Unverified Commit daa11a93 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #8959 from DonLakeFlyer/TerrainRounding

Terrain data: Deal with double imprecision errors in elevation tile calculations
parents a6ab38fb 8368005b
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include "QGCMapEngine.h"
#include "TerrainTile.h"
ElevationProvider::ElevationProvider(const QString& imageFormat, quint32 averageSize, QGeoMapType::MapStyle mapType, QObject* parent)
: MapProvider(QStringLiteral("https://api.airmap.com/"), imageFormat, averageSize, mapType, parent) {}
......@@ -11,23 +12,23 @@ ElevationProvider::ElevationProvider(const QString& imageFormat, quint32 average
int AirmapElevationProvider::long2tileX(const double lon, const int z) const {
return static_cast<int>(floor((lon + 180.0) / srtm1TileSize));
return static_cast<int>(floor((lon + 180.0) / TerrainTile::tileSizeDegrees));
int AirmapElevationProvider::lat2tileY(const double lat, const int z) const {
return static_cast<int>(floor((lat + 90.0) / srtm1TileSize));
return static_cast<int>(floor((lat + 90.0) / TerrainTile::tileSizeDegrees));
QString AirmapElevationProvider::_getURL(const int x, const int y, const int zoom, QNetworkAccessManager* networkManager) {
return QString("https://api.airmap.com/elevation/v1/ele/carpet?points=%1,%2,%3,%4")
.arg(static_cast<double>(y) * srtm1TileSize - 90.0)
.arg(static_cast<double>(x) * srtm1TileSize - 180.0)
.arg(static_cast<double>(y + 1) * srtm1TileSize - 90.0)
.arg(static_cast<double>(x + 1) * srtm1TileSize - 180.0);
.arg(static_cast<double>(y) * TerrainTile::tileSizeDegrees - 90.0)
.arg(static_cast<double>(x) * TerrainTile::tileSizeDegrees - 180.0)
.arg(static_cast<double>(y + 1) * TerrainTile::tileSizeDegrees - 90.0)
.arg(static_cast<double>(x + 1) * TerrainTile::tileSizeDegrees - 180.0);
QGCTileSet AirmapElevationProvider::getTileCount(const int zoom, const double topleftLon,
......@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
#include <QString>
static const quint32 AVERAGE_AIRMAP_ELEV_SIZE = 2786;
static const double srtm1TileSize = 0.01;
class ElevationProvider : public MapProvider {
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ void TerrainTileManager::addPathQuery(TerrainOfflineAirMapQuery* terrainQueryInt
QList<QGeoCoordinate> coordinates;
double lat = startPoint.latitude();
double lon = startPoint.longitude();
double steps = ceil(endPoint.distanceTo(startPoint) / TerrainTile::terrainAltitudeSpacing);
double steps = ceil(endPoint.distanceTo(startPoint) / TerrainTile::tileValueSpacingMeters);
double latDiff = endPoint.latitude() - lat;
double lonDiff = endPoint.longitude() - lon;
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "TerrainTile.h"
#include "JsonHelper.h"
#include "QGCMapEngine.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
......@@ -107,17 +108,46 @@ TerrainTile::TerrainTile(QByteArray byteArray)
double TerrainTile::_swCornerClampedLatitude(double latitude) const
double swCornerLat = _southWest.latitude();
if (QGC::fuzzyCompare(latitude, swCornerLat)) {
latitude = swCornerLat;
return latitude;
double TerrainTile::_swCornerClampedLongitude (double longitude) const
double swCornerLon = _southWest.longitude();
if (QGC::fuzzyCompare(longitude, swCornerLon)) {
longitude = swCornerLon;
return longitude;
bool TerrainTile::isIn(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const
if (!_isValid) {
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "isIn requested, but tile not valid";
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "isIn: Internal Error - invalid tile";
return false;
bool ret = coordinate.latitude() >= _southWest.latitude() && coordinate.longitude() >= _southWest.longitude() &&
coordinate.latitude() <= _northEast.latitude() && coordinate.longitude() <= _northEast.longitude();
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "Checking isIn: " << coordinate << " , in sw " << _southWest << " , ne " << _northEast << ": " << ret;
return ret;
// We have to be careful of double value imprecision for lat/lon values.
// Don't trust _northEast corner values because of this (they are set from airmap query response).
// Calculate everything from swCorner values only
double testLat = _swCornerClampedLatitude(coordinate.latitude());
double testLon = _swCornerClampedLongitude(coordinate.longitude());
double swCornerLat = _southWest.latitude();
double swCornerLon = _southWest.longitude();
double neCornerLat = swCornerLat + (_gridSizeLat * tileSizeDegrees);
double neCornerLon = swCornerLon + (_gridSizeLon * tileSizeDegrees);
bool coordinateIsInTile = testLat >= swCornerLat && testLon >= swCornerLon && testLat <= neCornerLat && testLon <= neCornerLon;
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "isIn - coordinateIsInTile::coordinate:testLast:testLon:swCornerlat:swCornerLon:neCornerLat:neCornerLon" << coordinateIsInTile << coordinate << testLat << testLon << swCornerLat << swCornerLon << neCornerLat << neCornerLon;
return coordinateIsInTile;
double TerrainTile::elevation(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const
......@@ -128,13 +158,13 @@ double TerrainTile::elevation(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const
int indexLat = _latToDataIndex(coordinate.latitude());
int indexLon = _lonToDataIndex(coordinate.longitude());
if (indexLat == -1 || indexLon == -1) {
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "Internal error indexLat:indexLon == -1" << indexLat << indexLon;
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "elevation: Internal error - indexLat:indexLon == -1" << indexLat << indexLon;
return qQNaN();
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "indexLat:indexLon" << indexLat << indexLon << "elevation" << _data[indexLat][indexLon];
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "elevation: indexLat:indexLon" << indexLat << indexLon << "elevation" << _data[indexLat][indexLon];
return static_cast<double>(_data[indexLat][indexLon]);
} else {
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "Asking for elevation, but no valid data.";
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "elevation: Internal error - invalid tile";
return qQNaN();
......@@ -224,8 +254,6 @@ QByteArray TerrainTile::serialize(QByteArray input)
const QJsonArray& carpetArray = dataObject[_jsonCarpetKey].toArray();
int gridSizeLat = carpetArray.count();
int gridSizeLon = carpetArray[0].toArray().count();
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "Received tile has size in latitude direction: " << gridSizeLat;
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "Received tile has size in longitued direction: " << gridSizeLon;
TileInfo_t tileInfo;
......@@ -239,6 +267,16 @@ QByteArray TerrainTile::serialize(QByteArray input)
tileInfo.gridSizeLat = static_cast<int16_t>(gridSizeLat);
tileInfo.gridSizeLon = static_cast<int16_t>(gridSizeLon);
// We require 1-arc second value spacing
double neCornerLatExpected = tileInfo.swLat + ((tileInfo.gridSizeLat - 1) * tileValueSpacingDegrees);
double neCornerLonExpected = tileInfo.swLon + ((tileInfo.gridSizeLon - 1) * tileValueSpacingDegrees);
if (!QGC::fuzzyCompare(tileInfo.neLat, neCornerLatExpected) || !QGC::fuzzyCompare(tileInfo.neLon, neCornerLonExpected)) {
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << QStringLiteral("serialize: Internal error - distance between values incorrect neExpected(%1, %2) neActual(%3, %4) sw(%5, %6) gridSize(%7, %8)")
QByteArray emptyArray;
return emptyArray;
int cTileHeaderBytes = static_cast<int>(sizeof(TileInfo_t));
int cTileDataBytes = static_cast<int>(sizeof(int16_t)) * gridSizeLat * gridSizeLon;
......@@ -268,20 +306,38 @@ QByteArray TerrainTile::serialize(QByteArray input)
int TerrainTile::_latToDataIndex(double latitude) const
int latIndex = -1;
// We have to be careful of double value imprecision for lat/lon values.
// Don't trust _northEast corner values because of this (they are set from airmap query response).
// Calculate everything from swCorner values only
if (isValid() && _southWest.isValid() && _northEast.isValid()) {
return qRound((latitude - _southWest.latitude()) / (_northEast.latitude() - _southWest.latitude()) * (_gridSizeLat - 1));
double clampedLatitude = _swCornerClampedLatitude(latitude);
latIndex = qRound((clampedLatitude - _southWest.latitude()) / tileValueSpacingDegrees);
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "_latToDataIndex: latIndex:latitude:clampedLatitude:_southWest" << latIndex << latitude << clampedLatitude << _southWest;
} else {
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "TerrainTile::_latToDataIndex internal error" << isValid() << _southWest.isValid() << _northEast.isValid();
return -1;
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "_latToDataIndex: Internal error - isValid:_southWest.isValid:_northEast.isValid" << isValid() << _southWest.isValid() << _northEast.isValid();
return latIndex;
int TerrainTile::_lonToDataIndex(double longitude) const
int lonIndex = -1;
// We have to be careful of double value imprecision for lat/lon values.
// Don't trust _northEast corner values because of this (they are set from airmap query response).
// Calculate everything from swCorner values only
if (isValid() && _southWest.isValid() && _northEast.isValid()) {
return qRound((longitude - _southWest.longitude()) / (_northEast.longitude() - _southWest.longitude()) * (_gridSizeLon - 1));
double clampledLongitude = _swCornerClampedLongitude(longitude);
lonIndex = qRound((clampledLongitude - _southWest.longitude()) / tileValueSpacingDegrees);
qCDebug(TerrainTileLog) << "_lonToDataIndex: lonIndex:longitude:clampledLongitude:_southWest" << lonIndex << longitude << clampledLongitude << _southWest;
} else {
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "TerrainTile::_lonToDataIndex internal error" << isValid() << _southWest.isValid() << _northEast.isValid();
return -1;
qCWarning(TerrainTileLog) << "_lonToDataIndex: Internal error - isValid:_southWest.isValid:_northEast.isValid" << isValid() << _southWest.isValid() << _northEast.isValid();
return lonIndex;
......@@ -91,8 +91,9 @@ public:
static QByteArray serialize(QByteArray input);
/// Approximate spacing of the elevation data measurement points
static constexpr double terrainAltitudeSpacing = 30.0;
static constexpr double tileSizeDegrees = 0.01; ///< Each terrain tile represents a square area .01 degrees in lat/lon
static constexpr double tileValueSpacingDegrees = 1.0 / 3600; ///< 1 Arc-Second spacing of elevation values
static constexpr double tileValueSpacingMeters = 30.0;
typedef struct {
......@@ -104,8 +105,10 @@ private:
int16_t gridSizeLon;
} TileInfo_t;
inline int _latToDataIndex(double latitude) const;
inline int _lonToDataIndex(double longitude) const;
double _swCornerClampedLatitude (double latitude) const;
double _swCornerClampedLongitude (double longitude) const;
int _latToDataIndex (double latitude) const;
int _lonToDataIndex (double longitude) const;
QGeoCoordinate _southWest; /// South west corner of the tile
QGeoCoordinate _northEast; /// North east corner of the tile
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