Unverified Commit f3df70ec authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #8594 from DonLakeFlyer/PlanIncompleteItems

Plan: Remove display of incomplete item line connections
parents c46c9ec1 564780e2
......@@ -1232,8 +1232,7 @@ void MissionController::_recalcWaypointLines(void)
bool foundRTL = false;
bool homePositionValid = _settingsItem->coordinate().isValid();
bool roiActive = false;
bool setupIncompleteItem = false;
VisualMissionItem* startVIForIncompleteItem = nullptr;
bool previousItemIsIncomplete = false;
qCDebug(MissionControllerLog) << "_recalcWaypointLines homePositionValid" << homePositionValid;
......@@ -1242,6 +1241,10 @@ void MissionController::_recalcWaypointLines(void)
// Note: Although visual support _incompleteComplexItemLines is still in the codebase. The support for populating the list is not.
// This is due to the initial implementation being buggy and incomplete with respect to correctly generating the line set.
// So for now we leave the code for displaying them in, but none are ever added until we have time to implement the correct support.
......@@ -1296,22 +1299,17 @@ void MissionController::_recalcWaypointLines(void)
if (visualItem->specifiesCoordinate() && !visualItem->isStandaloneCoordinate()) {
// Incomplete items are complex items which are waiting for the user to complete setup before there visuals can become valid.
// For example a Survey which has no polygon set for it yet. For these cases we draw incomplete segment lines so that there
// isn't a hole in the flight path lines.
// They may not yet have valid entry/exit coordinates associated with them while in the incomplete state.
// For examples a Survey item which has no polygon set yet.
if (complexItem && complexItem->isIncomplete()) {
setupIncompleteItem = true;
} else {
if (setupIncompleteItem) {
VisualItemPair viPair(startVIForIncompleteItem, visualItem);
CoordinateVector* coordVector = _createCoordinateVectorWorker(viPair);
startVIForIncompleteItem = nullptr;
setupIncompleteItem = false;
// We don't link lines from a valid item to an incomplete item
previousItemIsIncomplete = true;
} else if (previousItemIsIncomplete) {
// We also don't link lines from an incomplete item to a valid item.
previousItemIsIncomplete = false;
firstCoordinateNotFound = false;
lastCoordinateItemBeforeRTL = visualItem;
} else {
startVIForIncompleteItem = visualItem;
if (lastCoordinateItemBeforeRTL != _settingsItem || (homePositionValid && linkStartToHome)) {
bool addDirectionArrow = false;
if (i != 1) {
......@@ -750,6 +750,9 @@ int TransectStyleComplexItem::lastSequenceNumber(void) const
if (_loadedMissionItems.count()) {
// We have stored mission items, just use those
return _sequenceNumber + _loadedMissionItems.count() - 1;
} else if (_transects.count() == 0) {
// Polygon has not yet been set so we just return back a one item complex item for now
return _sequenceNumber;
} else {
// We have to determine from transects
int itemCount = 0;
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