Commit f3a7fb0e authored by Lionel Heng's avatar Lionel Heng

Added separators to pop-up menus in 3D view for better viewing clarity.

parent 5628912a
......@@ -1462,14 +1462,17 @@ Pixhawk3DWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
menu.addAction("Clear all waypoints", this, SLOT(clearAllWaypoints()));
menu.addAction("Select target", this, SLOT(selectTarget()));
if (mouseOverImagery)
menu.addAction("Move imagery", this, SLOT(moveImagery()));
if (mouseOverTerrain)
menu.addAction("Move terrain", this, SLOT(moveTerrain()));
menu.addAction("Rotate terrain", this, SLOT(rotateTerrain()));
menu.addAction("Edit terrain parameters", this, SLOT(showTerrainParamWindow()));
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