For gernerating documentation, refer to README in the doc directory.
For generating documentation, refer to README in the doc directory.
Mac OS X
To build on Mac OS X (10.5 or later):
To build on Mac OS X (10.6 or later):
Install SDL
@@ -30,23 +26,19 @@ Install SDL
2) From the SDL disk image, copy the `sdl.framework` bundle to `/Library/Frameworks` directory (if you are not an admin copy to `~/Library/Framewroks`)
Install QT with Cocoa
1) Download Qt 4.6.2 with Cocoa from ``
Install QT
1) Download Qt 4.8+
2) Double click the package installer
Get the MAVLINK Library
1) Clone the MAVLINK repository : `git clone`. **NOTE:** Make sure that the mavlink directory is in the same directory as groundcontrol. QGround control will look for mavlink library in ../mavlink
Build QGroundControl
1) From the terminal go to the `groundcontrol` directory
2) Run `qmake`
3) Run `xcodebuild -configuration Release` or open `qgroundcontrol.xcodeproj` in Xcode and build.