Unverified Commit ddf99734 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #8907 from DonLakeFlyer/DeleteBingTiles

Delete bogus Bing no data tiles from cache
parents 93205655 a42f029a
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFile>
#include <QSettings>
#include "time.h"
......@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ QGCCacheWorker::run()
_valid = _db->open();
while(true) {
QGCMapTask* task;
if(_taskQueue.count()) {
......@@ -203,6 +205,49 @@ QGCCacheWorker::run()
QSettings settings;
static const char* alreadyDoneKey = "_deleteBingNoTileTilesDone";
if (settings.value(alreadyDoneKey, false).toBool()) {
settings.setValue(alreadyDoneKey, true);
// Previously we would store these empty tile graphics in the cache. This prevented the ability to zoom beyong the level
// of available tiles. So we need to remove only of these still hanging around to make higher zoom levels work.
QFile file(":/res/BingNoTileBytes.dat");
QByteArray noTileBytes = file.readAll();
QSqlQuery query(*_db);
QString s;
//-- Select tiles in default set only, sorted by oldest.
s = QString("SELECT tileID, tile, hash FROM Tiles WHERE LENGTH(tile) = %1").arg(noTileBytes.count());
QList<quint64> idsToDelete;
if (query.exec(s)) {
while(query.next()) {
if (query.value(1).toByteArray() == noTileBytes) {
qCDebug(QGCTileCacheLog) << "_deleteBingNoTileTiles HASH:" << query.value(2).toString();
for (const quint64 tileId: idsToDelete) {
s = QString("DELETE FROM Tiles WHERE tileID = %1").arg(tileId);
if (!query.exec(s)) {
qCWarning(QGCTileCacheLog) << "Delete failed";
} else {
qCWarning(QGCTileCacheLog) << "_deleteBingNoTileTiles query failed";
QGCCacheWorker::_findTileSetID(const QString name, quint64& setID)
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ private:
void _importSets (QGCMapTask* mtask);
bool _testTask (QGCMapTask* mtask);
void _testInternet ();
void _deleteBingNoTileTiles ();
quint64 _findTile (const QString hash);
bool _findTileSetID (const QString name, quint64& setID);
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