1) Clone the MAVLINK repository : `git clone git@pixhawk.ethz.ch:mavlink.git` (You need to have emailed your ssh key). **NOTE:** Make sure that the mavlink directory is in the same directory as groundcontrol. QGround control will look for mavlink library in ../mavlink
1) Clone the MAVLINK repository : `git clone git@github.com:pixhawk/mavlink.git`. **NOTE:** Make sure that the mavlink directory is in the same directory as groundcontrol. QGround control will look for mavlink library in ../mavlink
msgBox.setText("Could not connect UDP port. Is already an instance of "+qAppName()+" running?");
msgBox.setText("Could not connect UDP port. Is an instance of "+qAppName()+"already running?");
msgBox.setInformativeText("You will not be able to receive data via UDP. Please check that you're running the right executable and then re-start "+qAppName()+". Do you want to close the application?");
// Store the connection information in the protocol links map
//qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "ADDED LINK TO PROTOCOL" << link->getName() << protocol->getName() << "NEW SIZE OF LINK LIST:" << protocolLinks.size();
QStringmainHeader=QString("/** @file\n *\t@brief MAVLink comm protocol.\n *\t@see http://pixhawk.ethz.ch/software/mavlink\n *\t Generated on %1\n */\n#ifndef MAVLINK_H\n#define MAVLINK_H\n\n").arg(date);// The main header includes all messages