Commit f94531e8 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier

Logging in a more compact, more reasonable file format

parent 09851680
......@@ -291,12 +291,11 @@ void MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes(LinkInterface* link, QByteArray b)
// Log data
if (m_loggingEnabled && m_logfile)
const int len = MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN+sizeof(quint64);
uint8_t buf[len];
uint8_t buf[MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN+sizeof(quint64)];
quint64 time = QGC::groundTimeUsecs();
memcpy(buf, (void*)&time, sizeof(quint64));
// Write message to buffer
mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf+sizeof(quint64), &message);
int len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf+sizeof(quint64), &message);
QByteArray b((const char*)buf, len);
if(m_logfile->write(b) < static_cast<qint64>(MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN+sizeof(quint64)))
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