@@ -7,15 +7,22 @@ To build video streaming support, you will need to install the GStreamer develop
If you do have the proper GStreamer development libraries installed where QGC looks for it, the QGC build system will automatically use it and build video streaming support. If you would like to disable video streaming support, you can add **DISABLE_VIDEOSTREAMING** to the **DEFINES** build variable.
### Pipeline
### UDP Pipeline
For the time being, the pipeline is somewhat hardcoded, using h.264. It's best to use a camera capable of hardware encoding h.264, such as the Logitech C920. On the sender end, for RTP (UDP Streaming) you would run something like this:
For the time being, the RTP UDP pipeline is somewhat hardcoded, using h.264 or h.265. It's best to use a camera capable of hardware encoding either h.264 (such as the Logitech C920) or h.265. On the sender end, for RTP (UDP Streaming) you would run something like this:
Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address where QGC is running. You may tweak the bitrate, the resolution and the FPS based on your needs and/or available bandwidth.