Commit da3191c3 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Add support for v4 boards

parent 070a77b1
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ public:
// Supported bootloader board ids
static const int boardIDPX4FMUV1 = 5; ///< PX4 V1 board
static const int boardIDPX4FMUV2 = 9; ///< PX4 V2 board
static const int boardIDPX4FMUV4 = 11; ///< PX4 V4 board
static const int boardIDPX4Flow = 6; ///< PX4 Flow board
static const int boardIDAeroCore = 98; ///< Gumstix AeroCore board
static const int boardID3DRRadio = 78; ///< 3DR Radio
......@@ -187,6 +187,13 @@ void FirmwareUpgradeController::_initFirmwareHash()
//////////////////////////////////// PX4FMUV4 firmwares //////////////////////////////////////////////////
FirmwareToUrlElement_t rgPX4FMV4FirmwareArray[] = {
{ AutoPilotStackPX4, StableFirmware, DefaultVehicleFirmware, ""},
{ AutoPilotStackPX4, BetaFirmware, DefaultVehicleFirmware, ""},
{ AutoPilotStackPX4, DeveloperFirmware, DefaultVehicleFirmware, ""},
//////////////////////////////////// PX4FMUV2 firmwares //////////////////////////////////////////////////
FirmwareToUrlElement_t rgPX4FMV2FirmwareArray[] = {
{ AutoPilotStackPX4, StableFirmware, DefaultVehicleFirmware, ""},
......@@ -273,6 +280,12 @@ void FirmwareUpgradeController::_initFirmwareHash()
// populate hashes now
int size = sizeof(rgPX4FMV4FirmwareArray)/sizeof(rgPX4FMV4FirmwareArray[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const FirmwareToUrlElement_t& element = rgPX4FMV4FirmwareArray[i];
_rgPX4FMUV4Firmware.insert(FirmwareIdentifier(element.stackType, element.firmwareType, element.vehicleType), element.url);
int size = sizeof(rgPX4FMV2FirmwareArray)/sizeof(rgPX4FMV2FirmwareArray[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const FirmwareToUrlElement_t& element = rgPX4FMV2FirmwareArray[i];
......@@ -334,6 +347,10 @@ void FirmwareUpgradeController::_getFirmwareFile(FirmwareIdentifier firmwareId)
prgFirmware = _rgPX4FMUV2Firmware;
case Bootloader::boardIDPX4FMUV4:
prgFirmware = _rgPX4FMUV4Firmware;
case Bootloader::boardIDAeroCore:
prgFirmware = _rgAeroCoreFirmware;
......@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ private:
QString _portDescription;
// firmware hashes
QHash<FirmwareIdentifier, QString> _rgPX4FMUV4Firmware;
QHash<FirmwareIdentifier, QString> _rgPX4FMUV2Firmware;
QHash<FirmwareIdentifier, QString> _rgAeroCoreFirmware;
QHash<FirmwareIdentifier, QString> _rgPX4FMUV1Firmware;
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