Unverified Commit ec0c0625 authored by Hamish Willee's avatar Hamish Willee Committed by GitHub

feature_requests: my version

parent 811cf641
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name: Feature request name: Feature request
about: If you have an idea for a new feature. about: Tell us about your new idea
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## Summary Tell us a bit about the feature:
_A clear and concise description of what you want to happen and the use case._ - What problem does it solve?
- What does it do?
- What flight stacks must it work with? (All, PX4, ArduPilot)
- Relevant vehicle types? (All, multirotor, fixed-wing, VTOL, submarine, etc.)
- Are there other systems that have this feature?
- What communication/integration standards does the feature rely on (e.g. MAVLink commands etc.)
## Additional information Any additional context you can provide will make the feature easier to evaluate (e.g. mockups, detailed specification, etc.)
_Add any other context or screenshots/mockups about the feature request here._
> If you are using an old stable release please upgrade first and verify if your features is not there.
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