Commit f155662b authored by Bryant's avatar Bryant

Small documentation updates to library dependencies.

parent d85760bf
# Tell the Linux build to look in a few additional places for libs
# [REQUIRED] Tell the Linux build to look in a few additional places for libs
LinuxBuild {
/usr/include \
......@@ -18,15 +17,14 @@ LinuxBuild {
# Add in a few missing headers to windows
# [REQUIRED] Add support for <inttypes.h> to Windows.
WindowsBuild {
INCLUDEPATH += libs/lib/msinttypes
# QUpgrade support.
# [OPTIONAL] QUpgrade support.
# Allow the user to override QUpgrade compilation through a DISABLE_QUPGRADE
# define like: `qmake DEFINES=DISABLE_QUPGRADE`
......@@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ else {
# Add support for MAVLink. This is a required dependency for QGC.
# [REQUIRED] Add support for the MAVLink communications protocol.
# Some logic is involved here in selecting the proper dialect for
# the selected autopilot system.
......@@ -281,9 +279,8 @@ contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_GOOGLE_EARTH) {
# Protcol Buffers for PixHawk
# [OPTIONAL] Protcol Buffers for PixHawk
LinuxBuild : contains(MAVLINK_DIALECT, pixhawk) {
exists(/usr/local/include/google/protobuf) | exists(/usr/include/google/protobuf) {
message("Including support for Protocol Buffers")
......@@ -305,10 +302,10 @@ LinuxBuild : contains(MAVLINK_DIALECT, pixhawk) {
src/ui/map3D/ \
} else {
message("Skipping support for Protocol Buffers")
warning("Skipping support for Protocol Buffers (missing libraries, see README)")
} else {
message("Skipping support for Protocol Buffers")
message("Skipping support for Protocol Buffers (unsupported platform)")
......@@ -333,16 +330,14 @@ contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_KINECT) {
# EIGEN matrix library (NOMINMAX needed to make internal min/max work)
# [REQUIRED] EIGEN matrix library (NOMINMAX needed to make internal min/max work)
INCLUDEPATH += libs/eigen
# OPMapControl library (from OpenPilot)
# [REQUIRED] OPMapControl library from OpenPilot. Provides 2D mapping functionality.
......@@ -359,9 +354,8 @@ INCLUDEPATH += \
# QWT plotting library
# [REQUIRED] QWT plotting library dependency. Provides plotting capabilities.
......@@ -370,7 +364,7 @@ include(libs/qwt/qwt.pri)
# XBee wireless support. This is not necessary for basic serial/UART communications.
# [OPTIONAL] XBee wireless support. This is not necessary for basic serial/UART communications.
# It's only required for speaking directly to the Xbee using their proprietary API.
# Unsupported on Mac.
# Installation on Windows is unnecessary, as we just link to our included .dlls directly.
......@@ -400,7 +394,7 @@ contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_XBEE) {
LIBS += -lxbee
} else {
warning("Skipping support for XBee API (missing library, see README)")
warning("Skipping support for XBee API (missing libraries, see README)")
} else:WindowsBuild {
message("Including support for XBee API")
......@@ -497,9 +491,10 @@ contains(DEFINES, DISABLE_RTLAB) {
# [REQUIRED] SDL dependency. Provides joystick/gamepad support.
# The SDL is packaged with QGC for the Mac and Windows. Linux support requires installing the SDL
# library (development libraries and static binaries).
MacBuild {
......@@ -507,15 +502,11 @@ MacBuild {
LIBS += \
-F$$BASEDIR/libs/lib/Frameworks \
-framework SDL
LinuxBuild {
} else:LinuxBuild {
LIBS += \
-lSDL \
WindowsBuild {
} else:WindowsBuild {
$$BASEDIR/libs/lib/sdl/msvc/include \
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