Commit da02ca1a authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #5539 from DonLakeFlyer/StableMerge

Stable merge
parents 42a2e61d 3f7b313f
......@@ -104,8 +104,9 @@ QGCView {
Connections {
target: _missionController
onResumeMissionReady: guidedActionsController.confirmAction(guidedActionsController.actionResumeMissionReady)
target: _missionController
onResumeMissionReady: guidedActionsController.confirmAction(guidedActionsController.actionResumeMissionReady)
onResumeMissionUploadFail: guidedActionsController.confirmAction(guidedActionsController.actionResumeMissionUploadFail)
MessageDialog {
......@@ -32,58 +32,61 @@ Item {
property var actionList
property var altitudeSlider
readonly property string emergencyStopTitle: qsTr("Emergency Stop")
readonly property string armTitle: qsTr("Arm")
readonly property string disarmTitle: qsTr("Disarm")
readonly property string rtlTitle: qsTr("RTL")
readonly property string takeoffTitle: qsTr("Takeoff")
readonly property string landTitle: qsTr("Land")
readonly property string startMissionTitle: qsTr("Start Mission")
readonly property string continueMissionTitle: qsTr("Continue Mission")
readonly property string resumeMissionTitle: qsTr("Resume Mission")
readonly property string pauseTitle: qsTr("Pause")
readonly property string changeAltTitle: qsTr("Change Altitude")
readonly property string orbitTitle: qsTr("Orbit")
readonly property string landAbortTitle: qsTr("Land Abort")
readonly property string setWaypointTitle: qsTr("Set Waypoint")
readonly property string gotoTitle: qsTr("Goto Location")
readonly property string emergencyStopTitle: qsTr("Emergency Stop")
readonly property string armTitle: qsTr("Arm")
readonly property string disarmTitle: qsTr("Disarm")
readonly property string rtlTitle: qsTr("RTL")
readonly property string takeoffTitle: qsTr("Takeoff")
readonly property string landTitle: qsTr("Land")
readonly property string startMissionTitle: qsTr("Start Mission")
readonly property string continueMissionTitle: qsTr("Continue Mission")
readonly property string resumeMissionTitle: qsTr("Resume Mission")
readonly property string resumeMissionUploadFailTitle: qsTr("Resume FAILED")
readonly property string pauseTitle: qsTr("Pause")
readonly property string changeAltTitle: qsTr("Change Altitude")
readonly property string orbitTitle: qsTr("Orbit")
readonly property string landAbortTitle: qsTr("Land Abort")
readonly property string setWaypointTitle: qsTr("Set Waypoint")
readonly property string gotoTitle: qsTr("Goto Location")
readonly property string armMessage: qsTr("Arm the vehicle.")
readonly property string disarmMessage: qsTr("Disarm the vehicle")
readonly property string emergencyStopMessage: qsTr("WARNING: This will stop all motors. If vehicle is currently in air it will crash.")
readonly property string takeoffMessage: qsTr("Takeoff from ground and hold position.")
readonly property string startMissionMessage: qsTr("Takeoff from ground and start the current mission.")
readonly property string continueMissionMessage: qsTr("Continue the mission from the current waypoint.")
property string resumeMissionMessage: qsTr("Resume the current mission. This will re-generate the mission from waypoint %1, takeoff and continue the mission.").arg(_resumeMissionIndex)
readonly property string resumeMissionReadyMessage: qsTr("Review the modified mission. Confirm if you want to takeoff and begin mission.")
readonly property string landMessage: qsTr("Land the vehicle at the current position.")
readonly property string rtlMessage: qsTr("Return to the home position of the vehicle.")
readonly property string changeAltMessage: qsTr("Change the altitude of the vehicle up or down.")
readonly property string gotoMessage: qsTr("Move the vehicle to the location clicked on the map.")
property string setWaypointMessage: qsTr("Adjust current waypoint to %1.").arg(_actionData)
readonly property string orbitMessage: qsTr("Orbit the vehicle around the current location.")
readonly property string landAbortMessage: qsTr("Abort the landing sequence.")
readonly property string pauseMessage: qsTr("Pause the vehicle at it's current position.")
readonly property string mvPauseMessage: qsTr("Pause all vehicles at their current position.")
readonly property string armMessage: qsTr("Arm the vehicle.")
readonly property string disarmMessage: qsTr("Disarm the vehicle")
readonly property string emergencyStopMessage: qsTr("WARNING: This will stop all motors. If vehicle is currently in air it will crash.")
readonly property string takeoffMessage: qsTr("Takeoff from ground and hold position.")
readonly property string startMissionMessage: qsTr("Takeoff from ground and start the current mission.")
readonly property string continueMissionMessage: qsTr("Continue the mission from the current waypoint.")
property string resumeMissionMessage: qsTr("Resume the current mission. This will re-generate the mission from waypoint %1, takeoff and continue the mission.").arg(_resumeMissionIndex)
property string resumeMissionUploadFailMessage: qsTr("Upload of resume mission failed. Confirm to retry upload")
readonly property string resumeMissionReadyMessage: qsTr("Review the modified mission. Confirm if you want to takeoff and begin mission.")
readonly property string landMessage: qsTr("Land the vehicle at the current position.")
readonly property string rtlMessage: qsTr("Return to the home position of the vehicle.")
readonly property string changeAltMessage: qsTr("Change the altitude of the vehicle up or down.")
readonly property string gotoMessage: qsTr("Move the vehicle to the location clicked on the map.")
property string setWaypointMessage: qsTr("Adjust current waypoint to %1.").arg(_actionData)
readonly property string orbitMessage: qsTr("Orbit the vehicle around the current location.")
readonly property string landAbortMessage: qsTr("Abort the landing sequence.")
readonly property string pauseMessage: qsTr("Pause the vehicle at it's current position.")
readonly property string mvPauseMessage: qsTr("Pause all vehicles at their current position.")
readonly property int actionRTL: 1
readonly property int actionLand: 2
readonly property int actionTakeoff: 3
readonly property int actionArm: 4
readonly property int actionDisarm: 5
readonly property int actionEmergencyStop: 6
readonly property int actionChangeAlt: 7
readonly property int actionGoto: 8
readonly property int actionSetWaypoint: 9
readonly property int actionOrbit: 10
readonly property int actionLandAbort: 11
readonly property int actionStartMission: 12
readonly property int actionContinueMission: 13
readonly property int actionResumeMission: 14
readonly property int actionResumeMissionReady: 15
readonly property int actionPause: 16
readonly property int actionMVPause: 17
readonly property int actionMVStartMission: 18
readonly property int actionRTL: 1
readonly property int actionLand: 2
readonly property int actionTakeoff: 3
readonly property int actionArm: 4
readonly property int actionDisarm: 5
readonly property int actionEmergencyStop: 6
readonly property int actionChangeAlt: 7
readonly property int actionGoto: 8
readonly property int actionSetWaypoint: 9
readonly property int actionOrbit: 10
readonly property int actionLandAbort: 11
readonly property int actionStartMission: 12
readonly property int actionContinueMission: 13
readonly property int actionResumeMission: 14
readonly property int actionResumeMissionReady: 15
readonly property int actionResumeMissionUploadFail: 16
readonly property int actionPause: 17
readonly property int actionMVPause: 18
readonly property int actionMVStartMission: 19
property bool showEmergenyStop: !_hideEmergenyStop && _activeVehicle && _vehicleArmed && _vehicleFlying
property bool showArm: _activeVehicle && !_vehicleArmed
......@@ -213,6 +216,11 @@ Item {
confirmDialog.message = resumeMissionMessage
confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showResumeMission })
case actionResumeMissionUploadFail:
confirmDialog.title = resumeMissionUploadFailTitle
confirmDialog.message = resumeMissionUploadFailMessage
confirmDialog.hideTrigger = Qt.binding(function() { return !showResumeMission })
case actionResumeMissionReady:
confirmDialog.title = resumeMissionTitle
confirmDialog.message = resumeMissionReadyMessage
......@@ -284,6 +292,7 @@ Item {
case actionResumeMission:
case actionResumeMissionUploadFail:
case actionResumeMissionReady:
......@@ -1478,6 +1478,7 @@ void MissionController::managerVehicleChanged(Vehicle* managerVehicle)
connect(_missionManager, &MissionManager::currentIndexChanged, this, &MissionController::_currentMissionIndexChanged);
connect(_missionManager, &MissionManager::lastCurrentIndexChanged, this, &MissionController::resumeMissionIndexChanged);
connect(_missionManager, &MissionManager::resumeMissionReady, this, &MissionController::resumeMissionReady);
connect(_missionManager, &MissionManager::resumeMissionUploadFail, this, &MissionController::resumeMissionUploadFail);
connect(_managerVehicle, &Vehicle::homePositionChanged, this, &MissionController::_managerVehicleHomePositionChanged);
connect(_managerVehicle, &Vehicle::defaultCruiseSpeedChanged, this, &MissionController::_recalcMissionFlightStatus);
connect(_managerVehicle, &Vehicle::defaultHoverSpeedChanged, this, &MissionController::_recalcMissionFlightStatus);
......@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ signals:
void complexMissionItemNamesChanged(void);
void resumeMissionIndexChanged(void);
void resumeMissionReady(void);
void resumeMissionUploadFail(void);
void batteryChangePointChanged(int batteryChangePoint);
void batteriesRequiredChanged(int batteriesRequired);
void plannedHomePositionChanged(QGeoCoordinate plannedHomePosition);
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ void MissionManager::_writeMissionItemsWorker(void)
qCDebug(MissionManagerLog) << "writeMissionItems count:" << _writeMissionItems.count();
// Prime write list
for (int i=0; i<_writeMissionItems.count(); i++) {
_itemIndicesToWrite << i;
......@@ -63,11 +64,6 @@ void MissionManager::_writeMissionItemsWorker(void)
_retryCount = 0;
emit inProgressChanged(true);
_currentMissionIndex = -1;
_lastCurrentIndex = -1;
emit currentIndexChanged(-1);
emit lastCurrentIndexChanged(-1);
......@@ -874,7 +870,11 @@ void MissionManager::_finishTransaction(bool success)
case TransactionWrite:
if (success) {
// Write succeeded, update internal list to be current
// Write succeeded, update internal list to be current
_currentMissionIndex = -1;
_lastCurrentIndex = -1;
emit currentIndexChanged(-1);
emit lastCurrentIndexChanged(-1);
for (int i=0; i<_writeMissionItems.count(); i++) {
......@@ -895,7 +895,11 @@ void MissionManager::_finishTransaction(bool success)
if (_resumeMission) {
_resumeMission = false;
emit resumeMissionReady();
if (success) {
emit resumeMissionReady();
} else {
emit resumeMissionUploadFail();
......@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ signals:
void currentIndexChanged(int currentIndex);
void lastCurrentIndexChanged(int lastCurrentIndex);
void resumeMissionReady(void);
void resumeMissionUploadFail(void);
void progressPct(double progressPercentPct);
void removeAllComplete (bool error);
void sendComplete (bool error);
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