Commit f379aea8 authored by Hamish Willee's avatar Hamish Willee Committed by GitHub

Improved issue template text

parent a2b830e3
Note: GitHub Issues are for bugs or feature requests only. Do not enter Issues for questions regarding usage or problems building QGC yourself. This system is for posting bugs or feature requests ONLY. For questions about how to use or build QGC see:
Use the appropriate support channel instead:
Delete all of this text when create a real bug Issue. ----
When posting bug reports, include the following informaiton:
- Ground station operating system.
- QGroundControl version and build (daily, stable, self-built from source, etc.)
- Autopilot board: Pixhawk I, Pixhawk Mini, Pixhawk 2, etc.
- Autopilot firmware (e.g. PX4, ArduPilot, custom) and version.
- Exact steps to reproduce the problem. Starting from booting QGroundControl to when the problem occurs.
**All this template text should be deleted before creating your issue.**
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