<short_desc>Time-out for auto disarm after landing</short_desc>
<short_desc>Time-out for auto disarm after landing</short_desc>
<long_desc>A non-zero, positive value specifies the time-out period in seconds after which the vehicle will be automatically disarmed in case a landing situation has been detected during this period. The vehicle will also auto-disarm right after arming if it has not even flown, however the time will always be 10 seconds such that the pilot has enough time to take off. A negative value means that automatic disarming triggered by landing detection is disabled.</long_desc>
<long_desc>A non-zero, positive value specifies the time-out period in seconds after which the vehicle will be automatically disarmed in case a landing situation has been detected during this period. A zero or negative value means that automatic disarming triggered by landing detection is disabled.</long_desc>
<short_desc>Time-out for auto disarm if too slow to takeoff</short_desc>
<long_desc>A non-zero, positive value specifies the time after arming, in seconds, within which the vehicle must take off (after which it will automatically disarm). A zero or negative value means that automatic disarming triggered by a pre-takeoff timeout is disabled.</long_desc>