Commit d9baef94 authored by Gus Grubba's avatar Gus Grubba

Instead of resetting all parameters when some parameter change, explicitly...

Instead of resetting all parameters when some parameter change, explicitly define list of parameters that must be requested when a given parameter change.
parent 696cf7c8
......@@ -19,33 +19,34 @@
QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(CameraControlLog, "CameraControlLog")
QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(CameraControlLogVerbose, "CameraControlLogVerbose")
static const char* kDefnition = "definition";
static const char* kParameters = "parameters";
static const char* kParameter = "parameter";
static const char* kVersion = "version";
static const char* kModel = "model";
static const char* kVendor = "vendor";
static const char* kLocalization = "localization";
static const char* kLocale = "locale";
static const char* kStrings = "strings";
static const char* kName = "name";
static const char* kValue = "value";
static const char* kCondition = "condition";
static const char* kControl = "control";
static const char* kReadOnly = "readonly";
static const char* kOptions = "options";
static const char* kOption = "option";
static const char* kType = "type";
static const char* kDefault = "default";
static const char* kDefnition = "definition";
static const char* kDescription = "description";
static const char* kExclusions = "exclusions";
static const char* kExclusion = "exclude";
static const char* kRoption = "roption";
static const char* kCondition = "condition";
static const char* kParameterranges = "parameterranges";
static const char* kParameterrange = "parameterrange";
static const char* kExclusions = "exclusions";
static const char* kLocale = "locale";
static const char* kLocalization = "localization";
static const char* kModel = "model";
static const char* kName = "name";
static const char* kOption = "option";
static const char* kOptions = "options";
static const char* kOriginal = "original";
static const char* kParameter = "parameter";
static const char* kParameterrange = "parameterrange";
static const char* kParameterranges = "parameterranges";
static const char* kParameters = "parameters";
static const char* kReadOnly = "readonly";
static const char* kRoption = "roption";
static const char* kStrings = "strings";
static const char* kTranslated = "translated";
static const char* kReset = "reset";
static const char* kType = "type";
static const char* kUpdate = "update";
static const char* kUpdates = "updates";
static const char* kValue = "value";
static const char* kVendor = "vendor";
static const char* kVersion = "version";
static bool
......@@ -164,8 +165,6 @@ QGCCameraControl::_initWhenReady()
connect(_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavCommandResult, this, &QGCCameraControl::_mavCommandResult);
connect(&_captureStatusTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestCaptureStatus);
connect(&_updateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QGCCameraControl::_updateTimeout);
QTimer::singleShot(2500, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestStorageInfo);
......@@ -574,11 +573,11 @@ QGCCameraControl::_loadSettings(const QDomNodeList nodeList)
qCritical() << QString("Parameter %1 missing parameter description").arg(factName);
return false;
//-- Does it require full update on changes?
bool update = false;
read_attribute(parameterNode, kReset, update);
if(update) {
_requestUpdates << factName;
//-- Check for updates
QStringList updates = _loadUpdates(parameterNode);
if(updates.size()) {
qCDebug(CameraControlLogVerbose) << "Parameter" << factName << "requires updates for:" << updates;
_requestUpdates[factName] = updates;
//-- Build metadata
FactMetaData* metaData = new FactMetaData(factType, factName, this);
......@@ -925,6 +924,7 @@ QGCCameraControl::_updateRanges(Fact* pFact)
QMap<Fact*, QString> rangesReset;
QStringList changedList;
QStringList resetList;
QStringList updates;
//-- Iterate range sets looking for limited ranges
foreach(QGCCameraOptionRange* pRange, _optionRanges) {
//-- If this fact or one of its conditions is part of this range set
......@@ -940,7 +940,6 @@ QGCCameraControl::_updateRanges(Fact* pFact)
if(pTFact->enumStrings() != pRange->optNames) {
//-- Set limited range set
rangesSet[pTFact] = pRange;
qCDebug(CameraControlLogVerbose) << "Limited set of options for:" << pRange->targetParam << pRange->optNames;
changedList << pRange->targetParam;
......@@ -955,51 +954,39 @@ QGCCameraControl::_updateRanges(Fact* pFact)
if(pTFact->enumStrings() != _originalOptNames[pRange->targetParam]) {
//-- Restore full option set
rangesReset[pTFact] = pRange->targetParam;
qCDebug(CameraControlLogVerbose) << "Restore full set of options for:" << pRange->targetParam << _originalOptNames[pRange->targetParam];
resetList << pRange->targetParam;
//-- Update limited range set
foreach (Fact* pFact, rangesSet.keys()) {
pFact->setEnumInfo(rangesSet[pFact]->optNames, rangesSet[pFact]->optVariants);
if(!_updates.contains(pFact)) {
_paramIO[pFact->name()]->optNames = rangesSet[pFact]->optNames;
_paramIO[pFact->name()]->optVariants = rangesSet[pFact]->optVariants;
_updates << pFact;
foreach (Fact* f, rangesSet.keys()) {
f->setEnumInfo(rangesSet[f]->optNames, rangesSet[f]->optVariants);
if(!updates.contains(f->name())) {
_paramIO[f->name()]->optNames = rangesSet[f]->optNames;
_paramIO[f->name()]->optVariants = rangesSet[f]->optVariants;
emit f->enumsChanged();
qCDebug(CameraControlLogVerbose) << "Limited set of options for:" << f->name() << rangesSet[f]->optNames;;
updates << f->name();
//-- Restore full range set
foreach (Fact* pFact, rangesReset.keys()) {
pFact->setEnumInfo(_originalOptNames[rangesReset[pFact]], _originalOptValues[rangesReset[pFact]]);
if(!_updates.contains(pFact)) {
_paramIO[pFact->name()]->optNames = _originalOptNames[rangesReset[pFact]];
_paramIO[pFact->name()]->optVariants = _originalOptValues[rangesReset[pFact]];
_updates << pFact;
foreach (Fact* f, rangesReset.keys()) {
f->setEnumInfo(_originalOptNames[rangesReset[f]], _originalOptValues[rangesReset[f]]);
if(!updates.contains(f->name())) {
_paramIO[f->name()]->optNames = _originalOptNames[rangesReset[f]];
_paramIO[f->name()]->optVariants = _originalOptValues[rangesReset[f]];
emit f->enumsChanged();
qCDebug(CameraControlLogVerbose) << "Restore full set of options for:" << f->name() << _originalOptNames[f->name()];
updates << f->name();
//-- Parameter update requests
if(_requestUpdates.contains(pFact->name())) {
QTimer::singleShot(250, this, &QGCCameraControl::_requestAllParameters);
//-- Update UI (Asynchronous state where values come back after a while)
if(_updates.size()) {
//-- Update UI
foreach (Fact* pFact, _updates) {
pFact->setEnumInfo(_paramIO[pFact->name()]->optNames, _paramIO[pFact->name()]->optVariants);
qCDebug(CameraControlLogVerbose) << "Update enums" << pFact->name() << pFact->enumStrings();
emit pFact->enumsChanged();
foreach(QString param, _requestUpdates[pFact->name()]) {
......@@ -1082,7 +1069,7 @@ QGCCameraControl::_loadExclusions(QDomNode option)
QDomElement optionElem = option.toElement();
QDomNodeList excRoot = optionElem.elementsByTagName(kExclusions);
if(excRoot.size()) {
//-- Iterate options
//-- Iterate exclusions
QDomNode node = excRoot.item(0);
QDomElement elem = node.toElement();
QDomNodeList exclusions = elem.elementsByTagName(kExclusion);
......@@ -1096,6 +1083,28 @@ QGCCameraControl::_loadExclusions(QDomNode option)
return exclusionList;
QGCCameraControl::_loadUpdates(QDomNode option)
QStringList updateList;
QDomElement optionElem = option.toElement();
QDomNodeList updateRoot = optionElem.elementsByTagName(kUpdates);
if(updateRoot.size()) {
//-- Iterate updates
QDomNode node = updateRoot.item(0);
QDomElement elem = node.toElement();
QDomNodeList updates = elem.elementsByTagName(kUpdate);
for(int i = 0; i < updates.size(); i++) {
QString update = updates.item(i).toElement().text();
if(!update.isEmpty()) {
updateList << update;
return updateList;
QGCCameraControl::_loadRanges(QDomNode option, const QString factName, QString paramValue)
......@@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ private slots:
void _mavCommandResult (int vehicleId, int component, int command, int result, bool noReponseFromVehicle);
void _dataReady (QByteArray data);
void _paramDone ();
void _updateTimeout ();
bool _handleLocalization (QByteArray& bytes);
......@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ private:
void _handleDefinitionFile (const QString& url);
QStringList _loadExclusions (QDomNode option);
QStringList _loadUpdates (QDomNode option);
QString _getParamName (const char* param_id);
......@@ -210,15 +210,13 @@ protected:
QStringList _activeSettings;
QStringList _settings;
QTimer _captureStatusTimer;
QTimer _updateTimer;
QList<QGCCameraOptionExclusion*> _valueExclusions;
QList<QGCCameraOptionRange*> _optionRanges;
QMap<QString, QStringList> _originalOptNames;
QMap<QString, QVariantList> _originalOptValues;
QMap<QString, QGCCameraParamIO*> _paramIO;
QVector<Fact*> _updates;
int _storageInfoRetries;
int _captureInfoRetries;
//-- Parameters that require a full update
QStringList _requestUpdates;
QMap<QString, QStringList> _requestUpdates;
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ QGCCameraParamIO::QGCCameraParamIO(QGCCameraControl *control, Fact* fact, Vehicl
, _requestRetries(0)
, _done(false)
, _updateOnSet(false)
, _forceUIUpdate(false)
QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(this, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
......@@ -75,10 +76,12 @@ QGCCameraParamIO::setParamRequest()
QGCCameraParamIO::_factChanged(QVariant value)
qCDebug(CameraIOLog) << "UI Fact" << _fact->name() << "changed to" << value;
//-- TODO: Do we really want to update the UI now or only when we receive the ACK?
if(!_forceUIUpdate) {
qCDebug(CameraIOLog) << "UI Fact" << _fact->name() << "changed to" << value;
//-- TODO: Do we really want to update the UI now or only when we receive the ACK?
......@@ -216,6 +219,11 @@ QGCCameraParamIO::handleParamValue(const mavlink_param_ext_value_t& value)
_paramRequestReceived = true;
if(_forceUIUpdate) {
emit _fact->rawValueChanged(_fact->rawValue());
emit _fact->valueChanged(_fact->rawValue());
_forceUIUpdate = false;
if(!_done) {
_done = true;
......@@ -285,7 +293,9 @@ QGCCameraParamIO::paramRequest(bool reset)
if(reset) {
_requestRetries = 0;
_forceUIUpdate = true;
qCDebug(CameraIOLog) << "Request parameter:" << _fact->name();
memset(param_id, 0, sizeof(param_id));
strncpy(param_id, _fact->name().toStdString().c_str(), MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_EXT_REQUEST_READ_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN);
......@@ -54,5 +54,6 @@ private:
bool _updateOnSet;
MAV_PARAM_TYPE _mavParamType;
MAVLinkProtocol* _pMavlink;
bool _forceUIUpdate;
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