::isFullDuplex() const
/* Full duplex is no problem when running in pure software, but this is a serial simulation */
return false;
int MAVLinkSimulationLink::getLinkQuality() const
/* The Link quality is always perfect when running in software */
return 100;
......@@ -60,16 +60,6 @@ public:
/* Extensive statistics for scientific purposes */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
qint64 getTotalUpstream();
qint64 getShortTermUpstream();
qint64 getCurrentUpstream();
qint64 getMaxUpstream();
qint64 getTotalDownstream();
qint64 getShortTermDownstream();
qint64 getCurrentDownstream();
qint64 getMaxDownstream();
qint64 getBitsSent() const;
qint64 getBitsReceived() const;
QString getName() const;
int getId() const;
......@@ -80,9 +70,6 @@ public:
int getDataBitsType() const;
int getStopBitsType() const;
int getLinkQuality() const;
bool isFullDuplex() const;
public slots:
void writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size);
void readBytes();
......@@ -509,50 +509,3 @@ qint64 OpalLink::getNominalDataRate() const
return 0; //unknown
\ No newline at end of file
int OpalLink::getLinkQuality() const
return -1; //not supported
qint64 OpalLink::getTotalUpstream()
qint64 totalUpstream = bitsSentTotal / ((MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - connectionStartTime) / 1000);
return totalUpstream;
qint64 OpalLink::getTotalDownstream()
qint64 totalDownstream = bitsReceivedTotal / ((MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - connectionStartTime) / 1000);
return totalDownstream;
qint64 OpalLink::getCurrentUpstream()
return 0; //unknown
qint64 OpalLink::getMaxUpstream()
return 0; //unknown
qint64 OpalLink::getBitsSent() const
return bitsSentTotal;
qint64 OpalLink::getBitsReceived() const
return bitsReceivedTotal;
bool OpalLink::isFullDuplex() const
return false;
......@@ -79,14 +79,6 @@ public:
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
bool isFullDuplex() const;
int getLinkQuality() const;
qint64 getTotalUpstream();
qint64 getTotalDownstream();
qint64 getCurrentUpstream();
qint64 getMaxUpstream();
qint64 getBitsSent() const;
qint64 getBitsReceived() const;
bool connect();
......@@ -124,15 +116,8 @@ protected:
int id;
bool connectState;
quint64 bitsSentTotal;
quint64 bitsSentCurrent;
quint64 bitsSentMax;
quint64 bitsReceivedTotal;
quint64 bitsReceivedCurrent;
quint64 bitsReceivedMax;
quint64 connectionStartTime;
QMutex statisticsMutex;
QMutex receiveDataMutex;
void setName(QString name);
......@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ void SerialLink::run()
// qDebug() << "rx of length " << QString::number(readData.length());
m_bytesRead += readData.length();
m_bitsReceivedTotal += readData.length() * 8;
linkErrorCount = 0;
......@@ -278,9 +277,6 @@ void SerialLink::writeBytes(const char* data, qint64 size)
// Increase write counter
m_bitsSentTotal += size * 8;
// Extra debug logging
// qDebug() << byteArray->toHex();
} else {
......@@ -321,7 +317,6 @@ void SerialLink::readBytes()
// fprintf(stderr,"%02x ", v);
// }
// fprintf(stderr,"\n");
m_bitsReceivedTotal += numBytes * 8;
......@@ -420,7 +415,6 @@ bool SerialLink::hardwareConnect()
this, SLOT(linkError(SerialLinkPortError_t)));
// port->setCommTimeouts(QSerialPort::CtScheme_NonBlockingRead);
m_connectionStartTime = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow();
if (!m_port->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) {
emit communicationUpdate(getName(),"Error opening port: " + m_port->errorString());
......@@ -532,62 +526,6 @@ qint64 SerialLink::getNominalDataRate() const
return dataRate;
qint64 SerialLink::getTotalUpstream()
return m_bitsSentTotal / ((MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - m_connectionStartTime) / 1000);
qint64 SerialLink::getCurrentUpstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 SerialLink::getMaxUpstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 SerialLink::getBitsSent() const
return m_bitsSentTotal;
qint64 SerialLink::getBitsReceived() const
return m_bitsReceivedTotal;
qint64 SerialLink::getTotalDownstream()
return m_bitsReceivedTotal / ((MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - m_connectionStartTime) / 1000);
qint64 SerialLink::getCurrentDownstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 SerialLink::getMaxDownstream()
return 0; // TODO
bool SerialLink::isFullDuplex() const
/* Serial connections are always half duplex */
return false;
int SerialLink::getLinkQuality() const
/* This feature is not supported with this interface */
return -1;
QString SerialLink::getPortName() const
return m_portName;
......@@ -97,14 +97,6 @@ public:
/* Extensive statistics for scientific purposes */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
qint64 getTotalUpstream();
qint64 getCurrentUpstream();
qint64 getMaxUpstream();
qint64 getTotalDownstream();
qint64 getCurrentDownstream();
qint64 getMaxDownstream();
qint64 getBitsSent() const;
qint64 getBitsReceived() const;
void loadSettings();
void writeSettings();
......@@ -112,8 +104,6 @@ public:
void run();
void run2();
int getLinkQuality() const;
bool isFullDuplex() const;
int getId() const;
signals: //[TODO] Refactor to Linkinterface
......@@ -161,16 +151,6 @@ protected:
int m_timeout;
int m_id;
quint64 m_bitsSentTotal;
quint64 m_bitsSentShortTerm;
quint64 m_bitsSentCurrent;
quint64 m_bitsSentMax;
quint64 m_bitsReceivedTotal;
quint64 m_bitsReceivedShortTerm;
quint64 m_bitsReceivedCurrent;
quint64 m_bitsReceivedMax;
quint64 m_connectionStartTime;
QMutex m_statisticsMutex;
QMutex m_dataMutex;
QMutex m_writeMutex;
QList<QString> m_ports;
......@@ -224,7 +224,6 @@ bool TCPLink::hardwareConnect(void)
socketIsConnected = true;
connectionStartTime = QGC::groundTimeUsecs()/1000;
emit connected(true);
return true;
......@@ -232,6 +231,7 @@ bool TCPLink::hardwareConnect(void)
void TCPLink::socketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError)
emit communicationError(getName(), "Error on socket: " + socket->errorString());
......@@ -266,60 +266,3 @@ qint64 TCPLink::getNominalDataRate() const
return 54000000; // 54 Mbit
\ No newline at end of file
qint64 TCPLink::getTotalUpstream()
qint64 totalUpstream = bitsSentTotal / ((QGC::groundTimeUsecs()/1000 - connectionStartTime) / 1000);
return totalUpstream;
qint64 TCPLink::getCurrentUpstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 TCPLink::getMaxUpstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 TCPLink::getBitsSent() const
return bitsSentTotal;
qint64 TCPLink::getBitsReceived() const
return bitsReceivedTotal;
qint64 TCPLink::getTotalDownstream()
qint64 totalDownstream = bitsReceivedTotal / ((QGC::groundTimeUsecs()/1000 - connectionStartTime) / 1000);
return totalDownstream;
qint64 TCPLink::getCurrentDownstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 TCPLink::getMaxDownstream()
return 0; // TODO
bool TCPLink::isFullDuplex() const
return true;
int TCPLink::getLinkQuality() const
/* This feature is not supported with this interface */
return -1;
......@@ -71,19 +71,9 @@ public:
/* Extensive statistics for scientific purposes */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
qint64 getTotalUpstream();
qint64 getCurrentUpstream();
qint64 getMaxUpstream();
qint64 getTotalDownstream();
qint64 getCurrentDownstream();
qint64 getMaxDownstream();
qint64 getBitsSent() const;
qint64 getBitsReceived() const;
void run();
int getLinkQuality() const;
bool isFullDuplex() const;
int getId() const;
public slots:
......@@ -105,14 +95,6 @@ protected:
QTcpSocket* socket;
bool socketIsConnected;
quint64 bitsSentTotal;
quint64 bitsSentCurrent;
quint64 bitsSentMax;
quint64 bitsReceivedTotal;
quint64 bitsReceivedCurrent;
quint64 bitsReceivedMax;
quint64 connectionStartTime;
QMutex statisticsMutex;
QMutex dataMutex;
void setName(QString name);
......@@ -344,7 +344,6 @@ bool UDPLink::hardwareConnect(void)
emit connected(connectState);
if (connectState) {
emit connected();
connectionStartTime = QGC::groundTimeUsecs()/1000;
return connectState;
......@@ -381,60 +380,3 @@ qint64 UDPLink::getNominalDataRate() const
return 54000000; // 54 Mbit
\ No newline at end of file
qint64 UDPLink::getTotalUpstream()
qint64 totalUpstream = bitsSentTotal / ((QGC::groundTimeUsecs()/1000 - connectionStartTime) / 1000);
return totalUpstream;
qint64 UDPLink::getCurrentUpstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 UDPLink::getMaxUpstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 UDPLink::getBitsSent() const
return bitsSentTotal;
qint64 UDPLink::getBitsReceived() const
return bitsReceivedTotal;
qint64 UDPLink::getTotalDownstream()
qint64 totalDownstream = bitsReceivedTotal / ((QGC::groundTimeUsecs()/1000 - connectionStartTime) / 1000);
return totalDownstream;
qint64 UDPLink::getCurrentDownstream()
return 0; // TODO
qint64 UDPLink::getMaxDownstream()
return 0; // TODO
bool UDPLink::isFullDuplex() const
return true;
int UDPLink::getLinkQuality() const
/* This feature is not supported with this interface */
return -1;
......@@ -73,19 +73,9 @@ public:
/* Extensive statistics for scientific purposes */
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
qint64 getTotalUpstream();
qint64 getCurrentUpstream();
qint64 getMaxUpstream();
qint64 getTotalDownstream();
qint64 getCurrentDownstream();
qint64 getMaxDownstream();
qint64 getBitsSent() const;
qint64 getBitsReceived() const;
void run();
int getLinkQuality() const;
bool isFullDuplex() const;
int getId() const;
public slots:
......@@ -118,14 +108,6 @@ protected:
QList<QHostAddress> hosts;
QList<quint16> ports;
quint64 bitsSentTotal;
quint64 bitsSentCurrent;
quint64 bitsSentMax;
quint64 bitsReceivedTotal;
quint64 bitsReceivedCurrent;
quint64 bitsReceivedMax;
quint64 connectionStartTime;
QMutex statisticsMutex;
QMutex dataMutex;
void setName(QString name);
......@@ -123,42 +123,6 @@ qint64 XbeeLink::getNominalDataRate() const
return this->m_baudRate;
bool XbeeLink::isFullDuplex() const
return false;
int XbeeLink::getLinkQuality() const
return -1; // TO DO:
qint64 XbeeLink::getTotalUpstream()
return 0; // TO DO:
qint64 XbeeLink::getCurrentUpstream()
return 0; // TO DO:
qint64 XbeeLink::getMaxUpstream()
return 0; // TO DO:
qint64 XbeeLink::getBitsSent() const
return 0; // TO DO:
qint64 XbeeLink::getBitsReceived() const
return 0; // TO DO:
bool XbeeLink::hardwareConnect()
emit tryConnectBegin(true);
......@@ -35,13 +35,6 @@ public: // virtual functions from LinkInterface
QString getName() const;
bool isConnected() const;
qint64 getNominalDataRate() const;
bool isFullDuplex() const;
int getLinkQuality() const;
qint64 getTotalUpstream();
qint64 getCurrentUpstream();
qint64 getMaxUpstream();
qint64 getBitsSent() const;
qint64 getBitsReceived() const;
bool connect();
bool disconnect();
qint64 bytesAvailable();
......@@ -178,28 +178,28 @@ void UASUnitTest::getSystemType_test()
void UASUnitTest::getAirframe_test()
//when uas is constructed, airframe is set to QGC_AIRFRAME_GENERIC which is 0
QCOMPARE(uas->getAirframe(), 0);
//when uas is constructed, airframe is set to QGC_AIRFRAME_GENERIC
QVERIFY(uas->getAirframe() == UASInterface::QGC_AIRFRAME_GENERIC);
void UASUnitTest::setAirframe_test()
//check at construction, that airframe=0 (GENERIC)
QVERIFY(uas->getAirframe() == 0);
QVERIFY(uas->getAirframe() == UASInterface::QGC_AIRFRAME_GENERIC);
//check that set airframe works
QVERIFY(uas->getAirframe() == 11);
QVERIFY(uas->getAirframe() == UASInterface::QGC_AIRFRAME_HEXCOPTER);
//check that setAirframe will not assign a number to airframe, that is
//not defined in the enum
QVERIFY(uas->getAirframe() == 11);
QVERIFY(uas->getAirframe() == UASInterface::QGC_AIRFRAME_HEXCOPTER);
void UASUnitTest::getWaypointList_test()
QVector<Waypoint*> kk = uas->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointEditableList();
QList<Waypoint*> kk = uas->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointEditableList();
QCOMPARE(kk.count(), 0);
Waypoint* wp = new Waypoint(0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,false, false, MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL, MAV_CMD_MISSION_START, "blah");
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ void UASUnitTest::getWaypoint_test()
uas->getWaypointManager()->addWaypointEditable(wp, true);
QVector<Waypoint*> wpList = uas->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointEditableList();
QList<Waypoint*> wpList = uas->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointEditableList();
QCOMPARE(wpList.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(static_cast<quint16>(0), static_cast<Waypoint*>(>getId());
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ void UASUnitTest::signalWayPoint_test()
QCOMPARE(spy2.count(), 1);
QVector<Waypoint*> wpList = uas->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointEditableList();
QList<Waypoint*> wpList = uas->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointEditableList();
QCOMPARE(wpList.count(), 1);
delete uas;
uas = NULL;
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ void UASUnitTest::signalUASLink_test()
QSignalSpy spy(uas, SIGNAL(modeChanged(int,QString,QString)));
uas->setMode(2, 0);
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0);// not solve for UAS not receiving message from UAS
QSignalSpy spyS(LinkManager::instance(), SIGNAL(newLink(LinkInterface*)));
......@@ -391,10 +391,10 @@ void UASUnitTest::signalIdUASLink_test()
LinkInterface* b = static_cast<LinkInterface*>(;
LinkInterface* c = static_cast<LinkInterface*>(;
LinkInterface* d = static_cast<LinkInterface*>(;
QCOMPARE(a->getName(), QString("serial port COM 17"));
QCOMPARE(b->getName(), QString("serial port COM 18"));
QCOMPARE(c->getName(), QString("serial port COM 19"));
QCOMPARE(d->getName(), QString("serial port COM 20"));
QCOMPARE(a->getName(), QString("COM 17"));
QCOMPARE(b->getName(), QString("COM 18"));
QCOMPARE(c->getName(), QString("COM 19"));
QCOMPARE(d->getName(), QString("COM 20"));
delete myLink4;
......@@ -144,6 +144,10 @@ UAS::UAS(MAVLinkProtocol* protocol, int id) : UASInterface(),
......@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ void MAVLinkDecoder::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link,mavlink_message_t messag
uint8_t msgid = message.msgid;
// Handle time sync message
// Store an arrival time for this message. This value ends up being calculated later.
quint64 time = 0;
// The SYSTEM_TIME message is special, in that it's handled here for synchronizing the QGC time with the remote time.
if (message.msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SYSTEM_TIME)
mavlink_system_time_t timebase;
......@@ -65,11 +68,7 @@ void MAVLinkDecoder::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link,mavlink_message_t messag
QString messageName("%1 (#%2)");
messageName = messageName.arg(messageInfo[msgid].name).arg(msgid);
// See if first value is a time value
quint64 time = 0;
// See if first value is a time value and if it is, use that as the arrival time for this data.
uint8_t fieldid = 0;
uint8_t* m = ((uint8_t*)(receivedMessages+msgid))+8;
if (QString(messageInfo[msgid].fields[fieldid].name) == QString("time_boot_ms") && messageInfo[msgid].fields[fieldid].type == MAVLINK_TYPE_UINT32_T)
......@@ -81,21 +80,16 @@ void MAVLinkDecoder::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link,mavlink_message_t messag
time = *((quint64*)(m+messageInfo[msgid].fields[fieldid].wire_offset));
time = (time+500)/1000; // Scale to milliseconds, round up/down correctly
// First value is not time, send out value 0
emitFieldValue(&message, fieldid, getUnixTimeFromMs(message.sysid, 0));
// Align time to global time
// Align UAS time to global time
time = getUnixTimeFromMs(message.sysid, time);
// Send out field values from 1..n
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < messageInfo[msgid].num_fields; ++i)
// Send out all field values for this message
for (int i = 0; i < messageInfo[msgid].num_fields; ++i)
emitFieldValue(&message, i, time);
// Send out combined math expressions
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