Commit fd28bf03 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Major rework of Survey ui

parent 23e95926
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -18,20 +18,85 @@
"shortDescription": "Amount of spacing in between parallel grid lines.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0.1,
"units": "m"
"name": "Turnaround dist.",
"name": "Turnaround dist",
"shortDescription": "Amount of additional distance to add outside the grid area for vehicle turnaround.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0,
"units": "m"
"name": "Ground resolution",
"shortDescription": "Resolution of image in relationship to ground distance.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0,
"units": "cm/px"
"name": "Frontal overlap",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the forward facing direction.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"max": 75,
"units": "%"
"name": "Side overlap",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"max": 75,
"units": "%"
"name": "Camera sensor width",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 1,
"units": "mm"
"name": "Camera sensor height",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 1,
"units": "mm"
"name": "Camera resolution width",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
"type": "uint32",
"min": 1,
"units": "px"
"name": "Camera resolution height",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
"type": "uint32",
"min": 1,
"units": "px"
"name": "Focal length",
"shortDescription": "Amount of overlap between images in the side facing direction.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 1,
"min": 1,
"units": "mm"
"name": "Camera trigger distance",
"shortDescription": "Distance between each triggering of the camera.",
"type": "double",
"decimalPlaces": 2,
"min": 0.1,
"units": "m"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ class SurveyMissionItem : public ComplexMissionItem
SurveyMissionItem(Vehicle* vehicle, QObject* parent = NULL);
const SurveyMissionItem& operator=(const SurveyMissionItem& other);
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* gridAltitude READ gridAltitude CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool gridAltitudeRelative MEMBER _gridAltitudeRelative NOTIFY gridAltitudeRelativeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* gridAngle READ gridAngle CONSTANT)
......@@ -34,10 +32,22 @@ public:
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* turnaroundDist READ turnaroundDist CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(bool cameraTrigger MEMBER _cameraTrigger NOTIFY cameraTriggerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* cameraTriggerDistance READ cameraTriggerDistance CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* groundResolution READ groundResolution CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* frontalOverlap READ frontalOverlap CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* sideOverlap READ sideOverlap CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* cameraSensorWidth READ cameraSensorWidth CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* cameraSensorHeight READ cameraSensorHeight CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* cameraResolutionWidth READ cameraResolutionWidth CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* cameraResolutionHeight READ cameraResolutionHeight CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(Fact* cameraFocalLength READ cameraFocalLength CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList polygonPath READ polygonPath NOTIFY polygonPathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList gridPoints READ gridPoints NOTIFY gridPointsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int cameraShots READ cameraShots NOTIFY cameraShotsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double coveredArea READ coveredArea NOTIFY coveredAreaChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool fixedValueIsAltitude MEMBER _fixedValueIsAltitude NOTIFY fixedValueIsAltitudeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool cameraOrientationLandscape MEMBER _cameraOrientationLandscape NOTIFY cameraOrientationLandscapeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool manualGrid MEMBER _manualGrid NOTIFY manualGridChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString camera MEMBER _camera NOTIFY cameraChanged)
Q_INVOKABLE void clearPolygon(void);
Q_INVOKABLE void addPolygonCoordinate(const QGeoCoordinate coordinate);
......@@ -46,11 +56,19 @@ public:
QVariantList polygonPath(void) { return _polygonPath; }
QVariantList gridPoints (void) { return _gridPoints; }
Fact* gridAltitude(void) { return &_gridAltitudeFact; }
Fact* gridAngle(void) { return &_gridAngleFact; }
Fact* gridSpacing(void) { return &_gridSpacingFact; }
Fact* turnaroundDist(void) { return &_turnaroundDistFact; }
Fact* cameraTriggerDistance(void) { return &_cameraTriggerDistanceFact; }
Fact* gridAltitude (void) { return &_gridAltitudeFact; }
Fact* gridAngle (void) { return &_gridAngleFact; }
Fact* gridSpacing (void) { return &_gridSpacingFact; }
Fact* turnaroundDist (void) { return &_turnaroundDistFact; }
Fact* cameraTriggerDistance (void) { return &_cameraTriggerDistanceFact; }
Fact* groundResolution (void) { return &_groundResolutionFact; }
Fact* frontalOverlap (void) { return &_frontalOverlapFact; }
Fact* sideOverlap (void) { return &_sideOverlapFact; }
Fact* cameraSensorWidth (void) { return &_cameraSensorWidthFact; }
Fact* cameraSensorHeight (void) { return &_cameraSensorHeightFact; }
Fact* cameraResolutionWidth (void) { return &_cameraResolutionWidthFact; }
Fact* cameraResolutionHeight (void) { return &_cameraResolutionHeightFact; }
Fact* cameraFocalLength (void) { return &_cameraFocalLengthFact; }
int cameraShots(void) const;
double coveredArea(void) const { return _coveredArea; }
......@@ -95,6 +113,12 @@ signals:
void gridAltitudeRelativeChanged (bool gridAltitudeRelative);
void cameraShotsChanged (int cameraShots);
void coveredAreaChanged (double coveredArea);
void cameraValueChanged (void);
void fixedValueIsAltitudeChanged (bool fixedValueIsAltitude);
void gridTypeChanged (QString gridType);
void cameraOrientationLandscapeChanged (bool cameraOrientationLandscape);
void cameraChanged (QString camera);
void manualGridChanged (bool manualGrid);
private slots:
void _cameraTriggerChanged(void);
......@@ -113,6 +137,7 @@ private:
void _setSurveyDistance(double surveyDistance);
void _setCameraShots(int cameraShots);
void _setCoveredArea(double coveredArea);
void _cameraValueChanged(void);
int _sequenceNumber;
bool _dirty;
......@@ -121,9 +146,12 @@ private:
QGeoCoordinate _coordinate;
QGeoCoordinate _exitCoordinate;
double _altitude;
double _gridAngle;
bool _cameraTrigger;
bool _gridAltitudeRelative;
bool _manualGrid;
QString _camera;
bool _cameraOrientationLandscape;
bool _fixedValueIsAltitude;
double _surveyDistance;
int _cameraShots;
......@@ -134,12 +162,21 @@ private:
Fact _gridSpacingFact;
Fact _turnaroundDistFact;
Fact _cameraTriggerDistanceFact;
Fact _groundResolutionFact;
Fact _frontalOverlapFact;
Fact _sideOverlapFact;
Fact _cameraSensorWidthFact;
Fact _cameraSensorHeightFact;
Fact _cameraResolutionWidthFact;
Fact _cameraResolutionHeightFact;
Fact _cameraFocalLengthFact;
static QMap<QString, FactMetaData*> _metaDataMap;
static const char* _jsonTypeKey;
static const char* _jsonPolygonKey;
static const char* _jsonPolygonObjectKey;
static const char* _jsonIdKey;
static const char* _jsonGridObjectKey;
static const char* _jsonGridAltitudeKey;
static const char* _jsonGridAltitudeRelativeKey;
static const char* _jsonGridAngleKey;
......@@ -147,12 +184,34 @@ private:
static const char* _jsonTurnaroundDistKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraTriggerKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraTriggerDistanceKey;
static const char* _jsonGroundResolutionKey;
static const char* _jsonFrontalOverlapKey;
static const char* _jsonSideOverlapKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraSensorWidthKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraSensorHeightKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraResolutionWidthKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraResolutionHeightKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraFocalLengthKey;
static const char* _jsonManualGridKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraObjectKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraNameKey;
static const char* _jsonCameraOrientationLandscapeKey;
static const char* _jsonFixedValueIsAltitudeKey;
static const char* _gridAltitudeFactName;
static const char* _gridAngleFactName;
static const char* _gridSpacingFactName;
static const char* _turnaroundDistFactName;
static const char* _cameraTriggerDistanceFactName;
static const char* _groundResolutionFactName;
static const char* _frontalOverlapFactName;
static const char* _sideOverlapFactName;
static const char* _cameraSensorWidthFactName;
static const char* _cameraSensorHeightFactName;
static const char* _cameraResolutionWidthFactName;
static const char* _cameraResolutionHeightFactName;
static const char* _cameraFocalLengthFactName;
static const char* _complexType;
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