Commit df39e229 authored by dogmaphobic's avatar dogmaphobic

Merge remote-tracking branch 'Mavlink/master' into cameraComponent

* Mavlink/master:
  Making scroll area full width.
  Fix PX4 tuning panels for new cooked param ranges
  Add VTOL tuning component
  Revert "Tuning not supported on VTOL"
parents e09ff0eb ba38b9c1
......@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
<file alias="FlightModesComponentSummary.qml">src/AutoPilotPlugins/PX4/FlightModesComponentSummary.qml</file>
<file alias="APMFlightModesComponent.qml">src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMFlightModesComponent.qml</file>
<file alias="APMFlightModesComponentSummary.qml">src/AutoPilotPlugins/APM/APMFlightModesComponentSummary.qml</file>
<file alias="BluetoothSettings.qml">src/ui/preferences/BluetoothSettings.qml</file>
<file alias="DebugWindow.qml">src/ui/preferences/DebugWindow.qml</file>
<file alias="GeneralSettings.qml">src/ui/preferences/GeneralSettings.qml</file>
......@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@
<file alias="SerialSettings.qml">src/ui/preferences/SerialSettings.qml</file>
<file alias="TcpSettings.qml">src/ui/preferences/TcpSettings.qml</file>
<file alias="UdpSettings.qml">src/ui/preferences/UdpSettings.qml</file>
<file alias="JoystickConfig.qml">src/VehicleSetup/JoystickConfig.qml</file>
<file alias="MainToolBar.qml">src/ui/toolbar/MainToolBar.qml</file>
<file alias="MainWindowHybrid.qml">src/ui/MainWindowHybrid.qml</file>
......@@ -44,7 +42,6 @@
<file alias="PowerComponent.qml">src/AutoPilotPlugins/PX4/PowerComponent.qml</file>
<file alias="PowerComponentSummary.qml">src/AutoPilotPlugins/PX4/PowerComponentSummary.qml</file>
<file alias="PX4FlowSensor.qml">src/VehicleSetup/PX4FlowSensor.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/qmldir">src/QmlControls/QGroundControl.Controls.qmldir</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/ClickableColor.qml">src/QmlControls/ClickableColor.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/DropButton.qml">src/QmlControls/DropButton.qml</file>
......@@ -88,10 +85,8 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/VehicleSummaryRow.qml">src/QmlControls/VehicleSummaryRow.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/AppMessages.qml">src/QmlControls/AppMessages.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/ViewWidget.qml">src/ViewWidgets/ViewWidget.qml</file>
<file alias="SimpleItemEditor.qml">src/MissionEditor/SimpleItemEditor.qml</file>
<file alias="SurveyItemEditor.qml">src/MissionEditor/SurveyItemEditor.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FactControls/FactBitmask.qml">src/FactSystem/FactControls/FactBitmask.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FactControls/FactCheckBox.qml">src/FactSystem/FactControls/FactCheckBox.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FactControls/FactComboBox.qml">src/FactSystem/FactControls/FactComboBox.qml</file>
......@@ -99,14 +94,12 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/FactControls/FactPanel.qml">src/FactSystem/FactControls/FactPanel.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FactControls/FactTextField.qml">src/FactSystem/FactControls/FactTextField.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FactControls/qmldir">src/FactSystem/FactControls/qmldir</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/qmldir">src/FlightDisplay/qmldir</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/FlightDisplayView.qml">src/FlightDisplay/FlightDisplayView.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/FlightDisplayViewMap.qml">src/FlightDisplay/FlightDisplayViewMap.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/FlightDisplayViewVideo.qml">src/FlightDisplay/FlightDisplayViewVideo.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/FlightDisplayViewWidgets.qml">src/FlightDisplay/FlightDisplayViewWidgets.qml</file>
<file alias="VirtualJoystick.qml">src/FlightDisplay/VirtualJoystick.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/qmldir">src/FlightMap/qmldir</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/FlightMap.qml">src/FlightMap/FlightMap.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/MissionItemIndicator.qml">src/FlightMap/MapItems/MissionItemIndicator.qml</file>
......@@ -125,7 +118,6 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/VibrationWidget.qml">src/FlightMap/Widgets/VibrationWidget.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/VehicleMapItem.qml">src/FlightMap/MapItems/VehicleMapItem.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/FlightMap/InstrumentSwipeView.qml">src/FlightMap/Widgets/InstrumentSwipeView.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/ScreenTools/qmldir">src/QmlControls/QGroundControl.ScreenTools.qmldir</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/ScreenTools/ScreenTools.qml">src/QmlControls/ScreenTools.qml</file>
<file alias="QmlTest.qml">src/QmlControls/QmlTest.qml</file>
......@@ -162,6 +154,7 @@
<file alias="test.qml">src/test.qml</file>
<file alias="VehicleSummary.qml">src/VehicleSetup/VehicleSummary.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/OfflineMapButton.qml">src/QmlControls/OfflineMapButton.qml</file>
<qresource prefix="/json">
<file alias="MavCmdInfoCommon.json">src/MissionManager/MavCmdInfoCommon.json</file>
......@@ -77,6 +77,15 @@ QUrl PX4TuningComponent::setupSource(void) const
qmlFile = "qrc:/qml/PX4TuningComponentCopter.qml";
qmlFile = "qrc:/qml/PX4TuningComponentVTOL.qml";
......@@ -32,12 +32,21 @@ FactSliderPanel {
sliderModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Throttle Hover")
title: qsTr("Hover Throttle")
description: qsTr("Adjust throttle so hover is at mid-throttle. Slide to the left if hover is lower than throttle center. Slide to the right if hover is higher than throttle center.")
param: "MPC_THR_HOVER"
min: 0.2
max: 0.8
step: 0.01
min: 20
max: 60
step: 1
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Manual minimum throttle")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to start the motors with less idle power. Slide to the right if descending in manual flight becomes unstable.")
min: 0
max: 15
step: 1
ListElement {
......@@ -75,14 +84,5 @@ FactSliderPanel {
max: 1.0
step: 0.1
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Manual minimum throttle")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to start the motors with less idle power. Slide to the right if descending in manual flight becomes unstable.")
min: 0
max: 0.15
step: 0.01
......@@ -30,45 +30,9 @@ FactSliderPanel {
anchors.fill: parent
sliderModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hover Roll sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make roll control during hover faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if roll oscillates or is too twitchy.")
param: "MC_ROLL_TC"
min: 0.15
max: 0.25
step: 0.01
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hover Pitch sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make pitch control during hover faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if pitch oscillates or is too twitchy.")
param: "MC_PITCH_TC"
min: 0.15
max: 0.25
step: 0.01
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hover Altitude control sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make altitude control during hover smoother and less twitchy. Slide to the right to make altitude control more accurate and more aggressive.")
param: "MPC_Z_FF"
min: 0
max: 1.0
step: 0.1
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hover Position control sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make flight during hover in position control mode smoother and less twitchy. Slide to the right to make position control more accurate and more aggressive.")
param: "MPC_XY_FF"
min: 0
max: 1.0
step: 0.1
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Plane Roll sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make roll control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if roll oscillates or is too twitchy.")
title: "Roll sensitivity"
description: "Slide to the left to make roll control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if roll oscillates or is too twitchy."
param: "FW_R_TC"
min: 0.2
max: 0.8
......@@ -76,8 +40,8 @@ FactSliderPanel {
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Plane Pitch sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make pitch control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if pitch oscillates or is too twitchy.")
title: "Pitch sensitivity"
description: "Slide to the left to make pitch control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if pitch oscillates or is too twitchy."
param: "FW_P_TC"
min: 0.2
max: 0.8
......@@ -85,17 +49,17 @@ FactSliderPanel {
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Plane Cruise throttle")
description: qsTr("This is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most planes need 50-60%.")
title: "Cruise throttle"
description: "This is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most planes need 50-60%."
param: "FW_THR_CRUISE"
min: 0.2
max: 0.8
step: 0.01
min: 20
max: 80
step: 1
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Plane Mission mode sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make position control more accurate and more aggressive. Slide to the right to make flight in mission mode smoother and less twitchy.")
title: "Mission mode sensitivity"
description: "Slide to the left to make position control more accurate and more aggressive. Slide to the right to make flight in mission mode smoother and less twitchy."
param: "FW_L1_PERIOD"
min: 12
max: 50
......@@ -30,9 +30,45 @@ FactSliderPanel {
anchors.fill: parent
sliderModel: ListModel {
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hover Roll sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make roll control during hover faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if roll oscillates or is too twitchy.")
param: "MC_ROLL_TC"
min: 0.15
max: 0.25
step: 0.01
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hover Pitch sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make pitch control during hover faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if pitch oscillates or is too twitchy.")
param: "MC_PITCH_TC"
min: 0.15
max: 0.25
step: 0.01
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hover Altitude control sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make altitude control during hover smoother and less twitchy. Slide to the right to make altitude control more accurate and more aggressive.")
param: "MPC_Z_FF"
min: 0
max: 1.0
step: 0.1
ListElement {
title: "Roll sensitivity"
description: "Slide to the left to make roll control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if roll oscillates or is too twitchy."
title: qsTr("Hover Position control sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make flight during hover in position control mode smoother and less twitchy. Slide to the right to make position control more accurate and more aggressive.")
param: "MPC_XY_FF"
min: 0
max: 1.0
step: 0.1
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Plane Roll sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make roll control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if roll oscillates or is too twitchy.")
param: "FW_R_TC"
min: 0.2
max: 0.8
......@@ -40,8 +76,8 @@ FactSliderPanel {
ListElement {
title: "Pitch sensitivity"
description: "Slide to the left to make pitch control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if pitch oscillates or is too twitchy."
title: qsTr("Plane Pitch sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make pitch control faster and more accurate. Slide to the right if pitch oscillates or is too twitchy.")
param: "FW_P_TC"
min: 0.2
max: 0.8
......@@ -49,17 +85,35 @@ FactSliderPanel {
ListElement {
title: "Cruise throttle"
description: "This is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most planes need 50-60%."
title: qsTr("Plane Cruise throttle")
description: qsTr("This is the throttle setting required to achieve the desired cruise speed. Most planes need 50-60%.")
param: "FW_THR_CRUISE"
min: 0.2
max: 0.8
step: 0.01
min: 20
max: 80
step: 1
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hover Throttle")
description: qsTr("Adjust throttle so hover is at mid-throttle. Slide to the left if hover is lower than throttle center. Slide to the right if hover is higher than throttle center.")
param: "MPC_THR_HOVER"
min: 20
max: 60
step: 1
ListElement {
title: qsTr("Hoever manual minimum throttle")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to start the motors with less idle power. Slide to the right if descending in manual flight becomes unstable.")
min: 0
max: 15
step: 1
ListElement {
title: "Mission mode sensitivity"
description: "Slide to the left to make position control more accurate and more aggressive. Slide to the right to make flight in mission mode smoother and less twitchy."
title: qsTr("Plane Mission mode sensitivity")
description: qsTr("Slide to the left to make position control more accurate and more aggressive. Slide to the right to make flight in mission mode smoother and less twitchy.")
param: "FW_L1_PERIOD"
min: 12
max: 50
......@@ -60,16 +60,13 @@ QGCView {
anchors.fill: parent
QGCFlickable {
clip: true
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: mainCol.width
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: mainCol.height
contentWidth: mainCol.width
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
Column {
id: mainCol
spacing: _margins
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
**** Low Battery ****
......@@ -514,6 +511,7 @@ QGCView {
Item { width: 1; height: _margins * 0.5; }
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