Commit fc369c16 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

Fix UAS unit test for range and voltage change

parent 8f6e8117
......@@ -73,15 +73,20 @@ void UASUnitTest::getCommunicationStatus_test()
void UASUnitTest::filterVoltage_test()
float verificar=uas->filterVoltage(0.4f);
// Verify that upon construction the Comm status is disconnected
QCOMPARE(verificar, 8.52f);
// We allow the voltage returned to be within a small delta
const float allowedDelta = 0.05f;
const float desiredVoltage = 7.36f;
QVERIFY(verificar > (desiredVoltage - allowedDelta) && verificar < (desiredVoltage + allowedDelta));
void UASUnitTest:: getAutopilotType_test()
int type = uas->getAutopilotType();
// Verify that upon construction the autopilot is set to -1
QCOMPARE(type, -1);
void UASUnitTest::setAutopilotType_test()
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