Commit e5aa03b6 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne

New features:
* Less padding to the right of drop indicator
* Ability to set font
* alternateText - Set alternate text for button display
* sizeToContents - Width will adjust to fit all contents
parent 2fc9b3fe
* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* in the root of the source code directory.
* @file
* @author Gus Grubba <>
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Window 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls.impl 2.11
import QtQuick.Templates 2.11 as T
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
ComboBox {
id: control
padding: ScreenTools.comboBoxPadding
property bool centeredLabel: false
T.ComboBox {
id: control
padding: ScreenTools.comboBoxPadding
spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
implicitWidth: Math.max(implicitBackgroundWidth + leftInset + rightInset,
implicitContentWidth + leftPadding + rightPadding,
sizeToContents ? _popupWidth : 0)
implicitHeight: Math.max(implicitBackgroundHeight + topInset + bottomInset,
implicitContentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding,
implicitIndicatorHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding)
leftPadding: padding + (!control.mirrored || !indicator || !indicator.visible ? 0 : indicator.width + spacing)
rightPadding: padding + (control.mirrored || !indicator || !indicator.visible ? 0 : indicator.width)
property var _qgcPal: QGCPalette { colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
property bool centeredLabel: false
property bool sizeToContents: false
property string alternateText: ""
Component.onCompleted: indicator.color = Qt.binding(function() { return _qgcPal.text })
property var _qgcPal: QGCPalette { colorGroupEnabled: enabled }
property real _largestTextWidth: 0
property real _popupWidth: sizeToContents ? _largestTextWidth + leftPadding + rightPadding : control.width
background: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: ScreenTools.implicitComboBoxWidth
implicitHeight: ScreenTools.implicitComboBoxHeight
color: _qgcPal.window
border.width: enabled ? 1 : 0
border.color: "#999"
TextMetrics {
id: textMetrics
/*! Adding the Combobox list item to the theme. */
onModelChanged: {
if (sizeToContents) {
_largestTextWidth = 0
textMetrics.font = control.font
for (var i = 0; i < model.length; i++){
textMetrics.text = model[i]
_largestTextWidth = Math.max(textMetrics.width, _largestTextWidth)
// The items in the popup
delegate: ItemDelegate {
width: control.width
width: _popupWidth
contentItem: Text {
text: control.textRole ? (Array.isArray(control.model) ? modelData[control.textRole] : model[control.textRole]) : modelData
color: control.currentIndex === index ? _qgcPal.buttonHighlightText : _qgcPal.buttonText
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
property string _text: control.textRole ? (Array.isArray(control.model) ? modelData[control.textRole] : model[control.textRole]) : modelData
background: Rectangle {
color: control.currentIndex === index ? _qgcPal.buttonHighlight : _qgcPal.button
TextMetrics {
id: popupItemMetrics
text: _text
highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
contentItem: Text {
text: _text
font: control.font
color: control.currentIndex === index ? _qgcPal.buttonHighlightText : _qgcPal.buttonText
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
/*! This defines the label of the button. */
background: Rectangle {
color: control.currentIndex === index ? _qgcPal.buttonHighlight : _qgcPal.button
highlighted: control.highlightedIndex === index
// Dropdown indicator
indicator: ColorImage {
x: control.mirrored ? control.padding : control.width - width
y: control.topPadding + (control.availableHeight - height) / 2
color: _qgcPal.text
defaultColor: "#353637"
source: "qrc:/"
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.3
// The label of the button
contentItem: Item {
implicitWidth: text.implicitWidth
implicitHeight: text.implicitHeight
......@@ -62,8 +96,47 @@ ComboBox {
id: text
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.horizontalCenter: centeredLabel ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined
text: control.currentText
text: control.alternateText === "" ? control.currentText : control.alternateText
font: control.font
color: _qgcPal.text
background: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: ScreenTools.implicitComboBoxWidth
implicitHeight: ScreenTools.implicitComboBoxHeight
color: _qgcPal.window
border.width: enabled ? 1 : 0
border.color: "#999"
popup: T.Popup {
y: control.height
width: _popupWidth
height: Math.min(contentItem.implicitHeight, control.Window.height - topMargin - bottomMargin)
topMargin: 6
bottomMargin: 6
contentItem: ListView {
clip: true
implicitHeight: contentHeight
model: control.delegateModel
currentIndex: control.highlightedIndex
highlightMoveDuration: 0
Rectangle {
z: 10
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
color: "transparent"
border.color: _qgcPal.text
T.ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { }
background: Rectangle {
color: control.palette.window
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